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судья Салливан примет решение о наказании для Флинна за вранье ФБР. Флинн просит не давать ему тюремного срока, Мюллер согласен, но решение за судьей.
Накануне были предъявлены обвинения двум партнерам Флинна - Бижану Рафиекяну (известному, как Киан) и турецкоподанному Екиму Алптекину - за тайное лоббирование интересов Эрдогана.
An indictment was unsealed today charging Bijan Rafiekian, aka Bijan Kian, 66, of San Juan Capistrano, California, and Kamil Ekim Alptekin, 41, of Istanbul, and a Turkish national, with conspiracy, acting in the United States as illegal agents of the government of Turkey, and making false statements to the FBI. <...>
Rafiekian is charged with conspiracy and acting in the United States as an illegal agent of the government of Turkey. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison for the conspiracy charge, and 10 years in prison for the charge of acting as an agent of a foreign government.
Alptekin is charged with conspiracy, acting in the United States as an illegal agent of the government of Turkey, and four counts of making false statements to the FBI. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison for the conspiracy charge, 10 years in prison for the charge of acting as an agent of a foreign government, and 5 years in prison for each of the four false statement charges. Статья, в которой подробно описывается резкий разворот Флинна от критики Эрдогана до его поддержки, смазанной деньгами: Киан явился для ареста и был отпущен под залог. Алптекин скрывается пока в Турции. Обвинений избежали другие участники заговора - сам Флинн и "international man of mystery"
Дмитрий "Давид" Заикин.
Обвиненный Киан принимал непосредственное участие в печально известном "плане Маршалла" для Ближнего Востока:
"Flynn and Kian met with Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican congressman from California who is supportive of Russia, to discuss the construction of up to 40 nuclear power plants across the Mideast in cooperation with Russia, a plan promoted by a consortium that included former U.S. military men hoping to work with Flynn and GreenZone." Флинн привел Киана в переходную команду Трампа, где тот участвовал в подготовке Майка Помпео на пост директора ЦРУ.
Flynn helped Kian land a spot on the transition, where he prepared incoming CIA nominee Mike Pompeo for his confirmation hearing and pushed a number of policy proposals, including fighting a potential threat from electromagnetic pulses, or EMPs. Pompeo has recently been named secretary of state.
Another controversial and previously unreported proposal Flynn and Kian promoted was to hire private security contractors to collect information around the globe, then sidestep the CIA and provide the intelligence directly to the national security adviser, according to people who worked with them on the transition. Flynn couldn’t hold his administration job long enough to shepherd those plans into action. Киан описывает свою роль таким образом:
"Served as Deputy Lead in directing the efforts of a volunteer group that connected with all 17 elements of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Supported providing policy input, strategic guidance and operational counsel to prepare new Directors National Intelligence, CIA and other Cabinet Secretaries for roles in the Trump administration."