The Calm Before The Storm. 1/2

Jul 28, 2016 04:10

Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: R+ Some sexy times ahead.
Beta: None. Me, myself and I. Sorry for any and all mistakes.
Notes: The next installment from in my Walking On A Dream universe.
Feedback: Always welcomed and appreciated!


"That sounds awesome, bug." Andy said to Evie who stopped talking about where her big sisters were going to take her tomorrow - their treehouse that Eric built them which sounds just as extravagant as this cabin.

"It will be a very fun day." Miranda said, sitting down the bowl of food in the middle of the table just as her daughters and partners walked on in.

"That smells delicious!" Caroline and Cassidy chorused in their twin like way.

"What is it?" Louise asked.

"Turkey meatballs on a bed of cauliflower rice." Miranda replied, watching Darcy closely whose cheek twitched a few times. She couldn't help but smirk at the reaction.

"Oh mom, I thought I told you that Darcy doesn't like cauliflower." Caroline spoke.

"Oh. Did you?" Miranda asked, frowning, shaking her head feigning confusion. "I apologise. It must have slipped my mind."

"Don't worry about it." Darcy said, taking a few spoonful’s of the cauliflower rice onto her plate with a larger amount of the meatballs. "Won't hurt me to eat a little." She said with what looked like a forced smile.

"Great." Miranda replied, placing a good portion of food on her plate as Andrea did the same for Evelyn and then herself. She watched as her lover took a bite, those gorgeous browns fluttering shut in delight causing the Runway editor to smirk once more. Oh how she couldn't wait to do that same reaction to her lover later that night in an even better way.


Once they ate the girls volunteered to do the washing up, which turned the kitchen into an even bigger mess of water and bubbles, but they eventually got it all cleaned up before they all rugged up in their coats for their moonlight walk.

The girls with Evie in tow headed out first whilst Andy took her time putting on her boots. "How far away are the deer’s?"

"Not far at all. Just through the tree lines." Miranda replied, watching as her lover tired her shoes. "I can't wait to share this sacred little spot with you."

Andy's heart fluttered. "It will be a moment I will cherish forever." she replied, entwining their fingers. "Always and forever."

At those words Miranda lifted Andrea's hand and kissed it. "Always and forever." She responded as the brunette beauty stood.

"Are you guys coming or not?" Caroline called out from where they had already reached the back gate.

"Hold ya horses!" Andy called back as her lover tugged on her hand and they began walking down the back porch.


"Wow!" Evelyn softly said in awe as they all stared at the family of reindeers that were so, so close to them.

"See that one over there?" Cassidy asked, pointing to the one right in the middle.


"We named her Mystique and occasionally she'll come over to us." Cassidy said.

"Really?" Evelyn asked, turning wide eyes to her sisters.

"They're very docile and sometimes we've even been able to pat her." Caroline spoke.

"It just depends on what mood she is in." Cassidy said.

"But I reckon we'll get lucky tonight, don't you, Cass?" Caroline questioned.

Cassidy smiled, looking at her mirror image. "I have a good feeling that we will."

At those words Evelyn beamed and Andy softly chuckled.

"Coooool!" Evelyn excitedly said, itching to pat one, but remained patient and as quiet as possible.

"They're so beautiful." Andy said, staring at the amazing animals. "They've even more magnificent under the moonlight."

Miranda smiled, humming. "Every night I come here I sit right here, with this same blanket, and bask in them. It is one of the most calming things."

"It really is. Just... staring at them makes me not worry about anything even with all that's going on in the world."

"Just you and I and our beautiful family." Miranda said, watching as her children all huddled together, talking softly a few steps in front of them. She turned back to her brunette beauty. "Like you've said before... it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together."

Andy squeezed Miranda's hand. "You've got that right." she whispered, leaning forward to softly kiss Miranda's divine lips. "But this is definitely one of our retirement places."

"Indeed." Miranda replied. This was one of her favoruite places aside from the townhouse and Paris so to be able to share it with Andrea for the rest of her life was an incredible feeling. "But I also think your home in Cincinnati will be one of our other places we'll frequent along with Amelia’s." she said and at her words Andrea smiled wonderfully, those brown orbs sparkling.

"Oh, Miranda, I love you." Andy whispered, kissing her lover once more.

"I love you too." Miranda responded, cupping Andrea's cheek, leaning their foreheads together.


They heard Evelyn say a few seconds later.

They turned their heads as Evelyn continued speaking.

"She’s going to come over!"

"Oh my god." Andy whispered, watching as the deer stopped in front of her daughter who raised a hand and patted Mystique on the head.

"It's not every night you can pat a reindeer." Miranda whispered, beaming, tugging on Andrea's hand as she stood to join their daughters.

"We'll scare her away." Andy whispered.

"No, we won't. Come on." Miranda said, beginning to walk.

"Hey bug, I see you made a new friend." Andy softly said, coming up behind her daughter.

"Oh, mummy! She's so gorgeous!" Evelyn said as Miranda reached out and touched Mystique who was staring at Andy curiously.

"Hi beautiful." Andy said, smiling as she reached out to pet the reindeer just as a rumble of thunder sounded above them shocking all of them and causing Mystique to run off with her family and friends whilst the girls continued to scream before erupting in laughter, arms protectively around each other.

"I think that's code to head back inside." Caroline said, looking over the hills where lightning shot down to the ground over and over.

"That looks awesome!" Evelyn said as Louise took a picture, never without her camera.

They stayed out a little while longer to watch the lightning until they entered the cabin where they got Evelyn upstairs to get ready for a bath before bed.

An hour and a hot Milo later they were heading up to Miranda's room like promised to do some stargazing.

Opening the door Miranda turned and saw the shock and awe on Andrea and Evelyn's faces as they took in the room silently.

"This is..." Andy trailed off, shaking her head as she wordlessly looked around.

"Wowee!" Evelyn chimed causing her mummies to laugh heartily.

"Yes, exactly that." Andy said.

It was a small room - only five steps to the queen sized bed which was a four poster antique similar to the one at the townhouse but this one had a mosquito net hanging around it. Straight ahead were a set of windows that looked out to the vast fields of greenery. In the corner of the window was a great little sitting nook. On the wall opposite the bed was a golden stone fire place which crackled away warming the cosy room beautifully. Above it hung a gorgeous piece by Miranda's favourite artist Alex Katz. To her right was a chest of drawers which had lots of photo-frames with the small Priestly family over the years inside. Next to her on the left was a door she assumed was the bathroom. Lastly was the jaw dropping glass roof where the stars twinkled and shone brilliantly and brightly.

Evelyn moved excitedly closer into the room where she jumped onto the bed amongst the array of several cushions.

"It's not as over the top as the other parts of the place, is it?" Miranda asked, coming to a stop next to her brunette beauty.

Andy looked at Miranda with raised eyebrows. "You think?"

"Okay... maybe it is just a tad what with the roof." Miranda pointed, chuckling softly watching as Evelyn leant over and took the small binoculars from the bedside table. "I'd do it all again though because laying in bed at night watching the wonders of the universe go by is absolutely extraordinary especially when there are meteor showers."

"Daddy and I were going to watch a meteor shower once, but Daddy got called to work and Mummy was sick in bed with a cold." Evelyn spoke.

"Well, next time one is scheduled to happen we will come here." Miranda responded as she and Andrea walked towards the bed where she kicked off her slippers before sitting down watching as Andrea rounded the bed to lay on the other side of their daughter who still lay cocooned amongst the cushions.

"What can you see, bug?" Andy asked as she slowly lay down.

"Hundreds and thousands of stars!" Evelyn said in awe, moving her head side to side staring at the universe.

"See that big bright one over there?" Miranda asked, pointing.

"Yeah?" Evelyn said, beginning to move the binoculars to where her Mama was directing her.

"That's Jupiter. Can you see it?"

Evelyn's eyes widened in the eye cups of the impressive Leica’s Duovid 10+15×50 binoculars. "Wow!!!"

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Miranda questioned.

"So much!" Evelyn softly said.

"And that one over there is Venus." Andy chimed in. "Right?" she asked Miranda, her baby brain possibly getting that wrong.

"Correct." Miranda replied, opening up the bedside table and pulling out another pair of binoculars which she handed to her lover. “Same brand as what Evelyn is holding but a tad better.”

"Thanks." Andy said as she pointed them towards the planet in question, her own eyes widening. "Shit. These are insanely good!" she said, unable to believe how vivid the planet looked. She only ever thought she’d be able to see the planets like this through telescopes.

"You swore, mummy!" Evelyn firmly said.

"Sorry bug." Andy replied, biting the inside of her lip.

"If you think those are good wait until you see the telescope." Miranda said.

"I don't even want to know how much these all cost."

Miranda smiled at the brunette. "You can't put a price tag on the wonders of our vast universe that deserves to be explored, Andrea."

"True." Andy replied, moving to look at Jupiter, eyes widening again at the vivid detail as she stared at the planet silently for a few moments in absolute awe. She wished she could go up there and see it up close and personal. "You know this makes me remember back to the night where I made a wish on a satellite that you and I would get back together." she spoke a little while later as she stared at all the stars before putting down the binoculars and turned to her lover. "I screwed up royally yet here I am back in your loving presence for good."

"Oh, darling." Miranda breathed, reaching over to cup her lovers face. "I would take you back over and over again until the end of time."

Andy opened her mouth before hesitating and didn't speak.

"What is it?" Miranda asked, frowning.

"The end of time." Andy whispered. "What if we are facing that sooner rather than later?"

"No no. You're not going to do that." Miranda said, noticing the tears welling in her lovers eyes. "You are not going to think about that when all that is going on will be put to a stop just like you said this morning."

"I can't lose you again." Andy whispered.

"And you won't." Miranda firmly responded, continuing. "And if, God forbid, it were to blow and eventually reach us Eric has prepared me over the years and built a state of the art high tech bunker room under the townhouse thanks to it having been built above an old unused subway line."

The brunette wiped the tears from her eyes. "You're serious."

"Yes. You know I don't kid around, Andrea." Miranda replied, also wiping her lover’s tears away. "Why else do you think I have been so calm about all this?"

"I... don't know. We all deal with things differently, and you're like Cass and Caroline... mull over things for a while, processing information before wanting to talk about it... which is perfectly okay."

Miranda smiled. It was very true. "Thank you for accepting me... flaws and all."

"True love sees no flaws." Andy replied, leaning over to kiss her lover.

Miranda kissed back with her stomach full of butterflies.

"Hey, mummies." Evelyn spoke, having been quiet for quite some minutes, too preoccupied with the universe above.

"Yes, bug?" Andy asked, sniffling her now running nose, grateful when Miranda passed her a tissue.

"Can you tell me the story again of how you met Mama?" their daughter asked and both love birds smiled widely with the Runway editor winking at her brunette beauty.

"Oh, Evie." Andy said, heart fluttering, as her mind thought back to that fateful day in Melbourne. "I would love to!"


Sometime Later.

Smiling Andy came out of her thoughts and turned to the left side of the bed to see an empty spot.

In her babbling of memories her lover had gotten up without her noticing - this wasn't uncommon when she was lost in thought - it also turns out that Evie had fallen asleep during the story.

"Why did you stop talking?" Her lover asked, appearing in the bathroom doorway. "I could hear you from in here."

Still smiling Andy began to stand. "The tale was nearly coming to an end... the good lovey dovey end, anyway."

"Mmm. That's true." Miranda said as she pulled her lover into her, her arms going around Andrea's waist.

Andy put her arms around Miranda's neck. "That reminiscing got me thinking..." she said as she leaned into the Runway editor’s mouth which was peppering kisses all over her neck.

"Mmm, what's that?"

"That we should... ohhh!"

Miranda chuckled upon kissing a sweet spot.

"Go back..." Andy breathed, becoming ridiculously turned on. "To Melbourne and Amelia's... recreate everything... make new memories."

Smiling the older woman pulled back to stare into her lovers eyes. "I love your mind."

"I take that as a yes." Andy said, grinning.

"A big yes." Miranda replied, moaning into Andrea's lips that were kissing her deliciously.

"Won't be until after bubs is born though. I refuse to get on another plane for fourteen straight hours with this already aching body."

Knowing what that was like when she'd been pregnant with her twins and having to travel a lot more frequently back then Miranda nodded her understanding.

"Here I am whining about having one baby inside me. I have no idea how you did it with twins."

"I don't even know how I did it either to be honest. I just... did... with a lot of teeth gritting and wanting to scream in frustration from the constant uncomfortable feeling practically 24/7." Miranda said, rubbing Andrea's belly.

"Still another four and a half months of uncomfortable feelings to go." Andy said with a sigh.

"It will fly by." Miranda said.

Andy snorted. "Pfft, yeah right."

The older woman bit her lip. "Was worth a try."

Andy laughed. "I apologise in advance as I'm only going to get moodier as the months go on."

"And I will still be right by your side with abundance of patience and understanding." Miranda responded.

"I love you." Andy whispered as she began kissing Miranda.

"I love you too, darling." Miranda breathed in between kisses.

"Oh, sorry." Caroline spoke from the door way. "Should I come back?"

"No no. Come in." Miranda laughingly said, blushing as she moved apart from Andrea.

"I just came up to ask if you wanted a cocktail?" Caroline said, looking to Miranda. "And a mocktail for you, Andy? Darcy is making them. She's been taking these classes and creating all these fabulous concoctions."

"Thank you for asking, sweetheart, but that dessert was enough sweetness for me tonight." Miranda replied. "She'll probably poison me." she muttered to Andrea.

"Be kind!" Andy whispered back, pinching the side of her lover's arm causing Miranda to cringe as she turned to Caroline."Mmm, I think I have to agree with your Mom, shockingly enough, on that one.Thanks for asking though." Staring at her lover once more.

Caroline smiled, shrugging. "No worries." she said, looking over to the bed and grinning. "Passed out for the night, hey?"

Andy softly laughed. "You do realise you've probably jinxed it now and you'll have to have a bubbly four year old with you until she finally falls back asleep."

"You know I don't mind." Caroline grinned.

"You're amazing with her. I love it." Andy spoke.

"I love her. She's an awesome kid. The little sister I've always dreamt of."

The love birds smiled.

"Want me to take her to bed so you can continue with what you were doing?" Caroline asked, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Miranda's eyes widened, cheeks turning even brighter. "Caroline!" she said, throwing a nearby cushion at her daughter who laughed softly.

"Sorry, but it was a fair question." Caroline threw the cushion back to the arm chair.

Miranda shooed her daughter away. "Go enjoy the cocktails and we'll be down a little bit later."

"Alright, alright, I get the hint." Caroline said, walking out. "Enjoy bath time."

"Oh. My. God." Miranda said, pointing at her daughter. "You're terrible!"

"You love me." Caroline said over her shoulder, grinning.

"Yes, to the moon and back." Miranda replied.

"Yeah, I suppose I feel the same." Caroline sad, biting her lip, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, scram, you!" Miranda replied to the cheekiness of her daughter who disappeared down the hall. "We will never have a dull moment with that one."

"Definitely not." Andy replied as they began making their way inside the bathroom before she stopped mid step in the door way of the breathtaking room. "Oh, babe."

Just like the floor in the bedroom the golden wood boards were shiny and the lights illuminated off them perfectly. The tub, which was filling up with a great amount of bubbles, was in the corner placed diagonally, with a golden waterfall tap which was as shiny as the room.

Placed in front of the tub was a dark red rug and as she got closer saw that it looked to be an Afghan rug and no doubt hand knitted. It was wonderful and matched the golden colours of the room beautifully.

On either side of the small back wall hung two gorgeous modern crystal chandeliers. To the left was a window that was low enough to be able to look out from inside the tub. To the right was the sink which was a vintage cabinet and was a beautiful piece of furniture which had a round sink sat upon it with a simple golden tap. Above it hung a gorgeous antique round ornate mirror with a French floral design and next to it, a slight gap away, was a black photo-frame that had a picture of Patricia in it sat on the front porch of the cabin posing wonderfully.

Similar to the vintage sink on the left side of the room closer to the door was a make-up vanity which helped top the room off.

"Stunning." Andy spoke.

"It's not too old fashioned?" Miranda questioned.

"Definitely not." Andy responded, running a finger across the perfectly polished make-up vanity. "It all works together perfectly." she added as her lover turned the bath taps off and so she began to undress, but not before closing the door.

"I'm going to have a look at the mock-up while you relax." Miranda said.

Andy pouted. "Because of what Caroline said?"

Miranda snorted. "That too, but not to mention Evelyn is right next door."

"True." Andy replied with a sigh, still pouting as she got down into the water which was steaming up the room gloriously so. "You're missing out, big time." she hummed, moving her fingers through the bubbles beginning to moan as she moved lower into the water.

The older woman looked over to her lover, lips quirking, and she shook her head. "Why can I never say no to you?"

Andy laughed heartily. "I'm irresistible." she said, stretching out lazily with a grin in place as her lover began to strip. "Mmm, yesssss. Now that is what I want to see." she said, licking her lips as Miranda took off her cashmere sweater along with her ordinary white bra to reveal those divine full breasts which were one of Andy's favourite things to play with.

Miranda smirked, body humming wonderfully with the way Andrea gazed at her with glazed over eyes. Once upon a time she used to look in the mirror and see an old woman with scars and stretch marks with Stephen's words echoing in her head "Get surgery. Maybe that will finally make you a happy person and make me want to touch you." he used to demolish her confidence in her own home where she should have been able to feel safe. It was thanks to him that she began seeing herself differently when she should have always seen a woman with beautiful marks showing the signs of bringing to life two amazing girls. But now she has become extremely lucky to have Andrea in her life who makes her feel like a woman who is still desirable and says only nice words of encouragement and compliments to her, never once having talked down to her. It was an incredible feeling, one she has never felt before, as even with Eric had spoken down to her on several occasions.

Once her slack pants and underwear were off she raised her right leg into the bath followed by the other before settling down into the perfect temperature water as the bubbles surrounded her. She softly moaned as Andrea trailed her toes up and down the inside of her legs. She bit her lip.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything naughty. Yet." Andy said, grinning.

"Oh." Miranda said.

"Unless you think you can be quiet?" Andy asked with a raised eyebrow. She felt a tad smug when Miranda gave her a nod. "Good choice." she said as she began moving her right toe closer and closer to her lover’s hot centre in such a teasing way. She moaned when Miranda arched into her, desperately wanting to feel her, causing her to chuckle. "Someone’s a little impatient."

Miranda bit her lip. "Touch me. Please." she breathed. A few more teasing seconds later and she got her wish.

The brunette moved her toe through her lover’s slick folds. "Mmm. Always so ready for me."

Miranda moaned. "Always, darling." she responded, gasping when Andrea teased her entrance before pulling back out. She hoped as she continued to age she would still be easily turned on and wet and ready to go. She would hate to come to a day where she would disappoint and bore her brunette beauty. However she was smart and didn't dwell on these thoughts for long - thoughts which may never happen - and continued to give herself fully to her darling Andrea.

Jumping slightly when Andrea began playing with her clitoris she moaned, opened her eyes and stared into Andrea's. In that moment she knew this exquisite woman would make her feel alive and buzzing with unbelievable energy for as long as she would live. "I love you." she whispered, her body beginning to tremble as she started to climax all in the span of a few moments of Andrea touching her. That was how talented her lover was. Yet she still felt her cheeks reddening as the brunette moved her toe through her folds once more.

"You're so beautiful." Andy whispered, loving the fact that she could get Miranda off so quickly when once upon a time, before they got together, this magnificent woman struggled to even orgasm. She couldn't take her eyes off of Miranda whom she could call hers for the rest of her life. "And I love you too... so much more."

At those words Miranda's heart fluttered as she arched into her lover once more who grinned in delight and was more than happy to satisfy her all over again always and forever.


Miranda let out a content sigh as they lazily exited the still steamy bathroom as she tied her night gown around her pajama clad body as they were about to join the girls downstairs for a little while as neither of them felt anywhere near ready to sleep. She smiled fondly as she watched Andrea walk over to the bed and kissed their daughter on the forehead. "Love you, bug, sweet dreams." her brunette beauty whispered before clicking off the lamp not needing it on any longer as the crackling fire lip up the room brilliantly. "After you, my darling." she spoke to her lover who stopped beside her, their eyes connecting just as Andrea leaned in to give her a quick peck.

When Andy pulled away she began walking out the door.

As her lover moved through the door way Miranda couldn't help but to reach out, placing her hand on Andrea's delectable arse and squeezing causing her lover to laugh heartily and turn to look at her with sultry eyes.


Miranda chuckled. "Mmm. For you... always." she said causing her lover to continue laughing and lean into her, kissing her again.

"Oh, look out, the love birds are on their way down!" The voice of Cassidy said who stopped in the hall way, shielding her eyes from the scene in front of her.

"About time!" Caroline called back. "Get your butts down here!"

"Yes, boss." Miranda responded, looking over the staircase railing to her daughter who was waiting for them at the bottom holding two glasses in her hands. "Bollinger for the best mommy on earth and a dry, not sweet, mocktail for the greatest step-mom."

Miranda raised an eyebrow as she accepted the flute glasses. "What have you broken?"

"Quite frankly I am hurt that just because I'm complimenting two extraordinary women that I've done something wrong." Caroline said, holding a hand over her heart. "Truly hurt." shaking her head, but had a smirk threatening.

"Oh, gawd." Miranda rolled her eyes and walked past her daughter. "You'll get over it." she said with a laugh, sitting down and then sipped her champagne, humming softly in delight. Bollinger would always be her favourite. She looked over at Darcy and gave the young woman a nod of acknowledgement which made the woman smile at her.

"So, how many cocktails have we consumed so far?" Miranda curiously asked, as Cassidy came back downstairs, both her girls buzzing with tipsy energy and eyes glazed over from it.

"Was I supposed to be counting?" Caroline asked laughingly as she collapsed down in the arm chair squished nice and close to Darcy who instinctively put an arm around her.

"You don't want to know." Cassidy laughingly said also sitting in the opposite arm chair joining Louise.

Miranda snorted. "Oh, boy. No whining in the morning when we send Evelyn in to wake you." she said with a smirk.

"No, we won't do that." Andy laughingly said, continuing. "Not on your one day of a sleep in where you haven’t been standing on your feet all night."

"Thank you!" Caroline said, smiling at Andy.

"How’s the mocktail, Andy??" Darcy asked, continuing. "Caroline said you like cucumbers."

"Oh, I really do and this is so fresh and tasty. I just wish it had gin or vodka in it." Andy said with a sigh and a pout.

Darcy smiled. “How much longer do you have to go?"

"A little over four months. Blah." Andy replied.

"Do you know what you're having?"

Andy shook her head. "No, we decided to keep that as a surprise." she replied, smiling as she rubbed her belly. "However Miranda and I reckon we’re having a boy." she said, turning to gaze at her lover who was smiling.

"Aww, a girl and a boy... that would be great." Darcy said, continuing. "I think if I were to ever have kids I'd want to have a boy first to be the older protective brother."

Andy nodded. "I can understand that. I have an older brother, Harrison, and he's exactly like that towards me and my other young brother and sister."

"Three siblings? Wow." Darcy said. "That must have been a fun household."

Andy grinned. "There was definitely never a quiet or dull moment."

"Speaking of your siblings." Caroline said, stopping to sip her Hibiscus tea cocktail. "When are we going to meet the loud mouthed, hardcore drinking Sachs clan?"

"That is a very good question." Andy said, turning to look at her lover.

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "What are you looking at me for?"

"You're the boss." Andy cheekily said, playfully nudging her lover.

Miranda waved the words away. "Set it all up, let me know and I'll make it work."

"I'll look at flights when we get home then."

Home. Miranda's heart skipped a beat every time she heard Andrea say it. After all that had happened and thinking they could never have a home together and now that it was actually reality - two months and three weeks so far - and it was truly surreal and so, so amazing. She knew that her knees would always go weak at the sound of Andrea's keys in the front door coming home to her. "Great. You know I can't wait to meet your family." she said, knowing how much the Sachs would always mean to her lover as she took Andrea's hand. "And you know I will always clear my schedule for you." she softly added as the girls started talking amongst themselves.

Andy squeezed the Runway editor’s hand, beaming at her lovers words. "Vice versa."

"And then we went to this abandoned asylum building and Louise took all these great pictures."

They heard Cassidy say as they tuned back to the girls and their conversation.

"Which I still think would be a great place for you to do an exhibition." Cassidy continued, looking pointedly at her girlfriend.

"Ooooh! What was the energy like inside the building?!" Caroline asked, leaning forward with excitement.

"Intense." Cassidy said.

"Very strong." Louise spoke.

"And we kept hearing all these loud bangs." Cassidy said.

"I think it was the elevator creaking." Louise chimed in.

"I dunno. What about the footsteps we heard and the breeze you felt flash past you as if someone had run by." Cassidy responded.

"Now I really wish I had of gone with you!" Caroline said, frowning - she and Cassidy were huge believers in ghosts, the afterlife, past lives, all of that sort of thing.

Miranda chimed in on the conversation. "I hope you didn't go alone."

At her mom’s firm and concerned words Cassidy bit the inside of her lip.

Seeing this Miranda shook her head. "Anything could have happened to the two of you in there. There could have been squatters or other... beings. Not to mention you could have gotten yourselves locked in any of the rooms. Faulty old door locks can do that."

"Oh, mother dear! You're stressing over nothing." Cassidy responded. "We were perfectly fine."

"It was definitely a great experience. However it was really sad reading all the files and ridiculous reasons why people had been put in there, lots of them unlawfully. I can't get over all the lesbian women suffering through electroshock therapy without consent." Louise shook her head.

"Sickening." Cassidy spoke, continuing. "I don't even want to think of the other things that went on in there with all those freaky looking doctors."

Louise grimaced at those words. "Yuck."

"But I got some great video footage and Louise has added to her photography portfolio. My girl is so talented." Cassidy said with so much pride.

Louise beamed and Miranda smiled as she watched the two of them. “Oh, please, please get married.” She thought to herself, crossing her fingers.

"Let’s get the photos and video of it up on the TV." Caroline suggested, also loving Louise's talent.

"Great idea!" Cassidy said.

"Oh, we really don't have to." Louise said, suddenly shy.

"Now now, stop with that." Miranda said, looking pointedly at Louise. "We all love what you do." she said, knowing that her daughter in law would go far in her career. "Putting it all up on the TV would be wonderful." she added, nodding at Caroline.

"I'm going to wee first even though I just did so not even half an hour ago." Andy said with a frustrated sigh before looking to the girls. "Would one of you youngsters help me up?"

Caroline did so, already standing.

"Owww, my feet!" Andy whined, lips pouty. "I hate this!"

"You're handling it amazingly." Cassidy said.

"Oh yeah, so much better than I would!" Caroline chimed in, touching Andy’s belly, grinning.

"I just hope that the birth is easier the second time around." Andy said, watching as Caroline felt no doubt wanting to feel him kick before the young girl pulled away to let her walk towards the downstairs bathroom.

"It is what women say." Caroline said.

"Well, all I can say is that those women better be right!" Andy said over her shoulder.

"You'll be great, darling, there’s nothing to worry about because you’ve done it once and can do it again.”

"With you by my side I will be." Andy spoke as she opened the bathroom door.

All four of the girls along with Miranda beamed at those lovey dovey words.

"You two are so cute together!" Darcy commented.

"Cute." Miranda thought with a raised eyebrow. "Thank you." she said, looking to her lover who had turned around in the door way of the bathroom and gave her a stern look.

"Behave!" Andy mouthed.

The older woman gave Andrea a nod. She knew she had to try with Darcy for her daughter’s sake, but it didn't stop the way she felt about Darcy and all the doubt she had.

"Cute is one way to put it!" Caroline said, collapsing on the couch next to Miranda, pulling the older woman from her musings, and she turned to her daughter, putting her arms around her tightly as Caroline cuddled into her. "You're my amazing mommy and you have no idea how extremely, beyond, thrilled and so thrilled I am for you that you rekindled your flame with Andy!"

"You said thrilled twice." Miranda laughingly pointed out.

Caroline snorted. "No I didn't!" she said, waving those words away in her drunken way.

Miranda smirked. "Thank you bobbsey for all of your love and support and acceptance of Andrea in our lives." she said, kissing her daughters forehead, staring at her stunning daughter whose eyes were beginning to flutter shut. She chuckled. "I think it's time someone went to bed."

"Bed?! What... no way! The nights still young!" Caroline responded, pulling her head up and rubbing her eyes. "Were on vacation! We have to make the most of this night!"

"Alright, whatever you say, bobbsey." Miranda replied, standing also as they began making their way back upstairs to the lounge to watch the slideshow.

"I'm going to party until the sun comes up!" Caroline said, pulling out a cord from the TV and began plugging in Louise's laptop into the flat screen which sat perfectly at eye level to the couch on the wall.

However half an hour later when Cassidy and Louise stopped talking to whisper and giggle with each other Miranda looked over to the L shaped couch where Caroline laid with her head in Darcy's lap, eyes shut and no doubt sound asleep.

"That was super kinky." Cassidy giggled, sipping her cocktail, looking at the picture of herself strapped to the bed in the asylum.

Louise winked.

"You totally did it in an abandoned asylum!" Caroline said, slurring slightly, as she opened her eyes just enough to be able to look at her twin, surprising Miranda as her daughter has guzzled quite a few cocktails within the span of thirty minutes making her think that her daughter would be out like a light by now.

Cassidy nearly spilt her drink at those words. "We aren't all as dirty as you!"

"Oh please! You're only saying that to look all innocent because Mom's in the room!" Caroline laughingly said.

Leaning over Cassidy slapped her sister on the arm which hung down from the couch.

"Owww! That hurt!" Caroline said, pouting as she rubbed her arm.

"Oh please, toughen up." Cassidy shot back, grinning.

"Yeah, toughen up." Darcy said, nudging Caroline.

"No, you shut up!" Caroline said, rolling onto her back and poked her girlfriend. "Kiss my arm better."

Darcy raised an eyebrow at the raised arm. "Like we said... toughen up, princess."

"Pffft." Caroline said, swatting her girlfriend in annoyance and began to sit up.

"Oh, what the hell... I can do better than that." Darcy spoke, taking Caroline by the shirt and pulling her into her, their lips meeting.

"I want to kiss you to." Andy whispered, continuing. "Upstairs. In bed."

At the hint Miranda smirked and looked over to where her daughter was still kissing Darcy. She cleared her throat, looking away. "Girls, we are off to bed!" she spoke, standing as her lover stretched on the couch. "And I think it's time you all did the same as it's getting quite late and Evelyn will want to be up bright and early to explore what’s around us."

"As long as you don't wake me until 8:30." Caroline said, looking at her mother and began giggling like a school girl. "You have two heads!"

Cassidy rolled her eyes, looking over to her mom. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she passes out very soon."

"Party poopers!" Caroline responded, sighing loudly.

"Good." Miranda said, smiling at Cassidy and then Caroline. "Sleep well, sweethearts."

"Good night!"

"Nighty night!"

They all chorused.

Tugging on her hand Andrea began walking towards the staircase and the Runway editor grinned. She couldn't wait to make her lover moan in ecstasy.


Miranda pulled away from Andrea's lips and began kissing and nipping at the brunette's neck as her lover gasped and moaned in her ear.

"Yessss." Andy cooed, arching upwards to feel her lovers fingers on her pussy.

Smirking and getting the hint Miranda began to make her way, slowly and teasingly so, down Andrea's body as her right hand dipped under the baby bump and tortuously down to her lovers clitoris which she teased, but only for a few moments, before beginning to massage and move her fingers through the young woman’s gloriously wet folds.

"Ohhh, Miranda!" Andy cried out, cupping her mouth with a hand. "Go inside."

Doing so a shot of arousal went through her body at the sound Andrea made as she moved in sync with her pumping fingers. The Runway editor continued kissing her way down her lover’s body whilst still driving her lover closer and closer to the edge. She twirled her tongue inside Andrea's belly button, causing a shiver to run through the brunette, before she trailed her tongue down her lover’s lower body and stopped just above the clitoris.

Taking her fingers out Miranda replaced them with her tongue which delved deep into her lover, moaning at the sensation. She continued to move her muscle in and out of Andrea until her lover began trembling. She moaned again at the sign that her lover was close.

"Oh god." Andy said, biting the inside of her mouth a few moments later. "Ah... Miranda."

"Yes?" Miranda moaned, not stopping.

"I don't think that's an orgasm about to happen, so unless you want a golden shower you should stop." Andy said, her whole face and neck reddening a ridiculous amount as her heart raced from embarrassment.

Pulling away, and licking her lips, Miranda stared up at her lover and instantly saw the nervousness. "Are you embarrassed?!"

"Ummm, duh! Of course I am!" Andy said, swinging her legs down from the bed and began to awkwardly stand. "You're giving me incredible, mind blowing head and then all of a sudden I need to take a pee!" she groaned as she stood, holding herself up against the wall with her hand before pushing away and walking towards the ensuite. "I hate this!"

Miranda wiped her mouth and rolled over onto her back, watching her lover enter the bathroom. "Darling, you know you don't need to be embarrassed. I have been through all of what you're feeling. It's perfectly fine."

"I still hate all of it!" Andy responded, ripping off some toilet paper.

Biting her lip at the frustrated and slightly angry tone her lover used she decided to remain quiet until Andrea flushed, washed her hands, and walked back out into the room. "Darling, come here. Let me make you feel better."

"That's not going to work. I am constantly uncomfortable!" Andy replied with a huff as she lay down on the bed once more, her lover kissing her neck. She closed her eyes and tried her best to relax as Miranda began gently playing with her breasts. She reopened her eyes and sighed again. "It's not working. I can't relax." she said, hitting the empty spot beside her. "My feet hurt, my back aches, I can't lay on my stomach, and it's uncomfortable laying on my side. I'm so fucking over this!" she hissed, looking at the older woman. "I just want to be able to make love with you and I can't because of it all even though I am so god damn fucking horny and just want you inside of me constantly but my mind is telling me otherwise."

Miranda kissed her lovers neck for a few moments longer before pulling away and staring into those beautiful yet incredibly frustrated brown orbs. "Darling, just breathe and relax... we have the rest of our lives to make love."

"But it's our vacation night." Andy said, pouting. "Everyone else is having sexy times on their vacation nights!"

Chuckling Miranda kissed her lover. "And we have plenty more vacation nights to look forward to."

"Fuck I love you." Andy breathed, watching as Miranda beamed at her.

"Well fuck, I love you too." Miranda winked.

Andy laughed loudly and heartily at those words, cupping her lovers face and kissing the Runway extraordinaire soundly. "Can you just... rub my feet?" she questioned, sighing as she tried to get comfortable but it was no use.

"You don't even have to ask." Miranda replied, kissing her lover once more before sitting up. She put on her slippers to keep her feet warm as her brunette beauty lifted one foot onto her lap which she took a moment later and began massaging all the right spots which made her lover moan, sigh, smile and eventually lulled her to sleep. She did the other foot so it felt just as refreshed for the day ahead of adventures before crawling into her side of the bed and curling into her lover. "Good night, my darling." she whispered, kissing the corner of Andrea's mouth and stared at her sleeping beauty until her eyes began to flutter shut until she could no longer keep them open, joining her lover in slumber.



author: pure_ecstasy6

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