angst bingo awards

Oct 09, 2011 13:34

angst_bingo finally posted the awards for Round 2. Look at Dean in his RPSoA. Isn't he pretty? This is exactly what I needed right now to procrastinate some more (omgomgomg I don't even have 24 hours left to finish the term paper from hell! *shoots self*)





Looks like I'll have to figure out a new way to rotate my icons...I'm definitely keeping the Alec teen!Dean and reading!Dean ones. And one of the ones where he's all pretty and sick. And that one from The Benders LJ you will not bully me into buying an account.

Which brings me to...remember Pattycakes? That thing is spiraling out of control. Yup. I've started a 'verse. I'll post the next installment in a couple of days, promise. Any of you artsy folk out there up for making me a Pattycakes 'verse icon? I'd do it myself but...*see above comment on term paper from hell*

picspam, supernatural, pattycakes 'verse, fandom what have you done to me?, angst_bingo

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