Who: Yazoo, Aerith
When: Sometime today, while Kadaj, Zack and Rikku are with Naminé.
Where: Near the school.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: TBA?
Summary: Zack asks Yazoo to search for Aerith, as she's been MIA since her death by the Joker. Yazoo bullies talks her into telling him where she is.
// it's been awhile, since i've seen the way, the candles light your face // )
Comments 5
But one didn't have to worry about that in Purgatorium, did they? Because people died and they were back within a few hours, physically good as new. Aerith had seen people who completely wrote death off because of that, laughing at the subject more than any reckless individual she'd ever known on Gaia before.
She thought, though, that the price of a death in Purgatorium was so much more than it was on any other world. That was what bothered her here. The memories that death took, that one piece of yourself which could turn out to be so vital and she'd been so worried, always worried, not just with herself but with others, and she'd ( ... )
He did sigh in mild exasperation, folding his arms across her chest and tilting his head to give her an expression that clearly stated his annoyance at the entire situation. Really, did all the women in his life have to be so difficult?
"Is it really," he replied dully, moving closer still and then allowed his arms to drop to his sides, stood there a moment, and offered a hand out to beckon her closer. "Come. You must be tired and I wish to take you back to my place if you do not want to return to your own. You will be safe there." Oh, because Gods forbid that Yazoo leave her there and something happen to her. Not only would he be furious with her and himself, but surely Zack would have something to say about it in the form of a fist to Yazoo's ( ... )
"It happens," he found himself saying awkwardly, folding his arms stiffly across his chest and averting his gaze. Awkward and comfortable, all at once. He couldn't explain it, never would be able to. He wondered if Kadaj felt the same around her, around Namine, around... anyone. That nervous little feeling that came with things inside of him suddenly quieting down so much. The constant tug and pull of Jenova cells, of Sephiroth and -- it all went away when he was near her or the little blonde that Kadaj spend so much of his time with.
One shoulder lifted in a shrug. "At any rate, come along. Tired or not, we should go elsewhere."
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