Title: Before My Heart Starts to Burn
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2500
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Dean shows up at Stanford. To make sure his little brother is alright. Not because he has some mysterious illness or anything.
Written for the
Dean-focused h/c Tags Challenge on
hoodie_time. I was unhappy to see
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I don't know what's happening to my Sam. I've never written Stanfordera!Sam and I was expecting him to be closer to teen!Sam, but he flat our refused to be his usual bitchy, sullen self and who am I to argue with that? :P
What I love about the John/Dean dynamic is that yes, John says all those terrible, hurtful things when he obviously doesn't mean them that way and Dean who is about the worst liar in the world, takes it all at face value.
I'm very happy that you decided to finish this, because it was prime hurt!Dean, awesome!Sam fic. Kudos!
Oh, and in my own little backstory John didn't really write Dean off. He just tends to say lots of hurtful things, because hey, Dean can take it and if he's been slow and useless at hunts lately, then maybe all he needs is a little negative re-enforcement and he'll snap out of his funk. Yeah, except John is also a terrible parent and has no idea what kind of terrible thoughts his words put into Dean's head.
Ahem...yes...anyway, thanks for reading :)
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