Who: Gippal & Rikku
When: Shortly after his grand arrival
Where: clock tower, of course!
Rating: You know, I'm not sure with these two. We'll give it a PG-13.
Warnings: The Al Bhed twit twins meet up. That's warning enough.
Summary: Gippal is cold, and wants to see Rikku. Rikku promises a sweater. They meet up. Be afraid.
He knew she wouldn't be able to not meet up with him. Boyfriend or not, Rikku was one of his closest friends, and probably the person he had known the longest. Well, Brother he had known equally as long, but the guy never seemed to count for much of anything. But Gippal gave that little to no thought as he waited for Rikku directly outside the clock tower. He had shed any uneccessary clothing items upon first arriving, and was currently only wearing his pants and long sleeved top. And despite the fact that he should have been warm, he was freezing.
His body was shivering, teeth were beginning to chatter, and his hands were shoved as deep down into his pockets as they would go. Al Bhed generally didn't like the cold, Rikku aside, and he most certainly didn't thrive well in chilly enviornments. So to be in someplace that was actually cold, well... Gippal wasn't too happy.
"She'd better bring a sweater." He nearly pouted, and watched in complete horror as his breath turned into a puff of smoke out in the open air.