В новом выступлении на общем собрании Академии военных наук начальник Генштаба Герасимов озвучил
доктрину имени себя:
"До недавнего времени военной наукой исследовались вопросы применения Вооружённых Сил в традиционных сферах ведения военных действий - на суше, в воздухе и на море.
Анализ характера современных войн показал существенный рост значимости такой сферы противоборства, как информационная. Новая реальность войн будущего будет заключаться в том числе в переносе военных действий именно и в эту сферу. При этом информационные технологии становятся, по сути, одним из самых перспективных видов оружия.
Информационная сфера, не имея ярко выраженных национальных границ, обеспечивает возможности дистанционного, скрытного воздействия не только на критически важные информационные инфраструктуры, но и на население страны, непосредственно влияя на состояние национальной безопасности государства."
http://redstar.ru/vektory-razvitiya-voennoj-strategii/ Для россиян новым в докладе стали угрозы в сторону "пятой колонны":
"США и их союзники определили агрессивный вектор своей внешней политики. Ими прорабатываются военные действия наступательного характера, такие как «глобальный удар», «многосферное сражение», используются технологии «цветных революций» и «мягкой силы».
Их целью является ликвидация государственности неугодных стран, подрыв суверенитета, смена законно избранных органов государственной власти. Так было в Ираке, в Ливии и на Украине. В настоящее время аналогичные действия наблюдаются в Венесуэле.
Пентагон приступил к разработке принципиально новой стратегии ведения военных действий, которую уже окрестили «троянский конь».
Суть её заключается в активном использовании «протестного потенциала пятой колонны» в интересах дестабилизации обстановки с одновременным нанесением ударов ВТО по наиболее важным объектам.
Хотел бы отметить, что Российская Федерация готова противодействовать любой из этих стратегий. За последние годы военными учёными совместно с Генеральным штабом разработаны концептуальные подходы по нейтрализации агрессивных действий вероятных противников.
Основой «нашего ответа» является «стратегия активной обороны», которая с учётом оборонительного характера российской Военной доктрины предусматривает комплекс мер по упреждающей нейтрализации угроз безопасности государства."
О глобальном характере войны между демократиями и диктатурами прошли слушания в комиссии по разведке Конгресса:
https://intelligence.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=455 Толково выступала бывший сотрудник разведки Андреа Кендалл-Тейлор.
By all accounts, this is the most trying time for democracy since the 1930s when fascism spread across much of Europe. Not only is repression rising in expected places like China and Russia, but for the first time since the end of the Cold War, long-established democracies are being seriously challenged. Today’s threats to democracy are real. But democracy’s decline is not inevitable. Democracies have proven remarkably resilient over time. They have faced challenges, and they have found ways to renew themselves to surmount them.
На тех же слушаниях бывшая госсекретарь Мадлен Олбрайт, автор новой книги
Fascism: A Warning, обратила внимание на то, насколько трудно продвигать интересы демократии за границей, глядя на то, что творится в стране.
Dictators can create the illusion of order for a period of time. But almost inevitably, by blocking the path to peaceful change, they make violent, disruptive change more likely.
So it is no coincidence that the hotspots most likely to harbor terrorists, generate waves of refugees, and produce illegal drugs are in areas of the world that are nondemocratic.
It is true that democratic transitions can produce disorder in the short term. But at its best, democracy can produce the kind of stability that lasts, a stability built on the firm ground of mutual commitments and consent. This differs from the illusion of order that can be maintained only as long as dissent is silenced; the kind of order that may last for decades and yet still disappear overnight.
For all these reasons, the health of democracy is clearly vital to America’s interests. And that is why, for almost as long as I have been alive, the world has been able to count on the United States to serve as the rock against which the forces of despotism run aground and break apart.
What concerns me is that we may no longer be able to make that claim.
In my travels abroad, I hear the same questions all the time: If America has a leader who says the press always lies, how can Vladimir Putin be faulted for making the same claim?
If America has a leader who insists that judges are biased and who calls the American criminal system a “laughingstock,” what is to stop a repressive leader in Hungary or Southeast Asia from discrediting his own judiciary?
And if our political system becomes so dysfunctional that we cannot even keep the government open, how do we convince leaders in other countries that the democratic path is one worth following?
I will never forget meeting with parliamentarians in Egypt and talking to them about the need to compromise in order to govern effectively.
One of them looked at me and said, “Yeah, like you guys?”
В Госдепе, который Олбрайт возглавляла в 1997-2001, происходит своеобразное укрепление кадров.
Четвёртую по рангу должность (Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs) ныне занимает неквалифицированная молодая гимнастка.
Immediately prior to her being appointed Assistant Secretary of State, for which she is not qualified, Giuda was the Senior Vice President for Global Corporate Communications for Weber Shandwick, the youngest of their 21-person Global Leadership Team.[12]
She worked for five years as a senior member of former Speaker Newt Gingrich's communication team including time as the National Deputy Press Secretary for his 2012 presidential campaign.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Giuda Fabulous.
https://t.co/QFYLAgaTdY- Michelle Giuda (@michellegiuda)
January 20, 2017 Среди многочисленных структур, которые находятся в ее подчинении - центр по борьбе с пропагандой (
Global Engagement Center) с предполагаемым бюджетом в $120 миллионов из средств Пентагона.
В качестве особого издевательства руководить этим центром поставили корреспондентку Fox News по имени Леа Габриелль (с ником LeaFOXNews).
Obama's pick for director of the GEC, Michael Lumpkin, had served as the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict and as the acting under secretary of defense for policy, the third-highest civilian job at the United States Department of Defense.
Current acting director Daniel Kimmage has served in several State Department roles, including being principal deputy coordinator of the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications. Kimmage, who is fluent in Russian and Arabic, according to his biography, was also a senior fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute. His writings include reports on extremist media strategies.
Brett Bruen, a former White House director of global engagement during the Obama administration, said, "Lea may be a great reporter and pilot. She has evidenced absolutely no knowledge of or experience with information warfare. Our nation, indeed the world, faces a serious and sophisticated threat. We need leadership that can take on this danger from day one."
He added: "Her appointment endangers our elections, our public discourse, and potentially our economy."
https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/07/politics/lea-gabrielle-gec-state/index.html Morning everyone! Hope you're spending your Friday with us!
@FoxFriendsFirst @LeaFOXNews
pic.twitter.com/x1mhYh91BM- Anna Kooiman (@annakooiman)
December 11, 2015 Незадолго до ее назначения Центр во главе с руководством, оставшимся от Обамы, начал наконец осваивать средства и разворачивать работу про противодействию путинской пропаганде.
While the GEC is also “still quite focused on the counterterrorism piece,” Mr. Kimmage stressed the new mission to counter Russian propaganda in nations that could move closer to the U.S. but face Russian pressure through subversive social media and state-backed propaganda masquerading as news. He said the Center now has 25 initiatives in 21 countries to counter Russian propaganda efforts, supporting independent local news and civil society organizations with everything from propaganda-sensitivity training to data analysis exposing Russian subversion.
Прежний четвертый по рангу чиновник в Госдепен и другая бывшая ведущая Fox News Хизер Науэрт покинула свою должность после неудачной попытки ее назначения на пост официального представителя США в ООН.
На этот пост, который играет важную роль в защите международного авторитета США, умудрились найти еще менее квалифицированного кандидата.
If confirmed, Craft will arrive at the United Nations as a laughingstock - just like her boss. It’s hard to escape the suspicion that this is precisely what Trump intends: He is showing his contempt for the United Nations, and indeed the world, by appointing an ambassador who is singularly unqualified for the position.
О ключевой роли Fox News в трампизме - блестящий репортаж
Джейн Мейер в New Yorker.
For two years, the network has been priming its viewers to respond with extraordinary anger should the country’s law-enforcement authorities close in on the President. According to Media Matters, in the first year after Mueller was appointed Hannity alone aired four hundred and eighty-six segments attacking the federal criminal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election; thirty-eight per cent of those segments claimed that law-enforcement officials had broken the law. In recent weeks, Hannity has spoken of “a coup,” and a guest on Laura Ingraham’s program, the lawyer Joseph diGenova, declared, “It’s going to be total war. And, as I say to my friends, I do two things-I vote and I buy guns.”
Jerry Taylor, the co-founder of the Niskanen Center, a think tank in Washington for moderates, says, “In a hypothetical world without Fox News, if President Trump were to be hit hard by the Mueller report, it would be the end of him. But, with Fox News covering his back with the Republican base, he has a fighting chance, because he has something no other President in American history has ever had at his disposal-a servile propaganda operation.”
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/03/11/the-making-of-the-fox-news-white-house The candidates have taken the stage and we're all set for the first
#GOPDebate! Are you watching? Tune in now.
pic.twitter.com/n5fwJcmZ1n- Fox News (@FoxNews)
August 7, 2015 В репортаже подтверждается, в частности, моя
старая догадка про главу Fox News Роджера Эйлса и его роль на республиканских дебатах в 2015: "Я предполагаю, что Эйлс ... слил подготовленные вопросы Трампу и научил того, как на них отвечать."
Trump has made the debate a point of pride. He recently boasted to the Times that he’d won it despite being a novice, and despite the “crazy Megyn Kelly question.” Fox, however, may have given Trump a little help. A pair of Fox insiders and a source close to Trump believe that Ailes informed the Trump campaign about Kelly’s question. Two of those sources say that they know of the tipoff from a purported eyewitness. In addition, a former Trump campaign aide says that a Fox contact gave him advance notice of a different debate question, which asked the candidates whether they would support the Republican nominee, regardless of who won. The former aide says that the heads-up was passed on to Trump, who was the only candidate who said that he wouldn’t automatically support the Party’s nominee-a position that burnished his image as an outsider.