Wind Chill

Oct 04, 2009 14:43

Written By: Pure_Ecstasy6 and Bailey01
Rating: M.
Pairing: Andy/Emily.
Disclaimer: We do not own Wind Chill or The Devil Wears Prada characters. We make no money from this and intend no infringement.
Summary: We've shamelessly borrowed this idea from the Wind Chill movie. "A road many have travelled...but few escape." Andy and Emily get caught in a snow drift and crazy things begin happening to them.
Feedback: Is offcourse welcome =)
Authors Notes: We'll most likely be doing a sequel to this story. Not sure when we'll have it done though. Also, the Wind Chill picture I've put as my display pic was made by Bailey01. I also wanna say a big thanks to Bailey01 for taking the time to write this fic with me. I had much fun doing this with her and hope to be able to write with her again soon! =)

2:32 AM

Emily not being able to stay awake for long had fallen asleep as well. Suddenly she startles awake again. “What the hell was that.” Emily wondered. Emily had started dreaming about Andy, which was nice. But she seemed different.

She was standing outside and didn’t seem to feel the cold temperature outside. She looked warm, no peaceful. She said for her to follow her and so Emily did. Andy said she was almost there, she just needed to walk straight ahead and she would be there. Emily wanted to ask her what there was, but before she could ask Andy she awoke from her dream.

Clearing her head she slowly got up and righted herself again in her seat. “Nice going Charlton. I’ll keep guard. I can’t believe I fell asleep.” Emily thought, mad at herself for drifting off.

She looked around and saw the newspaper was hanging loose. Emily reached up to fasten it once again. Pressing hard with her hands to make it stick again. She was startled out of her task when the radio suddenly began playing. The dreaded music of Rockin Around The Christmas Tree is playing.

Afraid Emily stares at the radio. Not believing it’s happening again. As sudden as the music started playing, the music died down and the radio was quite again.

Shocked she stares at the radio some more before turning her attention outside. Looking for trouble. Searching for the men and more important for the evil police officer. She saw no one.

She looked out back again. She turned her head to look outside when fear gripped her when suddenly her window was smashed. Emily let out a scream. She was grasped and pulled out of the car. Emily tried in vain to get away.

Suddenly the scenery changed and the darkness and snow had changed into light and warmth of the sun. She felt herself being pulled but at the same time she saw a woman being dragged by a man away from her car.

She kicked and screamed. She was kicking so hard she even lost her right shoe. She did everything in her power to get away from the man, but he was too strong.

The man, who turned out to be the evil police officer turned the woman around and stared at her while she pleaded with him to let her go. He instead pushed her down on his car and held her down. He pushed with his knee between her legs and leaned into her, while he traced her lips with his thumb.

She looked at him, begging him to let go. Suddenly she saw movement behind him and stared. The man saw the woman was looking at something behind him and he turned his head without letting her go and saw four men dressed in black robes.

Knowing he had an audience he stood back from the woman and dragged her around the car. He opened the door of the backseat and pushed the blonde woman inside.

Andy woke up. She was disoriented for a second, but reality downed on her again.  They were stranded and hope was getting lost of being found. She heard gasping sounds and looked to her right at Emily.

Emily seemed to be in some sort of bad dream. She was gasping and shaking. “Wake up.” Andy softly said and gently tried to shake her awake. When that didn’t work, Andy started to shake her harder. Emily was scaring her. “Come on, wake up.” Andy said more firmly.

With a gasp Emily’s eyes snapped open, bolting upright. “Thank god. Are you alr…” Andy was about to say when she sees Emily’s eyes roll back and she collapses again.

She was startled when the radio began to play suddenly. The song of Rockin Around The Christmas Tree filled the car.

She was almost blinded when a bright light was approaching the car. The blue and red-light indicated it was a patrol car and Andy had a sickening feeling their police officer was back. Andy cleaned the foggy window to get a better look.

Suddenly the air vents on the dashboard open and ice cold air comes streaming in. The cold slices like hundreds of needles into Andy’s skin and she tries to get away from it. Andy desperately tries to close them, but fails. The pain of the ice cold wind goes to Andy’s body and she hugs herself, trying to protect her body from the cold.

The car is filled with the ice cold wind and Andy almost passes out from the pain. Emily is lying on the backseat and begins to shake more violently.

She sees the police officer dragging the woman’s lifeless body into the woods. Her dress is torn and her body is covered in bleeding cuts. He drops her body on a fallen tree and tiresome climbs over it to pick up the body again to drag it further into the woods. Finally thinking it’s far enough he drops her body to leave her there.

Emily awakes from her trance gasping for air, her eyes are wild with fear. Andy turns around and holds Emily at arm length, rubbing them. “Thank god.” Andy says, seeing Emily is back with her.

The crunching of foot steps in the snow approaches, but Andy is busy helping Emily get back into the front seat. Neither of them hear or see that a hand is cleaning one of the back seat windows from the snow to get a better look inside.

They hear a weird sound as if someone is standing on the roof. The interior lights starts flickering. Both Andy and Emily look up. They feel the car being shaken and a voice is calling to them. The windscreen wipers start wiping without having them turned on.

Scared Emily launches herself into Andy’s arms. Andy holds her tightly against her while their car is being rocked back and forth. “Oh god.” They both shout. The car continues to rock and Emily starts sobbing. Andy tries to comfort her as much as she can. Emily is screaming into Andy’s chest. Andy closes her eyes, afraid.

Suddenly the car stops rocking. All is silent again. The lights of the patrol car are gone. Andy releases her hold on Emily a bit and looks around. “I.. I think he’s gone.” Andy says to Emily.

“What if he comes back?” Emily asks Andy. Andy looks around and all is clear. It seems they survived another attack. “We just… have to stay here until the morning okay.” Andy tells her. “We’ll be safe in here until then.” Andy says trying to comfort her. Emily nods and wipes her tears away with her glove covered hands.


4:58 AM

“You know what I was thinking. Miranda is so going to be pissed at us.” Andy says to Emily trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Emily glares at her. Seeing the faint smile in Andy’s eyes she smirks. “Yeah.” Emily says softly.

“And when we tell her we did everything we could do to get us out of here, she’ll ask if we smashed our heads so hard on the dashboard because obviously we didn’t think of everything or we could’ve gotten out earlier. “ Andy continues.

“Hmm.” Is all Emily says. Even though she agrees that their boss can be downright mean she hates talking badly about their boss, her idol.

“ You know she appreciates what you do for her Em. She will never admit it but she needs you.” Andy says to Emily.

Emily looks at her, not believing her. “No, she can get hundred of other girls like me.” Emily disagreed.

“True, maybe. But you’re the only one that has stayed with her for so long. She likes you.” Andy continues.

Emily smirked a little. “You think so?” She asked Andy. Andy smiled. “I know so.”

“You’re not too horrible yourself.” Emily says, smirking some more.

“Gee thanks. I thought you were my friend.” Andy says, faking that she was hurt. “I wish you were more.’  is what she thinks.

Turning to look at Emily she pouts and pretends to sniffle her tears. “God, you really are a child aren’t you?” Emily plays along. ‘God she’s cute when she does that.” Emily thinks when she looks at Andy’s fake pouty face.

Andy sticks out her tongue at Emily and smiles. She turns away from her again and faces forward. She suddenly has to cough again. She has to cough hard, feeling pain in her throat and stomach.

“That’s not gonna work for me.” Emily says still playing along. When Andy doesn’t stop coughing she looks at Andy and gets worried when she sees pain written on her face.

Each cough gets more violent and Emily realise she’s not playing anymore. Fear grips her as she hastily puts a hand on Andy’s arm and softly rubs it, trying to comfort her love a bit.

She turns in her seat so she can reach Andy better and she starts rubbing her back, telling her it’s going to be ok. “What do I do? Uh.. water! She needs water.” Emily thought before voicing her thought’s to Andy. “I’ll grab some water, hang on.”

Emily is about to turn completely so she can search for a bottle of water when something grabs her attention. She sees something on the corner of Andy’s mouth. “Oh my god. Is that blood?”

She quickly turns around and grabs the nearest bottle. Trying to stay calm she waits until Andy has slowed down a bit with coughing and hands her the bottle.
Andy smiles faintly at her and takes the bottle from her. Taking the cap off she drinks a bit of water.

“Ah that’s better.” Andy says. She has finally stopped coughing completely.

“What’s that?” Emily asks her.

Andy looks at her confused and looks around. “What’s what?” she asks her. Emily looks at her sternly. “That at the corner of your mouth.” Emily explains.

Andy reaches up with her hand and touches the place Emily mentioned. She wipes at her mouth and looks at her glove covered hand and sees a dark spot. “Well?” Emily asks her, clearly impatient.

“It’s nothing.” Andy says. Emily gives her look that would’ve made Miranda proud.

“Don’t give me that bullshit Andy. It’s blood isn’t it.” Emily says.

Andy bows her head forward, feeling ashamed. She hates lying to Emily. She never has and never will. She decides to come clean. “Yes.” she softly says.

Emily softens her tone. ”How long has this been going on Andy?” she asks the brunette.

Andy closes her eyes. “I coughed up blood earlier at the ruins of that old house. ”Andy admits. “I uh…”

“You what Andy?” Emily asks her. Andy took a deep breath. “I uh.. also needed to pee around that same time, just before I heard you scr.. before I heard you and I noticed I also peed blood.” Andy says.

“Jesus Andy. “ Emily says worried. “Oh god. This is bad, this is really bad.”  Emily thought. “How bad were you hurt during the crash?”

“It’s no big deal Em. What doesn’t kill, makes you stronger huh.” Andy tries to joke again. She knows she’s badly injured, but she doesn’t want to worry Emily any more.

Emily glares at Andy. She doesn’t think it’s funny at all. “This is not something to joke about Andy.” Emily says. She feel likes crying.

“Sorry Em.” Andy says and lays a hand on Emily’s shoulder. “I uh didn’t get to the gas station. I didn’t feel good and turned back.” Andy says.

“Oh Andy. Why didn’t you tell me?” Emily asks.

“I didn’t want to scare you okay.” Andy says. Suddenly she feels a burning in her stomach and hisses. Emily knows it’s getting worse with Andy and needs to get help now. She can’t wait until dawn.

“I’m gonna get help okay. I’m gonna hike back to the gas station.” Emily says bravely.

“And how far do you think you’ll get before you run into him?” Andy asks her. The police officer was still out there and Andy didn’t like the idea of Emily going out there all alone and defenceless.

Emily closes her eyes in defeat. She forgot about him. She knew she didn’t stand a chance. She needed to do something, but what? 'Off course!' Emily thought.

“A landline. I need a landline.” Emily says to herself. “I need a landline. I got an idea.” Emily said to Andy this time and leans forward and turns on the windscreen wipers to clear the fog off the front window.

"What are you looking at?" Andy asks.

"Telephone poles. There's a junction box at the top of each one. I've seen them. You can test the lines." Emily replies and when the windows are cleared from the fog she squints her eyes and looks out into the night and sees in the distance a telephone box. "Like that one. You see that one?" Emily says and turns off the wind screen wipers before turning around and getting over into the back seat. "There's a phone in here somewhere. I saw it before." Emily says and begins rummaging around.

She opens up a box and sees the white phone. "Found it." She says and grabs the phone out from the box and then gets back into the front of the car.

When she gets back into the front of the car she sits and faces Andy as she wraps the cords around the phone. "I can jack into it okay and I can try and call for help." Emily says and finally looks at Andy.

Andy is staring at her. "Wow, she is so amazing." Andy thinks to herself.

Emily sees the worry in Andy's eyes. "I can do this!" Emily says.

"You're forgetting about one thing." Andy says and sits up slowly.

"What?" Emily asks.

Andy breaths in and out deeply and looks out the back window hoping Emily realises what she's thinking.

Emily does. The Police officer. She looks down at the phone and put it down next to her on the seat and faces Andy again. "It's that song. You turn the radio on and you listen out for that one song. It comes on just before he shows up. You've just got to listen and when you.. when you hear it you just yell! And you honk the horn and I can hear you and I can make it back." Emily says and looks down at her fidgeting hands. "I can make it back." She says softly looking back at Andy.

Andy nods her head, knowing that Emily will do everything she can to help them. "Yeah. Okay." Andy replies.

Emily grabs the phone and wraps the cords around the phone that had fallen off again and puts it inside the pocket of Andrea's hoodie.

"I've been thinking." Andy says.

"What about?" Emily asks.

"Eternal occurrence." Andy replies.

Emily laughs softly. "Oh yeah?" She asks.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.." Andy mutters.

"What.. what wouldn't?" Emily asks confused.

"Repeating this life. Over and over." Andy says.

Emily turns her eyes and looks at Andy who's eyes are closed.

Andy laughs softly. "Exactly the same each time."

A small smile appears on Emily's face as she looks lovingly at Andy and she leans forward to her love and reaches out a hand and places it on Andy's arm. 'I wonder if she means the last 24 hours?" Emily thinks to herself.

"I'd do it different." Emily says softly and Andy opens her eyes and looks into Emily's eyes who had been watching her the whole time. 'I need to be honest with her. I may never have this chance again." Andy thinks to herself and sits up and moves closer to Emily.

Without saying anything to each other they stare in each other's eyes for a few silent moments.

Andy look's down at Emily's lips before gazing into Emily's eyes again. "You know what I would do differently?" Andy softly asks.

'Oh I can't take this much longer. I'm going insane without being able to kiss her and touch her.' Emily thinks to herself.

Emily shakes her head as she doesn't know what Andy would do differently and eagerly wants to know.

"Next time I'd just walk up to you after work and ask you out to dinner." Andy says softly as she searches Emily's eyes and sees nothing but love in those gorgeous eyes.

Emily smiles at Andy. "You should.. you should definitely do that." She whispers and closes the distance between them and places her hands gently on each side of Andrea's head and pulls her forward and softly places a kiss on Andy's forehead and then rests her own forehead on Andy's and gazes into her eyes. 'It's now or never.' She thinks to herself before leaning down and capturing Andy's mouth with her own.

Andy moans into the kiss. 'I can't believe this is actually happening. Her lips are so soft and beautiful' Is all that runs through Andy's mind.

The kiss is passionate but short and Emily pulls back but wishes that she didn't have to but she knows she needs to get help for Andy. She doesn't want to think what would happen if she didn't.

She makes sure the phone is secure in her pocket and Andy grabs hold of her hand. "Wait." Andy whispers.

Emily look's down at there entwined hands before she looks into Andy's eyes who's staring back at her. "I really don't want you going out there." Andy says to Emily.

Emily feels like she's going to start crying when she sees the worry and fear in Andy's eyes and she lets out a shaky breath. "I know but I'll be right back." Emily says firmly.

Andy nods her head but doesn't release her grip from Emily's hand. She leans forward and places a kiss on the red-heads forehead and begins placing kisses down her cheek. Emily sigh's and leans into Andy's touch. "I love you." Andy whispers in to Emily's ear and moves away and looks into Emily's eyes.

Emily is staring at her. 'Did she really just say those words to me?' Emily thinks to herself.

Andy begins to freak. 'Oh my god, did I say that to soon?' She asks herself but all her fear disappears when she sees Emily smiling at her.

"I love you too." Emily whispers and gently squeezes Andy's hand that was still holding her own before Andy slowly let go. "I'll be right back." Emily says again before looking one last time in Andy's eyes before turning around and opening up the door. "Please be careful." Andy says to Emily before the door closes. "Please be safe." Andy says to the now empty and cold car as she watches her love run in the snow.


wind chill and the devil wears prada. an

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