So it seems that within my two work day absence you've hired about 20 new Mexicans almost all of them to do brick laying. I would just like to say... Keep up the good work!
In my few days of employment at FH Martin i've learned quite a bit.
For example, Mexicans hate wearing hard hats, except for the paranoid one who always wears it. Also like no matter how little work I do it'll look like I've been working all day.
That is all.
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Zombie Ville is where I am at the current momment.... Rather boring... cept for the zombies. I saw a group of them have a break dancing contest, the one of the groups leader told the other group that "You got served..." I wanted to cry...
Sooooooooo............ I think I'll start updating this thing again so that I'm not so socialy detatched to all of you, so start cheering with joy until I stop paying attation so you can go back to cursing my black heart
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