
Jun 11, 2018 18:09

Стоило ненадолго отлучиться, как произошло много событий по теме сообщества. Напишу вкратце об основных:

1. Попытки помешать правосудию (obstruction of justice) со стороны Трампа стали практически доказанным фактом. В эти попытки входят многочисленные эпизоды давления на Сешнса с тем, чтобы он отозвал свой самоотвод от расследования Рашагейта.

By the time Attorney General Jeff Sessions arrived at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for dinner one Saturday evening in March 2017, he had been receiving the presidential silent treatment for two days. Mr. Sessions had flown to Florida because Mr. Trump was refusing to take his calls about a pressing decision on his travel ban.
When they met, Mr. Trump was ready to talk - but not about the travel ban. His grievance was with Mr. Sessions: The president objected to his decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump, who had told aides that he needed a loyalist overseeing the inquiry, berated Mr. Sessions and told him he should reverse his decision, an unusual and potentially inappropriate request.
Mr. Sessions refused.

President Trump pressured Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reclaim control of the Russia investigation on at least four separate occasions, three times in person and once over the phone, according to sources familiar with the conversations.

В них же входит эпизод с тем, как Трамп лично продиктовал ложное сообщение о встрече своего сына с Весельницкой. Информация об этом подтвердилась в письме адвокатов Трампа Мюллеру, опубликованному New York Times.

"Let's focus on what the President was aware of: nothing," insisted Sekulow on CNN's "New Day." "I wasn't involved in the statement drafting at all nor was the President. I'm assuming that was between Mr. Donald Trump Jr. and his lawyers. I'm sure his lawyer was involved, that's how you do it. To put this on the President, I think, is absolutely incorrect."
By the following month, the White House hedging began. "The President weighed in as any father would, based on the limited information that he had," said White House press secretary Sarah Sanders about Trump's involvement in the statement.
Neither of those statements were accurate, it turns out. How do we know? Because the Trump legal team, in a 20-page January memo to special counsel Robert Mueller, first obtained by The New York Times, said they weren't accurate.
"You have received all of the notes, communications and testimony indicating that the President dictated a short but accurate response to The New York Times article on behalf of his son, Donald Trump, Jr.," the memo read.
So. In less than a year, we have gone from a) the President was aware of "nothing" about the statement to b) he "weighed in" like any father would to c) he dictated the entire statement.

2. Новое обвинение в попытке помешать правосудие выдвинуто Мюллером Манафорту, а также находящемуся с ним в сговоре Константину Килимнику.

The superseding indictment Mueller’s team filed in Washington builds on their previous allegations that Manafort did illegal lobbying work for Ukraine and laundered millions of dollars in proceeds. The U.S. is now charging Manafort and the associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, with obstructing justice and conspiring to get potential witnesses to lie about lobbying work they’d done for Ukraine. Each of the two charges carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

По случаю фотографии неуловимого Килимника нашлись в Одноклассниках.

Two photos of Kilimnik, a longtime aide to President Trump’s ex-campaign chief Paul Manafort, have surfaced on a publicly available Russian social media account apparently used years ago by Kilimnik’s wife. VICE News confirmed with three people who know Kilimnik that it's him in the pictures.

Килимник скрывается в России, а Манафорт в эту пятницу предстанет перед судом, который рассмотрит вопрос об изменении его меры пресечения на заключение под стражу в целях предотвращения дальнейших нелегальных контактов с потенциальными свидетелями.

3. Стало известно немного больше о связи Майкла Коэна с планом Артеменко и о возможном участие в этом деле Виктора Вексельберга. Всплыло имя бывшего пропутинского конгрессмена Курта Уэлдона.

Curt Weldon, a Republican and former Pennsylvania congressman, lost his reelection campaign more than a decade ago following an FBI probe into his ties to two Russian companies. <...>
“We were so close,” Weldon complained, this source recalled. Then Weldon dropped a bombshell: “He said [he and Artemenko] had already secured funding for the promotion of the plan from Viktor Vekselberg’s fund in New York City.”

4. Конфронтация Трампа с участниками "большой семерки" и его же неожиданное предложение вернуть в эту группу Россию напомнили многим о "марионетке Путина".

Say what you will about Trump, he sure is loyal to the country that elected him. https://t.co/7Lw4gvLi3y
- Rep. John Yarmuth (@RepJohnYarmuth) June 8, 2018

Потенциальный вред от разрыва отношений с союзниками трудно переоценить.

5. Между тем крупннейший скандал разыгрывается в Великобритании. Стало известно о многочисленных контактах Аарона Бэнкса, со-основателя Leave.EU и крупнейшего донора Брекзита, с российскими представителями. Через Александра Удода, сотрудника российской разведки, Бэнкс познакомился с послом Александром Яковенко и тайно встречался с ним несколько раз. Ему были обещаны многомиллиардные сделки с российскими месторождениями золота. Вместе с Найджелом Фаражем Бэнкс также делился с российскими представителями своими контактами с избирательной кампанией Трампа.

In his book on the referendum, The Bad Boys of Brexit, and in another public statement, Banks claimed to have had only one meeting with Putin’s envoy, Alexander Yakovenko, in September 2015.
But today The Sunday Times can reveal the pair also had lunch with the ambassador three days after they and Nigel Farage, then acting Ukip leader, visited US president-elect Donald Trump in New York in November 2016. Last night, Banks admitted he handed over phone numbers for members of Trump’s transition team to Russian officials. <...> Banks and Wigmore were introduced to Yakovenko by Alexander Udod, a suspected Russian intelligence officer who was kicked out of the UK after the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury.

Banks, who gave £12m of services to the campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history, has repeatedly denied any involvement with Russian officials, or that Russian money played any part in the Brexit campaign. The Observer has seen documents which a senior Tory MP says, if correct, raise urgent and troubling questions about his relationship with the Russian government.
The communications suggest:
• Multiple meetings between the leaders of Leave.EU and high-ranking Russian officials, from November 2015 to 2017.
• Two meetings in the week Leave.EU launched its official campaign.
• An introduction to a Russian businessman, by the Russian ambassador, the day after Leave.EU launched its campaign, who reportedly offered Banks a multibillion dollar opportunity to buy Russian goldmines.
• A trip to Moscow in February 2016 to meet key partners and financiers behind a gold project, including a Russian bank.
• Continued extensive contact in the run-up to the US election when Banks, his business partner and Leave.EU spokesman Andy Wigmore, and Nigel Farage campaigned in the US to support Donald Trump’s candidacy.

Завтра Бэнксу предстоит отдуваться, давая показания в британском парламенте.

Update: this session with Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore is going ahead as originally planned, Tuesday 12th June from 10.30 am in the Grimond Room of Portcullis House. https://t.co/wkM1s54lMS
- Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (@CommonsCMS) June 11, 2018

Манафорт, Сешнс, Брекзит, Мюллер, Украина

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