Серия статей Daily Beast о связях Трампа с России, опубликованная накануне выборов, заканчивается обзором ключевых персонажей:
THE OPERATOR: Пол Манафорт.
THE SOLDIER: Майкл Флинн.
THE BANKER: Ричард Берт.
THE PUBLICIST: Майкл Капуто.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-and-russia-all-the-moguls-men Те же персонажи были отмечены избирательной кампанией Клинтон в середине августа:
This is a serious matter and there are real concerns about the pro-Kremlin interests engaged with the Trump team. As someone running to lead American policy and national security, Donald Trump owes the American public answers.
https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factchecks/2016/08/15/trump-owes-americans-answers-on-troubling-ties-to-pro-kremlin-forces/ Последние два персонажа из списка, Ричард Берт и Майкл Капуто, засветились в недавних новостях.
1. Давая показания под присягой на слушаниях в Сенате, Джефф Сешнс запамятовал о своих встречах с Ричардом Бертом, известным лоббистом Газпрома и Альфа банка.
MCCAIN: During that 2016 campaign season, did you have any contacts with any representative, including any American lobbyist or agent of any Russian company within or outside your capacity as a member of congress or a member of the armed services committee?
SESSIONS: I don't believe so.
http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/13/full-text-jeff-session-trump-russia-testimony-239503 Richard Burt, a former ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, who has represented Russian interests in Washington, told the Guardian that he could confirm previous media reports that stated he had contacts with Sessions at the time.
“I did attend two dinners with groups of former Republican foreign policy officials and Senator Sessions,” Burt said.
Asked whether Sessions was unfamiliar with Burt’s role as a lobbyist for Russian interests - a fact that is disclosed in public records - or had any reason to be confused about the issue, Burt told the Guardian that he did not know.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/15/lobbyist-russian-interests-jeff-sessions-testimony 2. Майкл Капуто попал в сети расследования Комиссии по разведке нижней палаты Сената.
Michael Caputo, who served as a communications adviser to the Trump campaign, has been asked by the House committee investigating Russian election meddling to submit to a voluntary interview and to provide any documents he may have that are related to the inquiry. The House Intelligence Committee, which is examining possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, made its request in a letter on May 9.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/us/politics/michael-caputo-house-committee-russia-trump.html Капуто был одним из тех, кто привез искусство политического пиара в Россию в качестве архитектора избирательной кампании Ельцина "Голосуй или проиграешь!". Он - один из тех, кто связан и с Трампом, и с Путиным одним рукопожатием. В октябре 2016 Капуто дал интервью "Эхо Москвы" (компании своего бывшего работодателя Газпром-медия):