Через пару часов судья Салливан примет решение о наказании для Флинна за вранье ФБР. Флинн просит не давать ему тюремного срока, Мюллер согласен, но решение за судьей
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Мюллер обещал не выдвигать Флинну новых обвинений, но только по тем делам, о которых говорится в обвинительном заключении. Это означает, что угроза обвинений по другим делам над ним продолжает висеть.
3/3 Even if the statement of offense could be read expansively to protect Flynn from other charges it is increasingly clear he could face, the plea is only between Flynn and the Special Counsel‘s office. In other words, a U.S. Attorney’s offices bring other charges. pic.twitter.com/LEzeU3Ioro - Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) December 18, 2018
"You were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the president!
"Arguably, this undermines everything this flag over here stands for! Arguably, you sold your country out!" - Steven Portnoy (@stevenportnoy) December 18, 2018
Judge Sullivan: “I’m not hiding my disgust, my distain for this criminal offense.”
Says he can’t guarantee he’s going to avoid incarceration. Gives Flynn yet another opportunity to speak with his lawyers. - Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) December 18, 2018
This process usually is shorter when both prosecution and defense recommend no jail time. Flynn quietly says “yes your honor,” as Judge Sullivan rails about “very serious offense” he has pleaded guilty to. - Evan Pérez (@evanperez) December 18, 2018
It was clear to everyone in Flynn sentencing courtroom that Judge Sullivan likely was preparing to lock Flynn up. Flynn lawyers decided to take the delay until March, hoping to get a better deal then. - Evan Pérez (@evanperez) December 18, 2018
"Слухи, распространяемые с подачи минюста США, о том, что скончавшийся 3 января 2016 года Герой России генерал-полковник Игорь Дмитриевич Сергун находился в Ливане, - конспирологический бред. Игорь Дмитриевич в январе 2016 года находился в России", - сказали во вторник в Минобороны. Сергун умер 3 января 2016 года, ему было 58 лет. Как сообщало Минобороны, генерал умер в подмосковном доме отдыха ФСБ "Москвич" после обширного инфаркта.https://tass.ru/armiya-i-
( ... )
Comments 11
Zamel had apparently been introduced to Flynn by Bijan Kian, Flynn Intel Group’s former vice chairman of its board of directors, according to one source. Kian had been a partner at Flynn Intel Group and served as point man on Flynn’s discussions with Zamel.
3/3 Even if the statement of offense could be read expansively to protect Flynn from other charges it is increasingly clear he could face, the plea is only between Flynn and the Special Counsel‘s office. In other words, a U.S. Attorney’s offices bring other charges. pic.twitter.com/LEzeU3Ioro
- Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) December 18, 2018
"You were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the president!
"Arguably, this undermines everything this flag over here stands for! Arguably, you sold your country out!"
- Steven Portnoy (@stevenportnoy) December 18, 2018
Judge Sullivan: “I’m not hiding my disgust, my distain for this criminal offense.”
Says he can’t guarantee he’s going to avoid incarceration. Gives Flynn yet another opportunity to speak with his lawyers.
- Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) December 18, 2018
This process usually is shorter when both prosecution and defense recommend no jail time. Flynn quietly says “yes your honor,” as Judge Sullivan rails about “very serious offense” he has pleaded guilty to.
- Evan Pérez (@evanperez) December 18, 2018
It was clear to everyone in Flynn sentencing courtroom that Judge Sullivan likely was preparing to lock Flynn up. Flynn lawyers decided to take the delay until March, hoping to get a better deal then.
- Evan Pérez (@evanperez) December 18, 2018
Flynn said that he had called Ambassador Kislyak after the death of Sergun in Lebanon in the beginning of last year to Express his condolences.
Минобороны отрицает.
"Слухи, распространяемые с подачи минюста США, о том, что скончавшийся 3 января 2016 года Герой России генерал-полковник Игорь Дмитриевич Сергун находился в Ливане, - конспирологический бред. Игорь Дмитриевич в январе 2016 года находился в России", - сказали во вторник в Минобороны.
Сергун умер 3 января 2016 года, ему было 58 лет. Как сообщало Минобороны, генерал умер в подмосковном доме отдыха ФСБ "Москвич" после обширного инфаркта.https://tass.ru/armiya-i- ( ... )
В переходной команде по органам разведки, где числился Бижан Киан, работало 13 человек: https://www.steptoe.com/en/news-publications/trump-administration-transition.html Его голос не был решающим.
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