Christmas with the Streeter cousins, Ilion NY

Dec 26, 2009 09:22


Ben and his great-grandmother (Nonnie)

With my Aunt Deb, looking at 2nd cousin Matthew and my cousin Erin.

With Aunt Sue.
Sue's son Cody and daughter-in-law Pam were married on my due date: June 06.  They found out a day later (Dec 27th) that she's pregnant.  She's due sometime late August/September and this will make Aunt Sue a grandmother!  She and my Uncle Bob were the only ones left without grandchildren.

Hadn't learned to crawl yet

My cousin Samantha's son, Xizavier or XP

Upside-down baby!

The Streeters: Fran and Carl with their children
Tom, John, Deb, and Bob

And spouses!
Fran and Carl,
Tom, Teri (my parents), Maurene, John, Deb, Sue, and Bob

The 10 grandchildren (minus Cody)!
Back: Justin, Samantha, Matthew, Adam, Karen
Middle: me, Grandma, Grandpa, Erin
Front: Bridget

The four great-grandsons (no great-granddaughters yet, maybe Cody and Pam will have a little girl)
Matthew, Grandma (Nonnie), Connor, XP, Grandpa (Papa), Ben

Erin and Connor played 'Santa' and passed out presents

Karen helped Ben open his.

He got tired out and took a little nap on the couch.

XP crashed too.

Too much food!

When Ben woke up, he decided to do a little singing.
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