All I want is you 14 part 2/4

Aug 23, 2017 02:01


A Week Later.

Miranda awoke with one thought on her mind. Tomorrow is Dylan's funeral.

Standing up she still couldn't believe it. "Such a bright, lively, happy young man. "Why did you do it?” She asked, looking at the picture of Dylan and Andrea on her lover's bedside table when they had dressed up in the bunker. “Why?” She was absolutely baffled and hated knowing she'll never have the answer.

Wiping her watery eyes, she entered the bathroom which she found to be empty, her lover obviously downstairs already, which she used quickly and then found her family downstairs. “Do you think I should pack up some of the bread to take?”

“No.” Andrea replied, continuing quickly before she could speak. “I'm backed up!”


“Constipated!” Andrea said, looking briefly at her. “Your bread making skills are phenomenal but because I’ve been eating so much whole meal for months before you decided to make bread and muffins the white bread is confusing my body.”

“Oh.” Miranda said, frowning. “I could make a few loaves of whole meal before we leave.”

Andrea laughed. “We're leaving this afternoon at 1 for the airport. You don't have enough time not to mention you're supposed to be seeing Eric.”

“Ugh. Don't remind me.” Miranda huffed. “Can't I just not go?”

“I think you should hear what he has to say.”

Miranda raised an eyebrow. “You've changed your tune.”

Her lover shrugged. “Just hear him out. I'll come with you.”

“You don't-“

“I want to.” Andrea cut her off, handing her a coffee.

Miranda grumbled.

"Come on, we might as well get it over with now." Andrea replied, it was after all past 9:35 and it would take them a while to get there and back.

"Bossy boots or what?" Miranda responded, following after Andrea, making her way back upstairs again to get ready for the day.


Rikers Island, Correctional Center.

Eric stood from the table in the private room, but his face faltered upon seeing Miranda wasn't alone. "I wanted it to be just the two of us." he voiced, watching Andrea closely.

The RUNWAY editor shook her head. "You were dreaming if you thought I would want to be alone in the same room with you."

"I can't say what needs to be said in front of an assistant!"

"She's not my assistant." Miranda corrected.

"Then who is she and what the hell is she doing here?"

"Andrea is my girlfriend, my lover, the woman I share my bed with every single night. More of a bed partner you ever were."

Eric's face was one of shock and humiliation.

Miranda chuckled softly whilst her ex-husband gripped the edge of the table. "And now look what you've done... another reason to prove to me how much of a real man you aren't."

"Let me explain, ple-"

"Stealing from your daughters, your own blood!" Miranda was enraged. "Stealing from me, I get, but to do that to Cassidy and Caroline... despicable. You're a disgusting man, the fact I ever thought there was good in you... I always knew you were scum like the men you hung out with." she didn't mean the words she spoke, she knew back then Eric had been a decent man, but things have happened along the way since their divorce and he was no better than those ex-crims. "Now look at you... you're a criminal just like them and there's no way you can fix it."

Eric opened his mouth to speak, but Miranda cut him off, she wasn't finished with her tirade.

"There aren’t enough words in the dictionary, not enough apologies to make any of this go away... you've done your dash, and now you have to live with your mistakes."

"I don't care to hear what you have to say. I know you're disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in myself. I always will be."

"No." Miranda shook her head. "No, you're not. You wanted this life of crime, you love the rush you get from gambling, you've been doing it for years now. You knew what you were doing when you stole from your clients, your colleagues, your daughters, and your ex-wife... hard. earned. money!" she snapped, slamming a hand down onto the table, physically making Eric jump, her tone was laced with so much anger and her eyes were a pool of fiery rage as she stared him dead in the eyes. "You cannot be disappointed in yourself when you could have stopped yourself long ago."

It took a little while for Eric to form a response, he opened his mouth and spluttered a few words. "I want to see the girls."

Miranda scoffed, unable to believe her ears.

"I have a right to see them, a legal right!"

"You've got to be kidding me..." Miranda trailed off, laughing now. "You lost all rights to those girls when you turned your back on them and stole from them!"

"You're acting as if they earned the money!" Eric angrily replied. "You earnt it, and gave it to them!"

"Because they're my daughters, that's what parents do!" Miranda snapped. "Parents don't steal from their children! They provide for them! Provide. What have you done over the years that has provided them?"

Eric opened and closed his mouth.

"Oh, come on, Eric... see what I mean! You've done nothing for them! You're pathetic, you barely see them and when you do you make jack-all effort with them! Yes, that's right, I hear all the tales from them when they come home. All the annoying things Candice says and the things she makes them do for her, how you can never take your hands off her for five minutes, how you make out in front of them." she shook her head, she was wanting to rip his head off and feed it to the rats living out in the small alleyway behind the townhouse. "So, no Eric, you don't get to see Cassidy and Caroline. Had you wanted a future with them you would have thought twice from stealing from them, from their future!" this invigorated her the most, how he could do that to them. "You can try and fight me legally on this, but we both know a public defender won't have any luck with my lawyers."

"I'd make sure my Dad, fifth best lawyer in Cincinnati mind you, get in touch with his NYC contacts and send you the shittiest Manhattan lawyer there is." Andrea softly chimed in.

At her lover's words, a smile widened her face and Miranda began laughing. "Oh darling, so devious, I love it!" she said, looking side-ways at Andrea before turning back to Eric, continuing to smirk. "But of course, do try with a public defender and they can do their best, but at the end of the day they'll end up trembling in their seat."

"You won't get away with this." Eric firmly said, and this only made Miranda laugh further.

"I will because of you, you made sure of that when you gambled all my money away." Miranda replied, picking up her bag. "I think it's time we leave." she said, turning to look at Andrea. "We have more pressing issues to attend."

Her brunette beauty nodded, picking up her own bag, not even glancing at Eric.


The RUNWAY editor ignored Eric's voice.

"Miranda!" He said more firmly this time as they began walking the few steps to the door. "You won't get away with this! You will regret keeping them from me! They will end up resenting you all because of your own anger you have towards me! You'll eventually see how unfair it has been on them to keep them from me, their Father!"

Miranda had to control the urge to turn around and launch at the pathetic man she once called her husband. "You lost every right to being their Father long ago. Now you're nothing... just a man they used to know."

"You don't know what they want!"

"I know they don't want to see you. If anything, they're even more angry than I am with you." Miranda replied, eyes connecting with Eric's once more. "And you have to live knowing this for the rest of your days..." she looked around the concrete, cold room they were in. "Have a nice life living in this new home of yours that you brought on yourself." and with that Miranda disappeared, shoulders straight and head held high with the love of her life right beside her, as they collected their personal items then exited the building she never wanted to step foot in ever again. He can rot in hell!



“I'm going to have to pop a couple laxatives soon I think.” Andrea growled as she tentatively sat back into her seat on the private plane which was flying them straight to Andrea's small home town instead of the actual city of Cincinnati two hours from where her lover’s family home is. Thank god for the town having an airport. She had thought. She bit her lip at Andrea’s words. “Sorry. I know I went a bit overboard with the baking.”

“No, don't apologies.” Andrea cupped her cheek. “Never apologies for doing something so sweet for me.”

Miranda leaned into her lover's hand.

“I love your homemade bread, it's the best I've ever had, it's just my silly body not being able to handle too much white bread anymore!” Andrea frowned.

“I'll make whole meal when we get back.”

“You don't have to.”

“I want to.” Miranda replied, leaning in to peck her lover on the mouth. “So, this town of yours... are there sufficient amount of places to shop for supplies?”

“We have a corner grocery store.” Andrea replied. “And when that's not open there's the 24/7 gas station, but the groceries in there are more expensive.”

“Which I don't mind.”

“I know.” Andrea smirked. “Weirdo.”

“Your loveable weirdo.”

“Mmm, yes.” Andrea replied, resting her head on her shoulder. “There are plenty of other places too, small cafes, a library... I'll show you.”

Miranda hummed, remaining quiet, running her fingers through Andrea’s hair wishing that she was seeing her lover's home town for a completely different reason. “How many people live there again?”

“Two hundred and fifteen, that's not including the Sachs clan.”

“And all you Sachs live there?”

“Yep, that we know of.”

Miranda smiled. “That must be nice.”

“It's great being close to those you love. I hate that you haven't been able to experience such a close-knit family relationship.”

Miranda shrugged. “Oh, darling, I got over that longer ago.”

“I know, but still…” her lover trailed off, squeezing her hand.


A Few Hours Later.

"This is a mechanics." Miranda said, staring at the building in front of them which, might she add, was completely run down. The building looks like it hasn't been maintained in years!

"And a car rental service." Andrea pointed to the sign. "They got a Mercedes in just for us!"

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "Well, I guess that's fantastic then. I hope they know to have gotten a modern Mercedes."

Andrea snorted. "I told them the exact model you like."

Smiling Miranda looked to her lover fondly. "Thank you, darling." She said as they began walking into the auto shop. "How far away is your family home from here?"

"Give or take 20 minutes." Andrea replied.

Nodding she pulled out her bottle of PELLEGRINO frowning to see it was nearly empty.

"We have a carbonated water machine at home." Andrea commented. "It's by no means as good as PELLEGRINO but it's endless."

"That's fine." Miranda replied. It didn't matter as long as she had her bubbly water.

"I'm pretty sure none of the stores here sell PELLEGRINO. Possibly PERRIER, but I can't remember."

"It's okay, darling." Miranda replied, briefly taking her lover's hand and squeezing. "I can put up without PELLEGRINO these next few days." Hell, there were more serious things going on than for her to get petty and complain about not having her fancy mineral water.

Looking down at her watch a few minutes later she shook her head. "This is a very impolite work place. No one has come to greet us!" She looked around. "Because there's no one here!" she huffed. She's never seen a place like it. It wasn't making a very good impression on the town so far.

Andrea bit her lip. "Ryan is no doubt bringing the car to us as we speak."

However, another ten minutes later and Miranda was fed up, her impatience getting the better of her, and she began to pace.

"Maybe I should show you the town."

"Hmm." Miranda hummed, nodding her head as she walked back over to the seat area, picked up her bag and followed her brunette beauty who showed her a few places before they stopped at a corner grocery store next to a little Deli of local produced meats which was currently closed but her stomach still rumbled.

However, there was nowhere suitable to eat plus she knew dinner was being prepared at the Sachs Homestead so she didn't want to ruin her appetite. "Now... Where can I buy champagne around here? I have a feeling we're going to need lots of alcohol to get through these next couple of days."

"Mmm, you read my mind." Andrea replied, pointing across the road a few stores down. "SPIRIT HEAVEN."

Miranda began laughing at name. "Really?"

"Yes, really, don't dis it!" Andrea responded. "It's been a very successful establishment since the 18 hundreds. The same family has been running it, passed on through each generation."

"Hmmm, okay." Miranda said as they entered the shop a few moments later. It was impressive knowing it was a store passed on through the centuries.

"Oi, old fella! Stop slacking on the job!" Her lover loudly spoke to the man at the back of the little liquor shop.

"Andrea!" Miranda firmly, but softly said, taken aback.

"He knows I'm stirring." Andrea replied as the old man turned around.

"Andy!" The man said, looking up from his clipboard. "Oh, I am so happy to see you! I just wish it was under different circumstances. You have my condolences dear!"

"Thanks, Graham!" Andrea replied, hugging the older man tightly. "I'd like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Miranda. She's a... very dear friend."

"Ah yes! I heard about the boss lady!"

Her lover chuckled as Miranda raised an eyebrow but accepted his hand shake.

"Pleasure is all mine! Please purchase whatever you like on the house!" Graham spoke.

"Oh," Miranda laughed softly. "That is very kind, but I could never accept such an offer." She said as she looked around. What I'm buying is far too expensive. "It's a fine establishment you have."

Graham beamed. "It has been in my family since 1879!" he proudly responded.

"Very impressive. I do hope you sell MOET."

"That we do! We have quite the range of that kind of wine."

"Mainly because no one can afford it around here." Andrea whispered. "Special occasions, if that."

Miranda stopped where Graham did. "Oh no, this will do quite nicely. I'll take the lot and whatever else Andrea picks out."

She watched as Andrea's eyes widened. "Ahhh..."

"Go on, we don't have all day." Miranda said, huffing.

"Errr... okay." Andrea replied, taking one bottle of JACK DANIEL'S and a six pack of HESLEY beer.

"No no, that won't do. We'll take two cases of the beer." Miranda commented.

"You don't have to-"

"I want to be able to bring something." Miranda cut her lover off. "It's going to be needed." she added, not to mention she knew how much the Sachs clan loved their beer.


As Andy watched Graham walk through to the back room she knew that this was the most money that has ever been spent in this store in one transaction.

She watched as the dear old man walked back into the store with the cases and she smiled at him. "Thanks a lot." She said as he put them on the front counter where she stopped and looked at all the different items on the other side.

Biting her lip, she eyed the cigarette selection. She knew Miranda might judge but currently she didn't care. "I'll get a packet of Marlboro cigarettes, one of the small Wild Turkey whisky-"

"You can get a big bot-"

"I just want the small one." Andy softly cut her lover off, looking at Miranda over her shoulder. "Thanks though." She added just as the door to the store opened.

"Randy, look who's here!" Graham spoke.

Turning Andy smiled at the familiar face. "Randy, it's been too long!" She spoke and they spent a few seconds catching up.

"Now that you're here I'm going to leave you two fine ladies with Randy as I've got a hot date to prepare for."

"Oooh!" Andy cooed. "You must tell me who she is and how it went when I see you next!"

"I will." Graham replied, picking up his jacket and leaving the store but not before giving her a tight bear hug. "We've missed you around here, kid."

Andy felt tears welling in her eyes. "Not as much as we'll miss Dylan." She whispered, feeling Miranda's hand on her lower back.

"Um, I'm sorry, but your card has been rejected." Randy spoke after he rung up all the items and Graham had left the store.

"I beg your pardon?" Miranda asked, turning back around to face the young store clerk who stood there looking dumbfounded at her.

"Don't just stand there. Try it again!"

"Oh, Randy, I should introduce you properly. This is Miranda, and Miranda this is Randy... he goes to school with Pippa."

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "Nice meeting you." She feigned.

Randy smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you... she's... a delight." He said, looking to Andy.

Andy bit the inside of her lip as her lover laughed at those fake words.

"Well, I don't apologies often but I will now. There's a lot going on." Her lover spoke, causing her eyes to widen. "Please try the card again."

Andy watched along with her lover as the card was slid through the EFTPOS machine again. "These old machines." She laughed, looking over her shoulder. "I keep telling Graham to update to newer systems." but Miranda didn't find it funny and Andy bit the inside of her lip.

"Denied. I'm sorry." Randy spoke albeit hesitantly, looking from her to Miranda.

"You definitely need to update your machines." Miranda commented in an unimpressed tone, pulling out her second bank card.

"Maybe your card just expired." Randy shrugged.

"That happens all the time." Andy commented as Randy took the black American Express card, sliding it through the machine.

"Ah, umm..." Randy looked worried now. "This ones not working either."

"No no." Miranda replied, snatching the card back and flipped the machine around so it was facing her. She put the card inside the machine, entered her pass-code, and waited for the machine to load.

DECLINED. The machine read.

Eyes widening Andy watched as her lover gripped the counter.

"This can't be happening." Miranda spoke.

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation."  Andy said, watching as Miranda took a few deep, calming breaths.

"Keep calm now. Keep calm..." Her lover softly said.

Andy bit the inside of her lip, watching as Miranda closed her eyes and breathed in and out deeply again before opening her eyes, straightening herself again and speaking.

"I'll pay with cash." Her immaculate lover spoke, opening her wallet and looking inside.

Andy eyed the wallet also and waited with baited breath for her lover's reaction.

"But I don't have any on me because I used it last night, and I would use my credit card but I left that in my other wallet because I never need to use it!" Miranda said, the side of her mouth and cheek beginning to twitch. "This can't be happening."

"It's okay." Andy softly said, pulling out her own wallet. "I have enough." She added, holding over her own bank card.

"You shouldn’t have to." Miranda hissed.

Randy slid the card through, smiling at her. "Accepted."

"Thank you, Randy." Andy replied, picking up the small bag of cigarettes and mints placing them on top of the cases of beer which she picked up thanking the heavens that she had strong arms.

She began walking to the door, thankful that Randy helped with opening it, as her lover stopped in front of the store clerk. "If I read about this in tomorrow's Page 6 you'll be out of this job and any other job you'll try to get. Do you understand?"

Andy watched as Randy froze at those words, swallowing hard, hands shaking. "I think he understands. Thanks again, Randy." She chimed in, knowing how paranoid her lover was. "I can't believe how much you've grown within two years! It's really great seeing you and I look forward to seeing your family."

"It's great seeing you too, Andy, and I'm so sorry for everything."

Andy smiled sadly at him. "Thanks. And don't worry about Miranda, she won't have you fired."

Her lover then picked up the Save The Earth bags of fancy champagne, containing six bottles in each.

Once they got back to GREASE MONKEY'S auto-shop/car rental services she was beyond relieved as her arms were beginning to turn to jelly holding the weight of the two cases of beer. She would also be feeling it in her back tomorrow.

Stretching her arms and relaxing only slightly her lover began speaking. "I can't believe that just happened!" Miranda snapped. "I have never been more embarrassed! I forgot what that humiliation of having no money feels like! Now the whole town is going to find out-"

"No they won't."

"Oh," Miranda chuckled, looking to her. "Darling, I love your positivity, but I know how small towns work. The news will spread like a contagion."

"We're better than that in this town." Andy spoke. "You'll see, trust me." She said, squeezing Miranda's wrist as her lover pulled out her phone, pressing a speed-dial number.

"And now I have no signal!" Miranda growled, slamming her phone shut. "Just when I need to find out what the hell is going on! I swear if that man has stolen more money!"

The phone began ringing in the store then. "That might be Ryan." She spoke as she moved over to the counter. "Hello?"

"Hey, I need to speak to Ryan about my radiator. It's overheated again."

"Ryan's not here now. Can I take your name and number?" Andy asked, her assistant instincts taking over as she picked up one of the pens and sticky notes. "...7528." She said aloud, writing the last of the phone number the man on the other end told her. "And your name is Mannon." She wrote it down, pausing. "Now you wouldn't happen to be Janet's son?" The young man on the other end continued speaking. "I remember you when you were just a toddler! You used to come around and play with my sister Pippa. Yeah, it's Andy. I know, I wish I was here under different circumstances too. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you're well along with your family. Yes, I'll see you on tomorrow. Bye..." she hung up the phone and stuck the sticky note on the edge of the computer screen before walking back over to her lover.

"All I can say about this establishment is that at least they chose a good colour scheme." Miranda spoke.

Andy laughed but it was slightly forced. Her lover noticed.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't think I'll ever be okay." Andy responded, sitting down and rubbing her face. "I'm sick of hearing everyone saying how sorry they are..."

Miranda put an arm around her as they sat back down. She knew her lover was at a loss for words as to what she should say, but this was okay, all that mattered was that Miranda was by her side.

Clearing her throat, she spoke. "We should get flowers for mom. Right?"

"Oh. I would assume so. I don't know the right sort of thing to do in this situation. She's probably receiving lots of flowers already. As you are with the condolences she might be sick of the flowers... being a constant reminder."

"You're right. She probably doesn't want any more reminders." Andy responded, nodding as she looked back outside to the flower shop across the road. "But still... I think we should bring flowers." She said, her lover shrugged. She needed something else to do to keep her mind from thinking about everything, and how it was going to be once she got to the Homestead.

"It's up to you, darling." Miranda murmured.

"Come on, let's go and see what they have and hopefully by the time we're back so is our car."

Nodding her lover stood up with her but not before looking at their purchases.

"Don't worry about those. No one around here steals in hicksville."

"It must have been nice growing up here." Miranda commented as they walked out of the auto shop, beginning to cross the quiet road. "So peaceful and hassle free."

"It was the childhood I would want all kids to experience. Living out of town with vast fields of green, running around outside all day, exploring nature... coming into town for Friday night tacos at Billie's Restaurant where we practically ate with the whole town. Once a month is Bon fire night. If it's someone's birthday we all come together to celebrate, if someone... passes..." her voice caught still unable to believe her baby brother was no longer on this planet. "We all come together." She had tears welling in her eyes. "We are always there for each other. We don't judge anyone, and they won't judge you for your money problem or our relationship... I firmly believe this."

Miranda smiled at her, wiping her tears away before cupping her cheek. She leaned into her lover's hand.

"I am happy that I can now share this wonderful town, and the incredible people, with you... my one and only."

"Oh, Andrea." Miranda whispered, as they came to a stop in front of the flower shop. "Thank you for all that you give me. I will always be grateful."

Andy smiled at her lover, wiping her eyes, and taking hold of the door handle. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I don't know how I'd handle this without you."

"I'm glad I can be here for you."

Smiling albeit sadly she opened the door, the bell ringing signaling the shop had new customers.

"I've been waiting to see you walk through my door all these months but I didn't want it to be for such an awful reason!"

"Moira!" Andy said, allowing the older woman, she was in her 70s now, to pull her in for a tight hug. "I wish it were different too." She said as she pulled away, cleared her throat and spoke. "I'm here to look for an arrangement for Mom."

"I can definitely help you with that." Moira replied.

"Thanks." Andy replied, watching as her lover smelled a gorgeous bunch of roses.

"Beautiful." Her lover whispered. "This is an impressive selection you have."

Moira then looked at the RUNWAY editor.

"This is Miranda." Andy spoke. "Miranda this is Moira. She's been running this shop for close to 40 years now."

"Even more impressive." Miranda commented. "Where do you grow all these?"

"My home, and some of them are imported from the next town over." Moira responded, smiling at the compliment, so thrilled to be speaking to someone new about her shop.

"Oh my." Miranda stopped at a certain flower. "You even have orchards!" Her lover said with awe, touching one of the fully-grown flowers before looking at the price tag. "And at such a discount! You do realise you could sell these for a lot more money."

"Oh, no. A small town like this. No one would purchase if it were raised in price. My family business is known for its cheap prices to help our community continue looking beautiful."

"Well, that is very nice of you." Miranda responded, leaning forward to smell one of the many orchards.

"I know just like you your mother, Kate, loves all different flowers." Moira spoke a few moments later walking around with them pointing out lots of various bouquet's. "We have a lovely bouquet of freesia's that just came in."

"No. No freesias." Andy quickly cut in. She heard Miranda breathe a sigh of relief behind her. "Those white and purple lilies are lovely. I'll take them.'

"Oh, now yes they are a perfect choice!" Moira said, picking them up and ringing them up in the counter.

"Mmm." Miranda hummed. "Lovely choice."

"10 dollars and 30 cents. Discount for my favourite customer!"

"You're too sweet." Andy replied as she handed over her card. "Though I'm sure you say that to a lot of your customers."

Moira smiled, swiping her bank card. "Oh, we seem to have a problem here." The other woman said, frowning. "The card keeps declining."

"Oh shoot! Don't you just hate when that happens!" Andy said, nudging Miranda. "It's the worst!"

"Andy, we all know it happens all the time! No need to be embarrassed!" Moira responded, handing her card back over.

"Exactly! Being embarrassed about this kind of thing is ridiculous! I guess I just won't be able to buy these." Andy said with a sigh.

"Now Andy, you know I'm not going to let you walk out here empty handed." Moira said, handing over the bouquet. "These are on me. It's the least I could do in this extremely difficult time. Dylan was such a bright young boy. He will be sorely missed."

Again, Andy felt tears welling in her eyes.

"Thank you very much for these beautiful flowers." Miranda said, Andy was thankful because had she talked her voice would have broken and she would have erupted with sobs. "And I will be back to buy some of those orchards."

Andy smiled at her lover. She really is something else.

"Oh! Thank you so much. That would be so lovely!"

Miranda simply smiled as they began exiting the store. "I know what you did in there."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Andy feigned confusion, trying to get her emotions under control.

"I'm not blind, Andrea, you used your old bank card." Miranda replied, shaking her head and nudging her. "You're ridiculous. You don't need to try and make me feel better."

Andy stopped, turning to her lover and biting her bottom lip. "I'm sorry, I hated seeing you all worked and embarrassed when there is no reason to feel that way!"

"You know why I feel the way I do. I pride myself on the money I've been fortunate to make, and to not know what is happening with the rest of it..." Miranda gritted her teeth.

Andy wished there was something she could do to make all this go away for Miranda, but alas there was nothing she could do, and so she remained silent unable to think of anything to say to make Miranda's mood any better.

They reached the auto shop when the sound of a loud rumbling engine was heard.

Looking down the road she saw the familiar semi-trailer as it beeped at her. "Uncle Al!" She said when the man stepped down from his rig.

"Come here!" Uncle Al said, pulling her in for a tight hug. "If I think I’m struggling then I can't even imagine how you must be feeling."

"It's so hard." Andy cried into her Uncle's burly shoulder. "I miss him so much."

They stayed like that for a few moments before pulling apart and her Uncle wiped away her tears with his big manly thumbs. "You're braver than I've ever been. You can get through this."

"I know." Andy responded, but she dreaded the next several hours back home with the family and tomorrow with the rest of the family and the whole township. "Though I wouldn't be able to get through any of this without Miranda." she said, turning to the RUNWAY editor.

"Your Dad was telling me about your new love. I told him to pull his head in and stop being an ass when all you're doing is loving and being loved in return." Uncle Al replied, looking from her to Miranda. "And if this stunning bird is the one for you then who am I to stand in the way of your happiness."

A new wave of emotions hit Andy as she embraced her Uncle once more. "I'm so lucky to have an Uncle like you who has always supported me no matter what."

"I just love ya, kid." Uncle Al replied, kissing atop her head.

Once they pulled away again she gave Miranda a proper introduction. "Uncle Al, this is the woman who I am madly in love with, Miranda Priestly. And Miranda this is Uncle Al however he prefers being called Big Al."


Miranda raised an eyebrow. Big Al? She couldn't believe her ears. Sure, he was a big man, but why would you want people calling you that? "Lovely meeting you." she said, accepting his hand shake, and was shocked and gasped when she was pulled in to embrace him. "Oh. Okay." she said, practically being suffocated by him. She patted his back awkwardly and was relieved when he let her pull away. "Well, that was..."

"You're a part of the family now, Priestly!" Big Al spoke, patting her on the back.

Andrea heartily laughed as Big Al began speaking once more.

"I heard you guys ordered a Mercedes to get home in?"

"Yeah, we've been waiting on it for a while now."

"Close to an hour now." Miranda huffed her annoyance.

"I came across Ryan as I was coming into town. He's broken down in his own car. He isn't even close to getting your rental." Big Al replied, causing her eyes to widen. "Looks like you're stuck here for another two hours or you come with me!"

Miranda stared at the semi-trailer. He couldn't be serious? Did he know who she was?

"Oh, Uncle Al, that is-"

"Uh, uh, you don't have to thank me Andy!" Big Al cut her lover off, assuming that is what she was going to say. "I think it's best you just come with me now and Ryan can deliver the car to you later."

"I couldn't ask him to do that." Andrea replied.

"Sure, you can! I'll bring him back in once he delivers the car." Big Al responded, putting an arm around her lover and beginning to walk towards the semi-trailer. "Let me just get it cleaned up a bit."

"Thanks, Uncle Al." Andrea replied, turning around to her and instantly looking apologetic.

Glaring at her lover she opened and closed her mouth.

"I tried getting us out of it!" Andrea spoke. "But did you really want to hang around here, hungry, for the next two to three hours?"

Miranda sighed, shaking her head. "I suppose not." she responded, watching as the man got up into his cabin and rummaged around. God knows what state it was in.

"Come on up!" Big Al announced.

Grounding down on her teeth she turned back to Andrea. "Do you really expect me to call him Big Al these next few days?"

Andrea laughed, biting her lip, handing their bags and cases of beer over to Big Al as he opened the back of his shipping container and put them in. "Of course not."

"Thank god for that." Miranda replied, watching as Andrea got up into the cabin before she too hoisted herself up, thankful that there was no one around to watch her stumble up the stairs into the truck.

"Though he will keep insisting that you do." Andrea said whilst Big Al still wasn't in with them.

"And I'll keep insisting that I won't." Miranda responded, putting on her seatbelt, thankful that it didn't smell inside once the doors were closed.

The semi-trailer bounced as Big Al entered and the door was slammed.

Miranda cringed, rubbing her ear, the sound having been incredibly loud as the cabin creaked and shook whilst the heavy man got himself comfortable in his driver’s seat. He turned to them with his kind eyes and that familiar charming Sachs smile.

"Ready to hit the road?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Miranda muttered, trying her best but failing to get comfortable.

"What was that?" Big Al asked over the roar of the engine turning on.

"Miranda said she is ready." Andrea loudly said, putting on her seat belt before the semi-trailer pulled out onto the road and finally they were off towards the Sachs Homestead.

Miranda couldn't help but dread the night ahead as she had no idea what kind of reception she was going to get from Andrea's family. Dylan had been easy, he had been accepting and over the moon for his sister’s happiness. Everything she'd heard about Richard Sachs she knew she probably wouldn't like him and the feeling was already mutual. Uncle "Big" Al he seemed genuine. That was two to one. The numbers of those who would be accepting of her she hoped would be higher than those who weren't. She could only cross her fingers and hope for the best.

Either way, whatever happened, she would keep her head up and her mouth tightly closed. She didn't want to make any kind of scene knowing it was going to be hard enough for the whole family.

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