The Jedi Temple [Friday morning into Saturday afternoon]

Jun 26, 2006 10:32

"This is the Jedi Temple," Anakin said, gesturing. A few Jedi walking past gave him a curious look. Anakin blushed. "Um, obviously. We'll be staying here for the night. You're free to wander around and explore. Your rooms will be down this corridor," he pointed, "and mine is on the other side of the Temple with the rest of the Masters and Padawans. In your room you'll find comm units, maps, and translated lists of pretty basic words. Call me if you get lost, either in the Temple or out in Coruscant. It's a big planet and getting turned around is to be expected."

[OOC: Again, wait for the OCD... Post away! We'll be pre-playing through Friday to give everyone enough time to see everything they want to.]


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