Деревня Большие Рыбы

Nov 30, 2017 18:02

Городок Whitefish в Монтане имеет население 6500 человек и ничем особенно не примечателен. По какой-то странной причине он засветился в новостях множество раз.

1. Whitefish - место обитания Ричарда Спенсера и его богатых родителей. Это превратило его в своего рода нацистскую Мекку. В декабре 2016 Эндрю Энглин создал скандал, напустив на местных евреев армию нацистских троллей.

Spencer and Anglin had appeared together on a podcast the day before Sherry’s Medium post was published and expressed their mutual admiration. Anglin declared it a “historic” occasion, a step toward greater unity on the extreme right.
It was in this spirit that Anglin “doxed” Gersh and her husband, Judah, as well as other Jews in Whitefish, by publishing their contact information and other personal details on his website. He plastered their photographs with yellow stars emblazoned with jude and posted a picture of the Gershes’ 12-year-old son superimposed on the gates at Auschwitz. He commanded his readers-his “Stormer Troll Army”-to “hit ’em up.”
“All of you deserve a bullet through your skull,” one Stormer said in an email.
“Put your uppity slut wife Tanya back in her cage, you rat-faced kike,” another wrote to Judah.
“You fucking wicked kike whore,” Andrew Auernheimer, The Daily Stormer’s webmaster, said in a voicemail for Gersh. “This is Trump’s America now.”
Over the next week, the Stormers besieged Whitefish businesses, human-rights groups, city-council members-anyone potentially connected to the targets. A single harasser called Judah’s office more than 500 times in three days, according to the Whitefish police. Gersh came home one night to find her husband sitting at home in the dark, suitcases on the floor, wondering whether they should flee. “I have never been so scared in my entire life,” she later told me.
That Anglin, a 33-year-old college dropout, could unleash such mayhem-Whitefish’s police chief, Bill Dial, likened it to “domestic terrorism”-was a sign of just how emboldened the alt-right had become.


2. В Whitefish вырос Райан Зинке, Secretary of the Interior, и его жена Лолита. Там же находится маленькая невзрачная компания Whitefish Energy, которая неожиданно получила контракт на $300 миллионов на восстановление электрической сети в Пуэрто-Рико, поврежденной ураганом. Когда сведения о контакте просочились в печать, разгорелся скандал, который ныне расследует ФБР.

In the face of intensifying political and media scrutiny over the Whitefish deal-including revelations that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has personal and familial connections to the firm, which is also located in his hometown-PREPA canceled the Whitefish contract on October 26. Three different congressional committees, the House Committee on Natural Resources, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, sent official inquiry letters about the contract on October 26.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General and the FBI office in San Juan also announced independent inquiries into the contract, and the Whitefish deal was also the subject of several lines of questioning in a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on Tuesday.

3. Ныне выясняется, что другая мутная компания из Whitefish, под названием Amyntor Group, ведет тайные переговоры с администрацией Трампа о том, чтобы взять на себя по контракту некоторые функции разведки.

The White House and CIA have been considering a package of secret proposals to allow former US intelligence officers to run privatized covert actions, intelligence gathering, and propaganda missions, according to three sources who’ve been briefed on or have direct knowledge of the proposals.
One of the proposals would involve hiring a private company, Amyntor Group, for millions of dollars to set up a large intelligence network and run counterterrorist propaganda efforts, according to the sources. Amyntor’s officials and employees include veterans of a variety of US covert operations, ranging from the Reagan-era Iran-Contra affair to more recent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Среди руководителей компании называют бывшего сотрудника ЦРУ по имени John Maguire. Джон Магуайр был в свое время завербован отделом контрразведки ФБР, чтобы следить за своим коллегой Джимом Николсоном, который оказался предателем, работавшим на СВР.

Maguire’s boss, not known for warm and fuzzy moments with subordinates, didn’t invite him to take a seat. It would be a short meeting. “I have an assignment for you,” Richter said. “I can’t tell you anything about it.” He told Maguire that he needed an answer then and there, and that a yes would be good for his career. If he said no, all he had to do was go back downstairs and never utter a word about the conversation. “You have to give me an answer now,” Richter said. Maguire, flummoxed, glanced to his right. A stranger sat on the couch. The man wore a nice suit and a blue badge denoting him as a CIA staffer. Maguire figured he was a senior agency man. He planted his eyes on Richter’s face to read his reaction to his next words.
“Can I ask a question or two?”
Richter peered at Maguire sourly. “You can ask,” he said.
Maguire turned to the man on the couch.
“Who’s this guy?”
“I’m Ed Curran,” the stranger said. “I’m the highest-ranking FBI agent assigned inside the CIA.”
F**k me, Maguire thought. <...>
Not long after Maguire got word he would be working for Jim, Redmond called him for a meeting in one of the agency’s “black rooms,” offices with no descriptors on the door, just cipher locks. There he found himself buttonholed by the veteran counterintelligence supervisor who had headed the long-in-coming apprehension of Rick Ames. Redmond confided in Maguire that if he performed well in his undercover role, he’d serve his country admirably and notch a major milestone in his career.
“If you f**k it up,” he said, “you’re finished. So don’t f**k it up.”

Николсона арестовали в 1996. Он вошел в историю, как самый высокопоставленным работник ЦРУ, пойманный на шпионаже. Уже находясь в тюрьме, Николсон продолжал работать на Россию, завербовав ради этого своего сына. Он был повторно разоблачен и в 2011 получил новый срок. Сыну дали условный срок благодаря тому, что он дал показания на отца.


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