Sunday Morning-Draco's room ((Linkdrop))

Jul 02, 2006 08:45

Draco didn't sleep very well last night. There were a lot of possibilities as to why. It could have been his trip to Corusant which was fun but very tiring. Or maybe he couldn't sleep because on Friday he was attacked by jello dragons. But Draco's best guess as to why he couldn't sleep was him being haunted by a ghost. And after he got rid of it he met up with everyone to destroy it.

And even though that the haunting was done with and he'd never have to see Dumbledore again unless J.K. Rowling has something pretty impressive up her sleeve he still couldn't help but think about why he was haunted in the first place. It wasn't easy admitting what he did. He had spent so much time pretending that he was the one in charge that he had forgotten that he was pretending in the first place. And he didn't lie to the ghost, if he did have to go back to that night and do it over again he would have sided with Dumbledore. He may have been a crackpot old coot but he was a powerful crackpot old coot who really wouldn't have let anything happen to Draco or his mother. Draco just wished he thought about that before Snape burst through and killed him.

It's too late to change anything now. thought Draco. He decided to give up trying to sleep and instead turned on his TV to watch reruns of the Z-Cases on TV.

((Door's open!))

teh angst, draco loves tv, joxer, omg ghost?, linkdrop, field trip!, open door, jello dragons

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