Washington Post сообщает про ордер FISA, полученный ФБР на прослушку Картера Пейджа в качестве российского агента.
The FBI and the Justice Department obtained the warrant targeting Carter Page’s communications after convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge that there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia, according to the officials. <...> The government’s application for the surveillance order targeting Page included a lengthy declaration that laid out investigators’ basis for believing that Page was an agent of the Russian government and knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of Moscow, officials said. <...> Since the 90-day warrant was first issued, it has been renewed more than once by the FISA court, the officials said.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-obtained-fisa-warrant-to-monitor-former-trump-adviser-carter-page/2017/04/11/620192ea-1e0e-11e7-ad74-3a742a6e93a7_story.html Для самого Пейджа сведения о том, что его прослушивали - не новость. Он жаловался на это месяц назад в странном письме в Конгресс:
https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3515599/2017-03-08-Letter-to-Intel-Comm-Re-TT-Surveil.pdf Главные вопросы про Пейджа:
1. Кто привёл его к Трампу? Какую роль в этом играл Джеф Сешнс и его люди?
One source suggested to me that Richard Burt, former U.S. ambassador to Germany, START treaty negotiator, and longtime lobbyist for Alfa Bank, was the nexus. It was Burt who helped draft Trump’s foreign policy speech in April, and had been advising the Trump campaign, via Senator Jeff Sessions, on foreign policy. But when I met Burt at his office at the McLarty Associates lobbying shop, he looked at me and said he had never even met him. “The only person I talked to about Carter Page is this guy at the Washington Post,” Burt told me. “And I told him I’d never met the guy. Let me put it this way: if I have met him, I’ve forgotten. He’s the former Merrill Lynch guy, right?”
Someone else told me that the Page connection was Rick Dearborn, Sessions’ chief of staff, who hired Page because Dearborn knew nothing about foreign policy but needed to put together a foreign policy staff for Trump’s Alexandria, Virginia, policy shop and he happened to know Page. But Dearborn wouldn’t return my calls, and someone who once worked for that policy shop told me it was neither Dearborn nor Burt, but campaign co-chair Sam Clovis who recruited Page. “If he was part of that original group of people, I can say with 70 percent confidence it was Sam Clovis,” this person told me.
“I’m not answering your questions,” Clovis told me. He refused to tell me if he was the one who found Page, but Jason Miller, the campaign’s other spokesperson, says, “Carter Page isn’t someone I’ve interacted with.”
http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/the-mystery-of-trumps-man-in-moscow-214283 Сэм Кловис из Айовы играл важную роль в кампании Трампа, в качестве "co-chair and senior policy advisor". В интервью CNN 1 августа 2016 он хвастался своим знанием России:
BERMAN: I want to ask about Ukraine for a second. Is Russia in Ukraine right now, is Vladimir Putin operating in Ukraine right now, Sam?
CLOVIS: Certainly, the Donbass area, certainly the annexation of Crimea, the Russian area of Ukraine, I understand the geography and I know it extremely well. You have to remember, John, I'm an old Russia hand. So I haven't lost that touch. I follow them very carefully and I know exactly where they are and what they're doing.
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1608/01/nday.05.html Однако в администрации Трампа Кловиса убрали подальше от международной политики, в Министерство сельского хозяйства, пока без постоянной позиции.
2. Состоялась ли
встреча с Сечиным, о которой говорится в досье Стила, и какие-либо разговоры о взятке в виде 19% Роснефти?
В 2016 Пейдж ездил в Москву дважды -
в июле и декабре. Можно предположить, что во время второй поездки он наверняка находился под наблюдением.
3. Почему именно сейчас ФБР сливает совершенно секретную информацию про ордер FISA? Поскольку Пейдж для них - отработанный материал, пытаются ли они таким образом вытащить на свет других людей?