Wind Chill

Oct 04, 2009 14:30

Written By: Pure_Ecstasy6 and Bailey01
Rating: M.
Pairing: Andy/Emily.
Disclaimer: We do not own Wind Chill or The Devil Wears Prada characters. We make no money from this and intend no infringement.
Summary: We've shamelessly borrowed this idea from the Wind Chill movie. "A road many have travelled...but few escape." Andy and Emily get caught in a snow drift and crazy things begin happening to them.
Feedback: Is offcourse welcome =)
Authors Notes By Pure Ecstasy6: We'll most likely be doing a sequel to this story. Not sure when we'll have it done though. Also, the Wind Chill picture I've put as my display pic was made by Bailey01. I also wanna say a big thanks to Bailey01 for taking the time to write this fic with me. I had much fun doing this with her and hope to be able to write with her again soon! =)

Andy had got Emily to help her get the Brit's suit case into the back seat of the car.

"Layers, it's the only way that we're going to make it until the sun comes up. So, start putting on everything you can, okay?"  Andy said as she began unzipping the case.

"Well, I didn't bring anything." Emily replied just as Andy began fishing through Emily's suit case to see all of her designer clothes, skirts, dresses, bikini's, etc.

"Jesus." Andy said.

"Oh yeah, yeah, your right. I'm just so ill prepared for us crashing into a snow drift." Emily replied and turned to look outside the window.

"How could you not bring anything?" Andy asked and sighed.

"Because I have everything I need for Delaware!" Emily replied.

Andy shook her head. "Alright." she leaned forward over to her suit case and grabbed out her North Western hoodie and a pair of gloves and a scarf. "Here." Andy said as she handed Emily her clothes. "Put these on." Andy said before turning back to her suit case to get clothes out for herself.

Emily bought the hoodie up to her nose and smiled when she could smell Andrea's perfume and something which was uniquely Andrea on the jumper.

Emily got over into the back seat of the car and put the offered hoodie on and then put the gloves on.

She then grabbed the red scarf and wrapped it around her neck and looked at Andy who groaned and sat back against the window.

"Oh god." Emily whispered.

"What's the matter?" Andy asked, looking over towards Emily who was also huddled up against the window.

"It's freezing. I can't feel my toes." Emily replied.

Andy laughed. "Yeah, me either." Andy replied. "There is another way for two people to combine body heat." Andy thought to herself and thought why not ask Emily.

"You know, there is another better way for two people to both conserve body heat." Andy said.

Emily sighed. "I wish." Emily thought to herself even though she wanted nothing more then to cuddle up next to Andy.

"Really? Dream on, Sachs!" Andy said, scolding herself.

Andy began moving around a lot trying to get into a comfortable warm position and Emily groaned. "Oh god.. I.." Emily said as she sat up straight and grabbed onto the seats in front of her.

Alerted Andy sat up straight. "What?" She asked worried.

Emily looked at her and saw the worry in Andy's eyes. "I have to pee." Emily replied as she climbed over into the front and collided with Andy's body. "Sorry." Emily muttered and whimpered when her body moved away from the other woman.

"Why didn't you go when we were outside before?" Andy asked and sighed when Emily's body moved away from her.

"Because it's freezing out! It's like bloody Antarctica out there." Emily replied.

"Yeah." Andy replied.

"Just promise not to look?" Emily said and she opened the car door and got out.

Andy rolled her eyes and turned her head when she saw Emily glaring at her.


Emily searched for a place where she could do her business so she wasn’t in sight of the car. If Andy were to see her pee, she’d die of embarrassment instead of the cold.

Finding a good spot she squat down and pulled down her jeans. “Come on." Emily thought. Even though she pretty badly needed to go the cold didn’t make it easy.

Finally finished she quickly stood up and along the way pulling up her jeans. Fastening her button she suddenly saw a man walking by. He just walked past her as if he didn’t see her standing there.

Scared she fell against a tree trunk as a second man went by. Finding it difficult to breath all she could do was sit there against the trunk and watch the men.

As she was watching suddenly one of the men turned around. Staring directly at her. Emily let out a gasp and stared at the man. His face was greyish and he had an odd look about him.

As sudden as he had turned around and looked at her, he turned around again and walked further away. The spell broken, Emily found her voice again. “Oh..Oh.. Oh my god!” Emily shouted.

Andy heard it and quickly got out of the car to see what was wrong.

“Did you see? Did you see they were right here.” Emily said to Andy as she came to stand by her.

“Who?” Andy asked Emily, not seeing anyone. Emily looked at Andy not believing she didn’t see it herself. “The people just walking straight past us.” Emily explained.

“Why didn’t you stop them?” Andy asked her. They maybe could’ve helped them. “Where did they go?” Andy asked.
 Maybe they were still there and she could ask them for help.

“That way.” Emily pointed.

“Come on.” Andy said, grabbing the flashlight out of her pocket. Andy turned on the flashlight and walked in the direction Emily had pointed. Even though she still was feeling shaky Emily followed Andy.

The pair went into the woods, where the guys were last seen. Andy was shining but all they saw were trees. No one was seen. Emily didn’t understand.

“Where did they go?” Emily more asked herself. She was sure she saw them walking in this direction. Emily was searching in the darkness for her when Andy suddenly pulled her with her.

“They’re there.” Andy said to Emily, grabbing her to follow her. “Wait!” Andy shouted at the men.

Andy started running after the men, followed by Emily. “Hello?!” Andy shouted again to the men in hope for a response. She continued running after them, calling them to wait.

They were going up a hill, making it harder for them to run. Emily was feeling out of breath but was determined to follow Andy.

She almost ran into her when Andy suddenly stopped. She was exhausted. The sudden adrenalin was gone from her body, leaving her feeling tired. “Let’s stop for a second.” Andy said, trying to catch her breath.

“Let’s go back to the car.” Emily disagreed. She saw this was taking a toll on Andy. She was scared for the brunette’s health.

“No, no. ” Andy answered her.

“No, we should go back to the car.” Emily said back, standing her ground.

“No let’s just keep going.” Andy argued with her when Emily kept on insisting that they head back.

“Listen to me! Listen he looked right at me. Why, why wouldn’t he stop? Something’s not right.” Emily said.

“Maybe these guys can help us, okay.” Andy tried. If they could be their way out, she wasn’t going to let them get away.

Emily shook her head. She couldn’t believe Andy’s stubbornness. Sure she could be stubborn as well, but this was downright maddening. Andy was bending down, doing her best to catch her breath again after the run.

Andy saw the look Emily was giving her and gave in. “Okay. Let’s go back to the car.” Andy agreed. Emily nodded.

Emily looked worried when she heard Andy starting to cough. Andy saw Emily’s worry in her eyes and smiled, letting her know it was alright. Emily, with a last look at Andy started walking back to the car.

Andy turned around, away from Emily and continued coughing. Each time getting harsher. When it slowed down she continued to walk forward, instead of after Emily. She was curious if she could find the men again they maybe could help them.

Along the way she continued the cough and she realised she was coughing up blood, but that didn’t stop her. She walked further into the woods, shining with her flashlight that may give away where the men had gone.

Suddenly Andy sees something. She takes a step forward after some hesitating. Afraid yet curious what she might find she goes forward. She finds herself in what appears to be some ruins of a house.

Getting a closer look if she might find something useful. There’s not much but old stuff. She sees what looks to be a newspaper. Grabbing it she stuffs it into her pocket. Out of nowhere a man appears on her right side, walking by. Andy looks at the man to see where he’s going.

Slowly walking after the man, her light catches something. Shining her flashlight on it she gets a better look and she sees a tiny cross. It appears to be a necklace. Shining her light up to see where it comes from she almost drops the flashlight.

To her horror she sees parts of a body. Shocked she takes a few steps backwards. She however continues to shine to see if she sees something else. Walking slowly away from the body or bodies, she can’t really tell. It appeared that some accident has happened, since she sees some objects lying around, but she can’t really tell what exactly it is.

She walks further and gets even more shocked and fear grips her when she sees a face. A face misshaped because of the extreme coldness. She staggers back when she sees the man that is frozen to death.

Scared to shine her light again to see where she came from to head back, she slowly shines, afraid of what more she would find. She needs to get out of there and soon.


Emily was sitting in the car waiting for Andy. ‘Where the hell is she? That bloody woman. She tricked me. I bet she went after those men anyway. She’s as stubborn as a god damn mule.’ Emily thought. “Oh come on, Andy. Where are you?” Emily said to herself. She was getting really worried now. ‘I guess I have to go after her again. She’s bloody lucky that I love her or I might even consider leaving her there.’  Emily thought.

Just before she was about to open the door and go after Andy to give her a piece of her mind she saw it again. Once again a man was walking by.

‘What the bloody hell is this?’  Emily wondered.

It was the same as the first time. A man walking by, without looking up. Was it the same man? Emily opened the door and yelled at him to wait. But the man kept on walking.

“Wait. Just please wait.” Emily called after the man. She started walking after him. Quickening her step she continued to yell at him to wait, but once again he wouldn’t listen and kept on going.

As Emily came closer she heard the guy mumbling. She couldn’t make out his words. She looked at him and glanced down, at his feet. He seemed to be dragging his feet and his jeans were covered in dirt and twigs. But the odd thing was that his clothes were ripped and it had holes in them as if burned.

He must be in awful pain. “Who did this to you?” Emily asked the guy. The man didn’t answer her but continued to limp further away.

He kept on mumbling. Emily wanted to help him, but she didn’t have an idea how. “What are you saying?” she asked him. She couldn’t understand him, but she did understand he was in a great deal of pain.

Trying to sooth him, she slowly walked after him. “It’s okay. It’s okay..” Emily repeated. She slowly reached out her arm. “Stop.” she told him almost desperately.

“Please stop. It’s okay.” Emily told him before she reached out her hand some more and tried to touch him. The sudden sting of burning filled her body. She quickly withdrew her hand.

“Ahh.” was all Emily could bring out. Her hand stung as if it was burned. She grabbed the hand with her other hand. Trying to make the pain go away.

The man turned around and terror replaced the pain in her body as she saw that his whole face had been burned. He came towards her, reaching his hands out to her. Emily was at a loss for words and only could choke air. She was paralyzed.

The man staggered to his knees and he opened his mouth, out came some kind of snake, that dropped to the ground.

Emily tried with all her might to get away. She wanted to scream but nothing came out. Finally she felt her legs moving and she slowly turned around. She wanted to run, but couldn’t. She fell to the ground. She turned on her back to see the man was still standing there.

She crawled a bit backwards until she saw a shadow over her. Behind her were standing two guys. They were bleeding and were looking at her. Finally she found her voice again and screamed with all her might. She had never felt so scared.

Andy who had finally found the way back, heard Emily’s scream. She broke out into a run towards the scream.

She ran past the car and saw Emily sitting on the snow covered bridge. ‘What happened?” she asked her when she had almost reached her.

Seeing Emily was spooked about something she asked if she was alright. “Are you alright?”

All Emily could do was choke out words and gasp for air.

“What happened?” Andy asked again, squatting down and rubbing her arms, trying to sooth the shocked woman as much as she could.

“The other guy. I saw.. the other guy.” Emily managed to say. “He… His face. It all was… I can’t talk. I can’t talk.” Emily repeated and started to cry. Andy grabbed the woman in a hug.

She looked Emily over to see if she was alright. Getting even more worried when she saw Emily’s glove covered hand. It had a hole in it as if burned. She looked confused at Emily, while rubbing her arm up and down her back.

“I just touched him.” Emily explained.

Andy slowly lifted Emily up by her arms and together they walked back to the car. Emily being supported by Andy.

They walk slowly to the car, both glancing over their shoulders to see if the guy isn’t following them. Seeing nothing they watched forward again. They are safe for now.


Finally back in the slightly warmer car Andy reaches in her pocket and grabs out the newspaper and puts it on the dashboard.

“ Where did you get that?” Emily asks her. She’s still feeling shaken, but she has calmed down a little.

“ There’s a.. there's the ruins of a sort of old house upon the hill.” Andy answers her.

Emily frowns. Maybe that guy had something to do with those ruins. Maybe he used to live there? ‘No that’s ridiculous. That would mean he’s a what? A ghost. Yeah right Emily. Now you’ve really lost it. But then how to explain how that guy was suddenly here and disappeared again as if out of nowhere?’  Emily thought. Not trying to think about it anymore seeing as it was giving her the creeps.

“”Maybe we could use it to patch up the window.” Emily said to Andy as she leaned forward and grabbed the newspaper.

“Huh?” Andy manages as she looks at Emily. “To keep the air out.” Emily explains. “Do you have the duct tape?” Emily asks Andy.

Andy grabs the duct tape that is close by and takes off a piece with the scissors that was also lying close by. “Here.” Andy said handing the piece to Emily.

Emily gets the piece from Andy and sticks one side to the newspaper and one side open to stick against the window frame. Sticking it against it she slides her hand over it for it to get a better grip.

“That should stick.” Andy says from behind her. She leans a bit into Emily to look over her shoulder at her handiwork. She’s so close to Emily she can smell her scent. She softly inhales the sweet scent of her co-worker. Closing her eyes she stays that way for a few seconds.

Knowing what she is doing and knowing what it could mean if she were to be caught by Emily she starts to lean back. She doesn’t want to risk her friendship with the red-head.

“Wait.” Emily says, making Andy stop. She’s about to ask her what’s wrong when Emily suddenly starts leaning into her. Knowing what Emily means, Andy leans back so she’s more comfortable she opens her arms for Emily to lean with her back against her.

‘It’s nothing Andy. It’s just for body heat. She doesn’t mean anything by it.’ Andy tells herself. Andy reaches out with her arms so she’s holding Emily to her.

She lets out a deep breath. Even though they are in a nightmare, both Andy and Emily are in heaven for now. Each thinking that if they were to die this way, at least they were in the arms of each other, there loves.


wind chill and the devil wears prada. an

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