Грязные деньги

May 09, 2018 10:46

Элиотт Бройди, республиканский донор из Калифорнии, (на снимке слева) впервые всплыл в Рашагейте, когда стало известно о его работе с Джоржем Надером в интересах ОАЭ и против Катара.

A top fundraiser for President Donald Trump received millions of dollars from a political adviser to the United Arab Emirates last April, just weeks before he began handing out a series of large political donations to U.S. lawmakers considering legislation targeting Qatar, the UAE’s chief rival in the Persian Gulf, an Associated Press investigation has found.
George Nader, an adviser to the UAE who is now a witness in the U.S. special counsel investigation into foreign meddling in American politics, wired $2.5 million to the Trump fundraiser, Elliott Broidy, through a company in Canada, according to two people who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. They said Nader paid the money to Broidy to bankroll an effort to persuade the U.S. to take a hard line against Qatar, a long-time American ally but now a bitter adversary of the UAE.

Пользуясь своей близостью к Трампу, Бройди беззастенчиво пропихивал своих людей в администрацию и приторговывал доступом к президенту.

According to the documents reviewed by ProPublica, Broidy also made recommendations for ambassadorships and other administration positions, several of whom the Trump administration did nominate - including the current director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. That man, Andrei Iancu, appears to have known Broidy at least in part because he bought Broidy’s Los Angeles home in 2005 for $3.25 million. <...> The documents reviewed by ProPublica show Broidy compiled several spreadsheets of recommendations for ambassadorships and other administration roles, totaling a few dozen names, many of them from California. Some of those he suggested were prominent Republican fundraisers, and others had direct ties to Broidy.
Tracking White House staffers, Cabinet members and political appointees across the government
Broidy’s ambassador picks who were selected include George Glass, an Oregon businessman and a major Trump donor, who is the ambassador to Portugal; Robert Kohorst, a wealthy donor from Pasadena, California, ambassador to Croatia; real estate magnates “Papa Doug” Manchester (Bahamas) and Carla Sands (Denmark); former LA Dodgers co-owner Jamie McCourt (France); and Bay Area tech entrepreneur Trevor Traina (Austria).

За плечами Бройди были и аудиенции с Трампом в Овальном кабинете, и председательство на торжественных обедах в честь Трампа.

A prominent Los Angeles Republican power broker and fundraiser who has been linked to two ongoing political scandals is co-hosting a fundraiser for Donald Trump on the occasion of his first official visit to California as president.
Elliott Broidy, the deputy national finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, is set to preside over a $35,000-per-person event for Trump on Tuesday night at an undisclosed location in Beverly Hills.

Карьера Бройди закончилась скандалом в середине апреля после того, как выяснилось, что он заплатил за молчание о сексе и аборт модели Плэйбоя Шере Бечард, пользуясь услугами Майкла Коэна и той же схемой, по которой тот платил Святой Сторми.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, used the same Delaware limited-liability company in two secret deals relating to alleged sexual encounters involving his clients, according to people familiar with the matter.
Venture capitalist Elliott Broidy paid an initial installment of $62,500 to the company, Essential Consultants LLC, as part of Mr. Cohen’s $250,000 total fee for negotiating a nondisclosure agreement related to Mr. Broidy’s affair with a former Playboy model who alleged he had impregnated her, a person familiar with the matter said.

Смелая гипотеза, опубликованная в New York Magazine, делает предположение, что афера у Бечард была на самом деле с Трампом, а Бройди взял это на себя, чтобы отвести подозрения.

Аргументы убедительные. 1. Modus operandi похож на Трампа, но не на Бройди (правоверного еврея, у которого долгие близкие отношения с женой). 2. Как состоятельный человек, Бройди мог себе позволить нанять для замятия скандала более квалифицированного адвоката, а не Майкла Коэна из Нью-Йорка, у которого нет не только подходящей квалификации, но и адвокатской лицензии в Калифорнии.

Подождем, появятся ли дополнительные свидетельства или доказательства.

Более доказательной оказалась информационная бомба, сброшенная вчера Майклом Авенатти, адвокатом Святой Сторми, который стал знаменитостью благодаря частным появлениям в телевизоре.

Авенатти раскрыл серию подозрительных платежей, поступавших в липовую контору Essential Consultants LLC, созданную Майклом Коэном накануне выборов для выплаты Сторми. Самым подозрительными оказались полмиллиона от Виктора Вексельберга.

Mr. Cohen has previously claimed that the source of funds from the $130,000 payment was a home equity line of credit advance conducted on October 26, 2016. This has yet to be confirmed. However, as detailed below, within approximately 75 days of the payment to Ms. Clifford, Mr. Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, caused substantial funds to be deposited into the bank account from which Mr. Cohen made the payment. It appears that these funds may have replenished the account following the payment to Ms. Clifford.

Сообщение Авенатти было независимо подтверждено журналистами разных изданий. Свои выплаты не отрицают и компании, которые он упоминает, хотя и не могут предложить разумного объяснения, что именно они покупали и в чей карман шли деньги в итоге.

A shell company that Michael D. Cohen used to pay hush money to a pornographic film actress received payments totaling more than $1 million from an American company linked to a Russian oligarch and several corporations with business before the Trump administration, according to documents and interviews.
Financial records reviewed by The New York Times show that Mr. Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer and longtime fixer, used the shell company, Essential Consultants L.L.C., for an array of business activities that went far beyond what was publicly known. Transactions adding up to at least $4.4 million flowed through Essential Consultants starting shortly before Mr. Trump was elected president and continuing to this January, the records show.
Among the previously unreported transactions were payments last year of about $500,000 from Columbus Nova, an investment firm in New York whose biggest client is a company controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, the Russian oligarch.

Трудно представить, как из этого скандала Коэн и Трамп смогут выкрутиться.

республиканцы, деньги, мафия

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