A Change Is Coming. 1/1

Jul 14, 2016 23:41

Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: M
Beta: None. Me, myself & I. I apologise for any and all mistakes.
Notes: This is the continuation for last weeks story "Home Is Where I Belong" which can be found right here: http://pure-ecstasy6.livejournal.com/39088.html
Feedback: Always appreciated and makes me want to share my work even more! =D


Walking into the bathroom Miranda smiled upon looking over to the tub which her lover was relaxing in. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Mmm, but it would be so much more enjoyable if you were in here." Andy replied, holding a hand out for her lover. "Join me."

"You know I can never resist you." Miranda responded, undressed and got down into the gloriously hot water which had bubbles dancing over it. Her brunette beauty turned around and cuddled into her and they both let out content sighs.

"I really can't believe how much fun I had playing that silly game before." Miranda said, breaking the silence and laughing softly.

"That's one of the things I love about having a kid. I can openly enjoy being a kid at heart... watching children movies and playing all the silly games."

Miranda chuckled. "Mmm, and soon enough we'll have this little one to join in on all the fun." Miranda said, trailing her finger’s over her lover’s belly.

"I know. It's all so surreal still." Andy said.

Miranda hummed. It had definitely come as a shock but she was more than ready and happy to start this new chapter of life. "With how my life used to be I never thought I'd have all the joy I feel with you." she said and her lover squeezed her hands. "Every day I am on cloud nine and it is all thanks to you and the incredible love you give to me."

"I one hundred percent feel the same. There are no other words to describe it." Andy replied, turning her head from where it rested against her lovers shoulder, looking up at the Runway editor who like always looked at her with so many emotions in those gorgeous blues.

Leaning down Miranda took those lush lips with her own and soundly kissed her brunette beauty who moaned into her mouth. "You make me feel the most alive I have ever felt." she whispered upon pulling apart for air.

Andy smiled at her, looking at her incredible lover whose eyes were glazed over and she knew hers must look exactly the same as they began kissing some more and Miranda's hand trailed down between her legs.

Andrea's lower body arched into her fingers which began to do wonderful things to her lover and Miranda smirked as her heart fluttered at all the sounds she ignited from the brunette.


"I was thinking we could go upstate to the cabin for the weekend." Miranda suggested as she began soaping up a face washer before running it over her lovers back. "I have a feeling Evelyn will love it there... out in the open with so much greenery and animals."

Knowing her daughter would be missing Australia for that reason Andy nodded her agreeance. "That sounds great. I've never been up that way before."

"Fantastic. I can have the car here mid-morning tomorrow." Miranda replied.

Smiling Andy spoke. "I can't wait... sitting in front of a fire place with you... kissing and roasting marshmallow’s." she moaned at the thought. "Exquisite."

Miranda's heart fluttered at the idea as they continued to soap each other in the relaxing tub.

Soon the water began to cool and they decided to get out and climb into bed after two long weeks apart.

"Now this is what I want for the rest of my life." Andy said, rolling onto her side, head resting in the palm of her hand as she stared at her lover her settled in besides her. "You and I... right here... in this bed… every night."

Smiling Miranda connected her eyes with Andrea's.

"Or well... I should say anywhere... in any bed because it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together... that's all I want."

"That's all I want to, darling." Miranda replied, cupping the brunette beauties face with both hands and leant forward and kissed Andrea. Her lover’s lips moved amazingly with her own as their hands moved between their bodies as they began to make each other cry out in ecstasy.


The next morning they were woken to Evelyn jumping on their bed waking them up in her usual energy of excitement.

"How it is it even possible for anyone to be this excited at 6:30 in the morning?" Andy asked, groaning and rubbing her eyes, ridding them of any gunk’s of sleep in the corners as Evelyn settled down, only slightly, collapsing between them.

"What are we doing today?" Evelyn curiously asked, looking at the both of them with her beaming face.

"A road trip to Mama's cabin." Andy responded.

"A cabin?" Evelyn asked with wide eyes.

The brunette nodded as her lover spoke.

"It's our cabin now, daring." Miranda said, looking to her lover who smiled beautifully at her in her sleepy state. "But first we must fuel our bodies with breakfast."

"Oats!" Evelyn responded.

"Hearty oats sounds fantastic. Good choice!" Miranda responded, cuddling her daughter before beginning to stand from the bed, but not before she saw her lovers scrunched up face. Oats was one of the handful of foods that Andrea didn't like.

"All the more cereal for me." Andy said, taking her silk gown that Miranda handed her. She stood and wrapped her nude body in the gown before going over to her drawers and pulled out a pair of undies and put them on before following after her family who was wandering down the hall towards the staircase to begin their day.


A Little While Later.

"Bloody, bloody, bloody. Damn, damn, damn!"

Miranda heard her lover’s voice coming from the lounge room where her brunette beauty stood in front of the split system heater which also had the clothes horse in front of it with mostly Andrea's clothes and Evelyn's as the both of them detested using the clothes dryer.

"Good god, what on earth has gotten into you?! You're acting like a child who wasn't allowed a second piece of mud cake." Miranda commented as Andrea continued to growl in frustration and even as far as stamping a foot.

“I should be in Melbourne! I left too bloody soon! Ugh!” Andy growled as she began pacing the room. “Friggen hell!”

Miranda frowned at those words. “Why should you still be there?”

“The article of a life time!” Andy responded, holding up her iPad for her lovers eyes.

Without her reading glasses on Miranda had to squint and look closer. She read what the news headline said. The city of Melbourne, Victoria is on the verge of a nuclear wake as a dirty bomb was discovered inside a Docklands shipping container leaving city residents shocked speechless. Her eyes widened unable to believe what she was saying. “Shit.” She said, looking with frightened eyes to her lover’s who didn't look at her how she expected her to.

“This could have been a huge story for me and yet here I am stuck oceans apart!”

“Oh yes, and you'd be there putting yourself in harm’s way.” Miranda said, shaking her head.

“Please, I’d have left before it went off. The one time I could get my big break for an American newspaper and finally become known in my country and it’s given to Simone bloody Copperfield.” Andy said. This woman was who did the front page article for the New York Mirror.

At the mimicked voice of the female reporter laced with annoyance and dislike for the journalist Miranda couldn't help but smirk at how well her lover did impressions.

“And she doesn’t even write that well!” Andy said with a sigh, rubbing her face. “Ugh! I know, I know. It's ridiculous of me and I shouldn't be acting like this. It's not me, I don't act this way, but I practically have no job at the moment because the new boss isn’t giving me anything except stupid juicy gossip which I loathe writing! I need something huge to get me out there and noticed right here. I had a good run of it in Melbourne, I tasted what real journalism is like, doing things like being in Melbourne right in the thick of things some of which were scary but gave me such an adrenalin kick, and being able to help people with the pieces I wrote… it is such an amazing feeling, but now… I’m back to being stuck in this rut like when I first came to New York. I hate it.”

Miranda watched as her lover ran frustrated hands through her hair. She felt bad as she was literally the reason behind why her lover was experiencing this dry spell in her writing. If it weren't for her and moving back to Manhattan, one of the hardest places to get work, her lover would still be thriving at The Age in Melbourne. She came out of her thoughts and listened to her brunette beauty who was speaking once again.

“… They'll end up disabling it and all will go back to normal any way.” Andy said, looking at her iPad again.

“Of course.” Miranda replied, beginning to fold the clothes which had been dying in front of the heater.

“And I could have this awesome article that can kick start my career right here in Manhattan if only this new boss would give me a shot and let me show how much I can help the paper become bigger and better.”

“I hear your frustration, darling, and I understand.” Miranda replied as her brunette beauty began pacing again. “Out of all the places for this kind of thing to happen I would never have expected Australia.”

“Exactly! It should be happening here! I can already see it now "The Town Square bomb scare reported by America's most sought after journalist Andy Sachs!" ugh!”

At her lovers dreaming expression Miranda tried her best to not laugh but she couldn't help herself. “Americas most sought after journalist?!” She asked, continuing to laugh.

“Okay, that part is farfetched.” Andy replied, blushing upon having heard what she'd said.

“Oh my darling, I love you.” Miranda said, moving closer to her brunette beauty and wrapping her arms around Andrea. “With your phenomenal writing you will be the Queen of journalism. I have no doubt.”

Andy bit her lip, seeing and hearing how much belief her lover had for her.

“You're going to go high places and you don't need some bomb scare to make that happen. Your big hit will come soon enough.” Miranda said, kissing her lover. “Patience is virtue, my love, and virtue is what you have inside you. It is one of the reasons why I love you so. You never expect anything to happen "now, now, now" you are better than that and that is why you were able to take a step back just before and realise you were being ridiculous when there's more pressing matters at hand than printed article words.”

"I know that you're right and I just need to calm down... it's just these fucking hormones!" Andy hissed.

Chuckling softly Miranda put her arms around Andrea's neck, kissing the young woman soundly. "It's alright, you know I'm not judging you, and I understand if you don't want to go to the cabin anymore."

Andy shook her head. "No no, there's no point cancelling our plans when there's nothing we can do about it here. If my any chance the boss does ask me to do an article because of my contacts I have in Australia unlike Simone I can write it from upstate.”

Nodding Miranda spoke. "I'll make sure that the internet is still connected upstate. The phone reception can be pretty bad, but we've never had any problems with the internet." she said knowing how much her lover relied on the World Wide Web for her work.

Remaining silent but bobbing her head in acknowledgment to her words Andy looked back down to her phone still unable to believe her eyes. "It's just so strange... a bomb of all things in one of the most peaceful places in the world."

"It makes no sense." Miranda responded, watching as her lover put her phone down then took off her night gown revealing that flawlessly half nude body, which she had to resist the urge to reach out and touch, as Andrea began dressing herself in sweat pants and favourite Northwestern hoodie perfect clothing for an two and a half car ride.

"I'm going to give Jeremiah a call... see how he's doing." Andy said.

"Of course. If there's anyone unable to fly out let me know and it can be arranged." Miranda said, continuing. "The perks of being with the worlds famous fashion editor."

At her lovers wink Andy grinned. "Which is something I am still getting used to." she responded, continuing. "This luxury life you're more than willing to share with me."

"Always." Miranda said, taking her lover into her arms, and kissing her.

"And I will forever cherish what you give me and never take it for granted."

"And again that is one of the many reason why I am in love with you." Miranda responded, staring into her lovers sparkling eyes that conveyed all that Andrea felt and more. "I am so, so lucky."

"Which are words I think every single day I wake next to you." Andy whispered, kissing her lover once more before Evelyn came barreling into the room holding her packed overnight Thomas the Tank Engine bag. "Ready, ready, ready!"

Grinning Andy spoke. "Good girl. You packed everything? Extra undies? Fluffy socks? Tooth brush?" she asked, watching as her little girls eyes widened.
"My slippers!"

"You definitely don't want to forget those up at the cabin." Miranda said. "It's much colder with lots more snow."

Evelyn's eyes lit up at those words. The snow in Manhattan was the first time Evie has ever seen snow and she's fallen absolutely in love with it. "Can we make a snow family?"

"We can make as many snow people as you like, bug, but we have to stay super snug so bring your pick fluffy coat too." Andy replied.

"Okay, mummy!" Evelyn yelled from down the hall.

"I'll go and let Caroline know. Seeing as she and Cassidy aren't working this weekend hopefully they can come along." Miranda said.

"That'd be great." Andy responded.

"Mmm, except Darcy will no doubt come." Miranda said, less than thrilled.

"You know you're going to have to try and give her the benefit of the doubt, and give this new version of her a chance."

At Andrea's words the older woman sighed. "I know, but I just can't stop thinking about how heartbroken Caroline was the first time it ended." she replied as her lover turned off the heater and switched off the corner lamp before they headed out of the room where they parted ways at the staircase - her lover heading for their home office and herself for the third floor where she would have to regretfully wake her daughter as she didn't just want to leave a note - having wasted so many moments with them when they were younger she has made up for that and now spoke with them every waking moment and spent every chance she got with them.

Seeing the half opened door telling her it was safe to enter without knocking she did so and smiled at the sight of her gorgeous daughter sprawled out on the bed which she had literally collapsed onto having not even changed her clothes or getting under the sheet and dark red duvet.

Taking the mink blanket which was draped on top of the trunk at the end of the bed she placed it over her daughter who moved, rolling onto her back, looking up at her with sleep eyes in confusion.

"Is it time to get up already?" Caroline asked, pulling the blanket up and over her face.

"No, sweetheart, you have plenty more hours for slumber." Miranda informed her daughter, brushing the hair out of Caroline's eyes who poked back out from the blanket. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking Andrea and Evelyn up to the cabin for the night."

"The roads are going to be terrible." Caroline said, frowning.

Miranda shrugged. "The weather outlook said it was going to settle down with the snowfall, but I've been driving on those roads for over a decade now... we'll be fine." she said, assuring her daughter.

Nodding Caroline spoke. "It does sound like a good idea. I'll talk to Cassidy and see if she and Lou are interested in driving up with Darcy and I."

Miranda bit the inside of her lip knowing she couldn't say anything about Darcy.

"Oh... unless you just want to spend it with Andy and Evie." Caroline said.

"No, don't be silly, I'd love for all of us to be there together." Miranda responded.

Caroline smiled. "Even if Cass and Lou have other plans Darcy and I will be there."

"Good. I'm glad. It... it will be nice to see Darcy again." Miranda forced herself to say.

Caroline snorted. "You're a terrible liar."

Again Miranda bit the inside of her lip. "I'm sorry, but I do promise I will try and be on my best behaviour."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that." Caroline replied, tapping her mom on the hand and yawning. "I love her and I'm going to be with her no matter what. You of all people can understand what that's like."

"Yes, I do." Miranda replied, hating that her daughter had decided to set her heart on Darcy, but to accept it just like her family have accepted her relationship with Andrea. "And I will always support you, sweetheart." she added, cupping her daughters cheek. "But god help Darcy if the brat hurts my daughter again." she thought as she spoke once more. "Get some sleep and I will see you later on."

"See you later. Love you." Caroline mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too, bobbsey. Sweet dreams." Miranda whispered before exiting the room.

As soon as she walked into the office her phone buzzed.

Pulling it out she saw it was a message form her driver saying the car is out front, filled up with fuel and had a service check-up over night and was good to go. "Cars here." she informed her lover once Andrea finished her phone call with Jeremiah a few moments later.

"Does that mean we can go now?!" Evelyn asked, jumping up from the love seat sofa she had been doing her best to patiently wait for her mummies to hurry it up.

"I haven't even started packing my bag yet." Andy replied.

Evelyn sighed in annoyance. "By the time we get there it will be bed time!" she said exasperatedly.

"Good thing we have all day there tomorrow." Andy responded.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, we will still have plenty of time there this afternoon." Miranda commented, running her hands through Evelyn's perfectly brushed hair.

"Do you promise?"

At Evelyn's hopeful eyes Miranda nodded. "I do, but for the meantime patience is virtue." she said, tapping her daughter on the shoulder. "Good things come to those who wait patiently."

"Like choc chip waffles?" Evelyn questioned.

The Runway editor couldn't help but roll her eyes by how food and candy obsessed Evelyn was. "Maybe." she replied, continuing. "Why don't you go down and finish the rest of that adorable picture you've been colouring, and while you do that I'll hurry mommy up with her packing."

"Hmm, okay." Evelyn replied, grabbing her bag and teddy before heading for the door. "I'll bring the picture you were colouring too, mummy, so that you can finish it."

"That would be great, bug." Andy replied, beaming at her daughter. "Not much longer and we can leave, okay?"

"Okay, mummy." Evelyn responded, bouncing out of the room.

"Come on, let's get that bag packed before we get dragged out of here." Miranda said, taking her lovers hand who laughed softly.

"She would actually do that." Andy said, picking up her laptop - the brand new MacBook Miranda had purchased her after seeing the old Dell she previously owned - placing it into her already opened laptop bag, zipping it up. "The girls coming?"

"Not too sure about Cassidy and Louise, but Caroline said she'll come... and Darcy." Miranda replied with a sigh. She knew once Cassidy heard about the plan that her oldest would be eager to come up as the cabin has always been Cassidy's favourite getaway.

"Brilliant. It will be a wonderful weekend."

"Indeed. I can't wait to show you the cabin." Miranda replied as they made their way into their bedroom where she helped her lover packed and shared a few sneaky kisses.

Once they came to a stop downstairs they weren't at all surprised to see Evelyn waiting in the front foyer with her colouring book in her lap.

Laughing heartily both women beamed at each other then made sure they had the keys before walking outside with Evelyn racing off in front.

"Be careful of the sleet on the pav-" Before Andy could even finish their daughter fell to her knee's.

Both women cringed and waited for the water works as Miranda locked up their home before hurrying over after Andrea to where Evelyn was slowly sitting up.

"I'm okay!" Evelyn said as she stood and turned to look at them. "My bag stopped my knees from hitting the ground." the little girl said, running her hands through her hair. "Phew!"

"Phew indeed." Miranda replied, looking her daughter up and down and was satisfied upon seeing Evelyn wasn't hurt. "Now don't you fall over too." she said as she looked to her lover who was just as clumsy. Just to be sure she took hold of Andrea's hand as they continued walking towards the silver Mercedes.


As expected getting out of the city took a lot of time and patience, but nearly forty minutes later they were finally out on the open road with spectacular scenery both women absolutely loved.

"Evelyn, have a look in my bag and see what you can find." Miranda said as Andrea leaned forward and began surfing the radio channels.

Evelyn did as suggested, taking her Mama's bag onto her lap and unzipped it. She looked through it until her eyes landed on a zip-lock bag. "It's a bag full of veggie scraps."

"Exactly, and can you think why I am bringing it?" Miranda questioned, looking at her daughter in the rear view mirror.

"Hmmm... to put it in a compost bin at the cabin like Daddy's compost?" Evelyn asked.

"That's good thinking and another great use for scraps, but actually those scraps are for these super-duper cute as pie Shetland Ponies that the girls and I stop to pet and feed on our way to the cabin." Miranda explained, smiling at the little girl. "You're going to love them."

"Shetland Ponies!" Andy chimed in with wide eyes, turning in the passenger seat to look at her daughter who still held the bag and was grinning. "Do you remember when you got to sit on the brown Shetlam Ponie last year on your Birthday?"

"Yeah!" Evelyn yelled excitedly. "Can I do that again?"

"Oh, bug, I don't think so. The pony you sat on was a part of the animal party crew that Daddy and I brought in for your party and these Shetland Ponies your Mama feeds are someone’s pets kept on private property." Andy replied, her daughter instantly frowning.

"However fortunately I happen to know the owners so get rid of that frown as I'm sure they'll be more than happy to let you sit on one." Miranda chimed in, Evelyn's face lighting up once more.

"Yay!" Evelyn cheerfully said, bouncing in her seat.

Chuckling Miranda turned to her lover who was watching her closely. "What?"

"You're such a big mushy softy." Andy said, reaching over and placed her hand on Miranda's upper thigh. "I love it. I love you."

Miranda smirked, placing her hand atop Andrea's.

"And I lurrrrrve seeing you driving. You're so fucking hot." The brunette whispered, squeezing Miranda's thigh. "I'm already wet."

At those naughtily whispered words Miranda's breath caught.

"Mama, why does your breathing sound so funny?" Evelyn asked, of course picking up on the odd chance of vibe in the sedan car.

Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly as she felt her cheeks reddening the older woman cleared her throat and replied to her daughter’s curious words. "I'm alright, sweetheart."

"Hmmm, okay." Evelyn said, still looking at her mummies’, knowing something had gone on.

"Mommy is just being a bit too cheeky." Miranda added, looking to her brunette beauty. "You're going to be the death of me, minx."

At her words Andy heartily laughed, throwing her head back against the headrest. "What a way to go!" she said, words which were so familiar to them, as she continued to laugh and wink at her lover as she turned her head to stare at the glamorous Runway editor.

At the gorgeously contagious laughter Miranda began chuckling and squeezed her lover’s hand.

Even though she didn't know what they were laughing about Evelyn joined in on the happiness of her mummies joyous laughter.

It took them a while to settle back down but once they did Andy turned the radio up.

"And this has always been Gods intention. This nuclear weapon in the Southern Hemisphere, big enough to wipe out the world is proof of that, to rid this planet of all the filth created by evil beings and all the sinners to be damned for an eternity in hell!"

Andy turned the radio back down, shaking her head in disgust as she shared a concerned look with Miranda just as Evelyn piped up in the back once more.

"What does he mean by a nuclear weapon?" Evelyn asked. "What's a sinner?"

"You know what, bug, they are great questions but that's a conversation for us to have another day." Andy responded.

"Why?" Evelyn asked, not happy with that response.

"It's... grown up stuff, and nothing for you to worry about, okay?" Andy said, looking to her daughter.

Evie sighed and shrugged. "Okay."

"Good. So why don't we put some music in?" Andy asked, leaning down to grab her hand bag.

"The Wiggles!" Evelyn excitedly said.

Having expected this Andy pulled out the CD from her extensive and vast variety music pouch.


Walking into the cabin was an extremely homely feeling.

However it wasn't your ordinary cabin.

Miranda's was three stories and overly extravagant but Andy hadn't expected anything less than.

It was obvious that thousands had gone into making this extraordinary place as well as hours of thoughtless designing and hard work.

It was obvious to to Andy that her lover had done most of the planning and design as it felt very much like the townhouse - lots of dark brown oaky colours just without all the blues like in Manhattan - this cabin stuck with the darker hues which gave it a warm and cosey vibe that instantly invites you in from the winter afternoon air.

Looking around she soaked everything in.

The first floor felt like a fairytale land.

The lighting amazingly placed around illuminated off of the dark brown walls perfectly so making the open floor space look even more amazing even though she was sure it would look just as amazing in natural sunlight.

Straight ahead at the end of the cabin she could see the kitchen which was absolutely magnificent and would have anyone wanting to become a cook just to be able to go in there and create masterpieces.

To the left of that was a small dining area but a table big enough to seat an Army squad.

To the right of the kitchen was a gorgeous sitting area with three sofas placed in front of the open fire place, which she noted delightfully was already lit and crackling away beautifully, the couches placed in a square shape with a low to the floor coffee table in the middle. There was no TV making it obvious this was a place to sit peacefully enjoying the quiet of the land around them, the warmth of the fire place, the conversations that would happen around them with others in the room or to simply lie back and catch up on some reading which she could easily see herself doing all of the above but especially the latter.

But as she stood with her family just inside the now closed front door she noted that what topped off the whole space in a jaw dropping way was the staircase to the right of where they stood. It was a stunning tree-like with branches that winded together upwards forming as a railing completely the whole magical vibe.

Looking down to her daughter Andy saw so much awe and wow-factor in those small eyes as Evelyn silently took everything in.

Of course that silence didn't last for long as a couple seconds later she began bouncing around and talking fast.

"Let's have a look around, shall we?" Miranda spoke, taking her lovers hand and both went after Evelyn who bounded upstairs.

As was like downstairs the second floor was equally extraordinary in each its own way.

It was an open floor space again with a large lounge sitting area that had the most comfiest looking couches she had ever seen set in quite the same shape as the sitting area downstairs, but instead of being in front of a fire place they were set around an impressive flat screen TV that hung on the wall eye level to the brilliantly placed couches. She always hated when so many American homes had the TV placed above the fire place making it hard on the neck by craning your head upwards to watch whatever was showing.

"This is soooooooo cool!" Evelyn said from where she sat on a swing in the far right corner that hung from the branches that continued from the staircase along the tops of the walls and over the roof creating beautiful roof railings where in the middle of the room hung a jaw dropping chandelier which illuminated the room amazingly.

To top the room off was a huge stone built fire place with a mantel piece covered with family photos and above it on the stone wall was an incredible historic map of the township Altamont which was fifteen minutes away from the Priestly cabin. It topped the room off just right.

Andy honestly had no words as to how to describe this place other than it made her feel like she was a Princess in her own little magnificent world. "Oh, Miranda." she whispered, her lover squeezing her hand.

"I know. It's very over the top." Miranda responded. "I just... couldn't help myself."

"I would have done the exact same thing. It's so magical. I'm jealous of Cassidy and Caroline having been able to come here for vacation."

Miranda chuckled. "Yes, they have been very spoilt."

"You wouldn't know it though when with them. They are down to earth and know how fortunate they are to have the life they do. That's all down to you and how you've raised them." Andy replied.

"But that doesn't change how I haven't always been the best mother to them, Andrea." Miranda said with a sigh.

"Even so your actions in the past hasn't deterred how they've grown up and you have made up for your mistakes and those two things are all that matters." Andy said, kissing her lovers cheek.

"Well, I'm definitely not making the same mistake twice with Evelyn or this little one." Miranda whispered, putting a hand on her lovers growing belly, her breath catching as she felt a familar kick. Her eyes instantly connected with Andrea's and they both smiled.

"He loves your voice." Andy whispered, putting her hand atop of her lovers as their baby kicked some more.

Miranda arched an eyebrow. "You said he."

"Yes." Andy replied, grinning.

"What made you change your mind?" Miranda questioned.

"Last night... I had a dream we had a son and I woke up with this strong feeling that we are indeed having a boy." Andy responded, watching as her lover smiled brilliantly at her.

"Mummy, mummy, look at all the trees!" Evelyn said from where she now stood staring out the huge expanse of floor to ceiling windows at the triangle shaped wall through a side room which she noticed was a rumpus room and as she approached closer she saw a pool table in the centre with a ping pong table to the far left and on the wall ahead was a dart board and to the right was a little soccer goal play area with fake grass like a soccer field. On the wall behind her was a basketball hoop and the floor in this small area was that of a basketball court made with the exact same floor a court like it would have with all the lines ect and in the right corner was a foosball and air hockey table. It was the greatest most fun recreational room she has ever seen making her envy the twins even more for all the enjoyment they've had in here over the years.

"So many things in here for our children to keep themselves occupied with whilst we find ways to keep ourselves occupied." Miranda said, squeezing her lovers arse playfully, winking at her lover.

At those suggestive words Andy bit her lip. "Oh, yes, very clever thinking."

Miranda chuckled. "It always worked out well when I needed to get work done. We very rarely came here with Stephen and when he was here he'd be passed out on the couch downstairs by now. Which again suited me just fine."

"He was a jerk." Andy replied, shaking her head having heard all the stories about him. "Lucky you have me now." she added with a wink.

"Mmm, and boy do I know how lucky I am." Miranda responded, pulling her lover into her and kissing her tenderly, thankful that Evelyn had already preoccupied herself with the soccer ball, kicking goal after goal after goal.

"I'm bored now!" Evelyn announced a little while later once her mummie's finished their sappy business. "Our football at home is waaaay better than stupid soccer!"

"I agree, bug." Andy replied.

"Don't let the girls here you say that." Miranda laughingly chimed in as they looked out the windows once more.

"It really is amazing." Andy said, continuing. "The night sky must be impressive."

"Like at home with Daddy." Evelyn replied, smiling widely as her eyes lit up. "Does that mean we can star gaze like we used to do every Friday night?!"

Andy nodded. "We can." she responded, not bothering to correct her daughter that Sorrento with Daddy wasn't their home anymore as she knew how much her daughter adored it there and didn't want to upset her even though someday soon Evelyn would have to learn that home was in Manhattan with Miranda as that is where Andy's heart has always truly been.

"The roof in my room on the very top floor is a window so that you can lay in bed and stare at the sky." Miranda said.

Both Evelyn and Andy's eyes widened at those words.

"Wow!" Evelyn said.

"Indeed. We can lay up there before you go to bed." Miranda replied, continuing. "For the mean time how about we rug up and go for a wander outside?" she asked, looking at her brunette beauties. "We still have a couple hours until the sun goes down."

"Sounds like a great idea, hey bug?" Andy spoke.

"Yeah! Will we see reindeers?" Evelyn asked, looking at her mummie's questionably.

"They probably won't come out until later tonight." Miranda responded and instantly Evelyn frowned in disappointment. "However it's always a tradition we do to rug up after dinner and go out and watch them under the moon light."

Andy smiled at those words as her daughter began to speak once more.

"A night walk?" Evelyn asked with wide and happy eyes, absolutely beaming at the thought.

"Yes." Miranda replied, continuing "You're going to have the best weekend ever!"

"It's already the best, Mama!" Evelyn replied, cuddling the Runway editor tightly.

Miranda's heart swelled with so much hapiness as she stared down at Evelyn who looked up at her with so much adoration and love in those perfect brown eyes so much like her mothers. "I am so lucky."

Smiling Andy put an arm around her lover, kissing Miranda's cheek.

A couple seconds later the moment finished for Evelyn as their daughter stepped away and looked around curiously. "Where is my room?"

"Down here right next door to Cassidy and Caroline's." Miranda responded, pointing down the hall way which they began walking for.

They came to a stop in front of the first door on the right which Miranda opened and flicked on the lights to reveal two double beds a few steps apart from each other with a low to the floor chest of drawers on the back wall between them making it the perfect bedside table as well.

"Cass and Caro's room!" Evelyn excitedly commented as she poked her head in.

"You can go in and have a look." Miranda said, noticing how Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off of the floor to ceiling shelfing. "That was inspired by the first Home Alone movie that Eric built for the girls." she explained.

"It's brilliant." Andy replied, looking up and down.

"Mmm, for all his flaws he was... is a brilliant handy man." Miranda said.

"What's in the fish tank up there?" Evelyn asked, spying the tank on the very top shelf.

"Oh god. Not a tarantula like in the Home Alone movie, I hope?" Andy asked.

Miranda laughed at Andrea's words. "No, darling, but there is one in Caroline's room back home." she replied and instantly saw Andrea's eyes widen in shock.

"What?!" The brunette asked, staring at her lover. "You've got to be kidding!"

"No, I am not." Miranda replied, smirking. "Caroline has a pet tarantula and a python which is up on the third floor in its own very large enclosure."

"Oh my god! All this time and I didn't know!" Andy replied, shaking her head.

"Relax, darling, they're all safe and sound in their enclosures and definitely can't get out." Miranda replied, but then added some more words. "Well, actually, the spider did get out once but that was Stephen's fault for not closing his home up after feeding him when I had taken the girls to Miami."

Andy's eyes widened.

"But don't worry, it doesn't bite, the fangs were taken out." Miranda said. "The snake can bite but we've never had a problem with it. He's very placid. Caroline has been handling him since she was thirteen."

"And you were okay with that?" Andy asked.

"No reason not to be." Miranda responded, shrugging. "No reason to be nervous around those kind of animals when they can't hurt you."

"Hmmm, I suppose." Andy replied.

Laughing Miranda took Andrea's hand. "You don't ever have to see them if you don't want. And just for your reassurance the snakes enclosure is always locked so no one like Evelyn can get in there unsupervised." she said just as Evelyn began speaking.

"Can I get a curtain like this in my room?"

Looking over Andy laughed at her daughter who poked her head through the dark red curtain which Evelyn had pulled closed which hung as a privacy divider between the double beds.

"You don't need one, bug."

"However... we could do one better and build a fort around your bed with the help of Cassidy and Caroline." Miranda suggested, causing her daughters eyes to light up.

"That isn't necessary." Andy whispered.

"Nonsense. Who doesn't love building a bed fort?!" Miranda responded, looking from her lover to Evelyn again who was beaming. "It's always fun to do and brings out our creative sides."

Andy smirked. "If you say so."

"We are going to have so much fun." Miranda replied, winking at her lover. "You'll see."

"I'm sure we will." Andy replied, biting her lip as Evelyn began walking out of the room to go look in the room she was now calling her own and looked around.

"Ewww. It's soooo boring in here!"

Andy's eyes instantly widened. "Evelyn. That was a bit rude. You should apolo-"

"No no, it's alright." Miranda cut in laughingly as she continued to speak. "It's a spare bedroom that barely gets used these days. I definitely agree with Evelyn. It's verrrrry boring, but I'm sure we could get together a few things to make it more colourful and lively when we get back from out adventure and have the help from Cassidy and Caroline."

Andy smiled as she began unzipping her daughter’s bag and pulled out her fluffy coat which her daughter took. "You'll need a beanie to." she said, looking through the duffle bag but frowned upon not seeing it. "Annnnd you forgot to pack it."

Evelyn bit her lip. "Sorry." she said with a shrug.

"Not to worry. The girls will have plenty in their drawer that you can choose from." Miranda said, leaning down to help Evelyn with her coat zipper which wouldn't budge and it took a few seconds of wriggling until it decided to zip up.

They then made their way back into the girl’s room where Miranda knelt down on the carpet and pulled open the bottom drawer. "Take your pick." she said, looking at the extensive variety. "But maybe not these ones." she commented as she quickly got together the more mature beanies with lots of different words on them that Evelyn didn't need to learn for many more years. However as she looked at her daughter she saw that the girl was eyeing off a Little Mermaid beanie.

"That one!" Evelyn said.

"Perfect." Miranda responded.

"Such a great choice, bug." Andy responded as her lover continued.

"Hmmm, I'm sure there is a camera around here somewhere that prints out photos right here, right now." she said as she pulled out a trunk from underneath Caroline's bed.

At her words Evelyn bounced excitedly. "Great idea, Mama!" she said and watched as the Runway editor rummaged through the box.

It didn't take Miranda long to find the white Supercolour 1000 polaroid land camera that had rainbow stickers stuck all over it. "Let's take a picture of how adorable you look in that beanie."

"It's soooo old!" Evelyn laughingly said.

Miranda chuckled. "Indeed it is. It's vintage from the early 1970s when not even your Mommy was born."

"Were you?!" Evelyn asked causing Miranda to loudly laugh.

"Yes, sweetheart, I was here on this Earth." Miranda replied, poking her daughter’s tummy. "I never got to own one of these camera's though which is why I got one for Caroline for her birthday one year. It was very special to all of us." she said, wondering how it had ended up behind here.

"Could I have one too?" Evelyn asked.

"It's not too old for you?" Miranda asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Noooo!" Evelyn replied. "It's coooool!" she said as she held the camera and looked it all over.

"You have to be careful with it though, bug, don't want to drop it now." Andy pointed out.

Evelyn nodded with a roll of her eyes in Priestly fashion. "Duh."

"Growing up so fast." Andy muttered.

"Shall we take a quick snap?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah!" Evelyn responded, smiling widely and doing all these poses until she found the one she wanted for the picture.

"Say cheese!" Miranda said and her daughter yelled before smiling widely and she took the picture. "It will take a little bit for it to develop." she commented when Evelyn carefully took the photo.

"God, you're so good with her." Andy softly said as Evelyn waited for the picture of herself to develop.

"It's very easy to do because she's so loveable." Miranda responded. "Just like her mother."

"Sweet talker." Andy replied, smiling and cupping Miranda's cheek.

"I love it!" Evelyn said, jumping up and down. "I can't wait to show Cass and Caro!"

"They'll love it too, sweetheart." Miranda responded as she and Andrea looked at the picture. "Perfect." she commented, pocketing the photo close to her heart. "For safe keepings until we show the girls."

Both Andy and Evelyn beamed at the Runway editor who was so adorable and in love with the both of them wholeheartedly.

"Now... let's go for our adventure!" Miranda said, making Evelyn bounce up and down even more before they made their way back downstairs where they were greeted by the Homesteads Husky causing Evelyn to squeal in such delight as the dog came over to them and sniffed the little girl curiously.

“Hey there, boof head. What's your name?” Andy asked laughing as the dog cocked its head and looked at her with interest. “You’re a big boy, aren’t you, very spoilt.”

Miranda heartily laughed. “Indeed. The perks of having older owners.” She responded as she walked into the kitchen as she pulled open one of the drawers the husky was all too familiar with and began jumping up and down in excitement.

“What’s his name?” Evelyn asked.

“Bruce.” Miranda replied, continuing. “Or… Brucie as the girls like to say.” She said, rolling her eyes at the nick name trend. Miranda said, pulling open the top drawer in the kitchen and pulled out his treats. “Have you been a good boy?” she asked as she waited for him to sit before giving him a couple treats.

“He’s sooooo cute!” Evelyn replied, kneeling and cuddling the dog who was more than happy to have this new attention.

“He won’t bite or anything like that.” Miranda said, assuring her lover.

“Oh. I'm not worried at all. We've had malamutes for years back in Cincy. I was rolling around with one when I was practically a newborn.” Andy replied, pulling open her wallet and showing Miranda a picture of her childhood malamute she grew up with. “That's my Dusty. I would have shown you back in Australia but I loved her so much and have to show you again.”

“She's beautiful, darling.” Miranda responded, looking closely at the picture of the dog happily looking up at the camera, tongue hanging out.

“I hate that I can never see her again.” Andy sadly said, touching the picture.

“I know the feeling, darling. I don't think I could ever have another dog after Patricia.” Miranda responded. “It's funny, I didn't want her at first but Eric wouldn't budge, I thought she was ridiculously big for the townhouse but low and behold she won my heart within two days.”

Andy smiled. “And she would have loved you just the same.”

Miranda nodded at those words. “Oh yes, but the girls were her joys. She would follow them everywhere. It was great to be able to see them grow up with her in a way I never was able to experience with an animal before. I can't imagine what it would have been like growing up with one from being a baby.”

“It’s an experience you can never really explain.” Andy replied, staring at her picture of Dusty before putting it back into her wallet then put it down on the counter.

“Can Brucie come too?!” Evelyn asked as they headed for the door.

“Of course. He loves going on adventures outside, don’t you Bruce?” Miranda asked and at the word “adventure” Bruce ran to the door and grabbed his favourite stick for them to throw around for him.

“This is going to be so much more fun now!” Evelyn said, beyond excited to have a dog companion to play with in the snow.


“Thank you, Dawn, these will go lovely with dessert.” Miranda said as she took the container of chocolate chip cookies. The old lady has been living in the cabin with her husband which they rented from Miranda and have done for over a decade now. When Miranda came here with the girls they vacated to the renovated barn out the back. “And it was so great seeing you.”

“It was nice to meet you, Dawn.” Andy said from where she sat on the chair nearby the door having been taking her boots off.

They then said their goodbyes and Dawn was heading off to the barn.

“She’s lovely.” Andy commented.

“They’re fabulous.” Miranda responded, placing the cookies on the counter before taking off her coat and hanging it by the door before looking to her lover who was rubbing her belly. “How are you feeling?”

“Overwhelmed with so much awe for this stunning place.” Andy responded, their eyes connecting.

Miranda smiled. “I admit it still takes me by surprise. I forget how vast the fields of green are.”

“It's so beautiful.” Andy replied, resting her head on Miranda's shoulder. “I can just see us when we're older right here in this stunning place.”

Miranda's heart skipped a beat at the words. Even though she was going to be so much older when that time came she knew it could and would happen.

“And... Skinny dips in the waterfall?” Andy murmured, nudging her lover playfully. “What do you reckon?”

Miranda licked her lips at the idea “Oh, I reckon that sounds absolutely breathtaking and I will be more than happy to do that with you.” Miranda replied, taking her lovers hand and lifting it to her mouth, kissing the skin softly.

They sat like that for a few minutes longer before Miranda stood. “I will use the bathroom then get started on dinner.” She said, looking to the time. “Shouldn’t be much longer until the girls arrive.”

“Is there anything you want me to do?” Andy asked, standing once again.

“Sit and relax.” Miranda said, pointing for the sitting room. “There will be a vast range of books for you in my collection seeing as we have the same interests.”

“Hmm, alright, it does look like a very enticing room.” Andy responded.

“Then you won’t find it hard to relax then.” Miranda said, guiding her lover towards the room.

“Boss me around why don’t you.” Andy said, laughing softly, watching as Miranda propped up the cushions on the couch just the way she likes it.

“Did you want the blanket?” Miranda asked, touching the throw rug that was draped over the top of the couch.

“Hmmm, nah. I think I’m alright for now.” Andy replied, touching her lovers hand. “Thanks though.”

“No need to thank me, darling.” Miranda replied as she began to walk away.

“You forgot something.” Andy said, pouting.

Miranda turned and raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” she asked, looking around. “Did you want me to get you a book? Oh, I could easily suggest plenty for you.” She added as she looked over to the extensive book shelf.

Andy grinned. “I’d love that, but no… you forgot to kiss me.” She softly said, feeling her cheeks reddening.

“Oh.” Miranda responded, lips quirking. “I apologise.” She said, licking her lips as she moved back over to the back of the couch, leaning against in and stared at her lover. “You know I want to kiss you every hour of every day for the rest of my life.” She whispered as her darling Andrea cupped her cheek.

“As do I.” Andy whispered back as her lover closed the gap between them, their mouths connecting.

“Mmmm. That better?” Miranda asked, pulling away slightly a couple moments later, searching her lover’s eyes.

“Much better.” Andy replied, grinning once more. “You can go now.”

Smirking Miranda pecked her lover once more before pushing away from the couch. “What do you think about meatballs for dinner?” she asked as she walked into the kitchen.

“Sounds good. What kind?” Andy questioned.

“Let me see what’s in the freezer.” Miranda said, pulling it open and perusing the items. “Turkey?”

“Mmm, I haven’t had turkey meatballs in a long time.” Andy said with a delightful tone.

“Does Evelyn like turkey?” Miranda asked, looking over to her lover to only be received with a “Really? Like you even need to ask…” expression. “Right. That was a stupid question.” She said as her lover began laughing.

“Very silly of you.” Andy replied, smirking. “Us Sachs love our food. You’re going to be in for a right shock when you experience your very first Sachs dinner.”

Miranda smiled at the thought. Her lover always spoke highly of her family and she really, really hoped she would fit in with them as much as Andrea believed she would. Just the thought of it made her incredibly nervous.

“They’re going to love you.” Andy said, picking up on the sudden change in her lover.

“Good god, you read me so well.” Miranda replied, still taken aback by how much her brunette beauty pays attention to her and takes note of every single mood she has. It was so, so different to how it used to be with her ex-husbands. “So refreshing.” She murmured, beginning to cook their dinner.

“So many days sat at the office with nothing to do other than watch you… you were always so regal, pulled together, at attention… extraordinary, but then everything became hectic when Emily broke her leg…” Andy trailed off. “Of all the things to have happen… hit by a bloody taxi.”

Miranda snorted in amusement. “Of all the people to have it happen to I would have thought to be you.”

“Oi!” Andy responded, quirking her lips. “But… you’re right, I am very clumsy and don’t always look where I am going.”

“You could say that again.” Miranda responded.

“I remember when I was on my way to my interview with HR at Elias-Clarke I nearly got hit by a cyclist.” Andy said, laughing back at the memory.

“How on earth do you nearly get hit by a cyclist?” Miranda asked.

“He came out of nowhere, and bloody fast too, I might add.” Andy responded, remembering how he yelled out at her. “Stupid!” she laughed. “Ahh, the good old days trying to settle in to the bustling New York City.”

Miranda hummed. “Those days were interesting. One things for sure though… I will never ride a Subway again.”

“You rode the Subway?!” Andy asked, absolutely shocked.

“Once. Oh Andrea, it was god awful. Why you willingly put yourself in those stinky death-traps I will never understand.” Miranda said with a shake of her head, continuing to mix together the turkey mince with a few different spices and herbs.

“It’s not that bad, Miranda, and the conversations are always so vast and different each time.” Andy replied, shrugging. “I like it.”

“Well, I’ll never understand why.” Miranda replied.

Andy laughed. “Okay then.” She replied and was about to continue speaking when the sound of an engine registered from down the end of the long drive way.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Miranda said, quickly washing her hands then moved over to the windows by the front door.

“What’s wrong?” Andy asked, slowly making her way over to her lover.

“That.” Miranda pointed to where her daughter was sat on the back of Darcy’s motorbike.

“Oh.” Andy said, nodding her understanding as her lover pulled open the front door and stepped out onto the porch in her slippers. She waited in uncertainty at how Miranda was going to act with Darcy.

“Are you crazy?! You took the bike?!”

“The roads weren’t that bad.” Caroline responded with a shrug.

“Says the girl who warned me to be careful on the roads in a car.” Miranda responded with a shake of her head.

“She’s experienced.” Caroline replied, and continued. “And like you said… the weather settled down.”

Miranda sighed exasperatedly. She really didn’t like the idea of being one of those controlling and bitchy mothers, telling her daughters what they could or couldn’t do, but she simply did not like motorbikes. In her eyes they were death traps waiting to happen.

“She was only on the back for the last half hour.” Darcy said, coming to a stop near them albeit awkwardly. “And I'd never put her in harm’s way.”

Miranda sniffed, turning to the young woman. “Darcy.” She cordially said.


“It's great that you could make it here for our little gathering tonight at such short notice.” Miranda spoke.

Darcy shrugged. “I was pleased when I got invited. Thank you… for that. I know how much tis please means to you and Caroline and Cass.”

Miranda had to bite the inside of her lip. The young woman didn’t even think to apologise to her for all the drama she caused them! This was extremely rude and unacceptable in her opinion and if she didn’t get an apology by tomorrow evening she would be one hundred percent disappointed and would be saying something to Caroline.

“I have actually come up this way before on one of my many adventures, not this area specifically but very close to it, I turned off and went into Waterford and had lunch at this cute little café Emiliano's.”

“Oh yes, I've been there a few times over the years. The quail is one of the best meals to have there.”

“I'll have to keep that in mind.” Darcy replied, smiling and turning to Caroline.

“Yes well we should get in before we catch a chill.” Miranda said, beginning to move towards the door. “I’ve only just gotten a start on dinner as we went out for a little adventure so it will be another hour or so before we can eat.”

“That's fine, we can grab a snack.” Caroline replied. “This one is forever hungry.” She said, looking to Darcy.

“Sounds like Andy.” Cassidy chimed in, grinning at Andy who stood in the door way not wanting to be out in the cold.

“Oi!” Andy said from where she stood. “We are thrilled you could make it. It is absolutely incredible up here. I don’t think I’ll want to leave tomorrow night!”

“Yep, that isn’t surprising.” Cassidy said as Caroline continued.

“This place always puts a spell on you as soon as you walk in.”

“And it’s a place you can never seem to forget.” Cassidy continued.

“It’s one of the best places you could want to be though.” Caroline said.

“So nice, and peaceful, with no annoying noises you hear in the city.” Cassidy said.

“You’re just… at peace with the silence… with not needing to do anything.”

“To just be.” Cassidy added, and her sister nodded.

“Exactly.” Caroline said.

Andy smiled. “Well, I definitely feel everything you’ve both said and more.” She responded as they began walking inside just as Evelyn came bounding down the staircase from having been in the bathroom.

“Cass! Caro!” She excitedly said as Caroline leant down and picked her up, swinging her around like a little monkey causing the little brunette to squeal out joyously.

“How you going, little rug rat?!” Caroline asked, grinning as Evelyn tried to control herself and stop giggling.

“Goooood!” Evelyn happily said. “I’m having so much fun!”

“Awesome! But now it will be even better with us here!” Caroline responded.

“Yeah!” Evelyn happily said, her smile having widened so much more at the sight of her big sisters who have become fast favourites to her and it was obvious the feelings were mutual from the twins.

“We saw the snow men you built!” Cassidy said.

“Yessss! They’re totally wicked.” Caroline chimed in, moving her around the air once more before putting the little girl back down.

“What are we going to do now that you’re here?!” Evelyn asked curiously.

Andy laughed at her daughter. “Oh, bug, they just got here. Let them unwind first, yeah?”

“No no, it’s all good! Come upstairs and I’ll show you our cool room!” Caroline said.

“I’ve already seen it!” Evelyn responded, continuing. “But I wanna see it again!” she added excitedly.

The girls laughed and took Evelyn by both hands when they reached the staircase. “I think we should swing you up the stairs, what do you think?!”

Evelyn’s eyes widened, absolutely thrilled at the thought. “Yeah!” she said, and her sisters counted to three before she jumped up into the air and she was swung upwards and she landed on her feet on the fourth step. They did it two more times, all three of them laughing heartily, before she walked up the rest of the stairs. “Can we do that going down?!”

“I think that would be a bit dangerous, don’t you?” Caroline replied.

Evelyn turned and looked down the stairs. “Yeah, I guess so.” She said, scratching her head.

“It’s much easier and more fun doing it up the stairs anyway.” Cassidy chimed in.

Miranda chuckled and shook her head as Andy grinned. “She is going to be out like a light once her head hits the pillow.”

“You know that you’ve probably jinxed it now.” Andy replied.

Miranda snorted in amusement at those words. “Jinxed it.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “Oh, please.”

“It’s happened before.” Andy pointed out.

“Mmm, well, we’ll see.” Miranda responded as they headed back into the kitchen where the beautiful aromas of the turkey meatballs filled their senses just as they heard laughter erupting from upstairs.

Their eyes connected, both sparkling with all the joy they felt.

It was going to be a great night and an even better day tomorrow.



This wiill be continued just under a different title no doubt posted next Wednesday but possibly sooner!

Thanks for reading!

Extra Notes: I've never been to America so never been to Emiliano's in Waterford so I wouldn't have a clue what kind of menu they do and if it even has quail on it, but quail seems like something Miranda would enjoy done in a fancy way =D

author: pure_ecstasy6

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