Ep. 77: the ambidextrous man and future daughters

Apr 13, 2013 21:59

Air date: 2013.04.11

At the beginning of the show, Tegoshi and Massu expressed their supports for everyone who's experiencing new class and new school.
Tegoshi: Isn't this the most exciting season? You might be in the same class with the person you like, and it will make one amazing year.
Massu: That's true, it's a big thing. I mean, it won't ( Read more... )

tegomass no radio

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Comments 52

ambersolle April 13 2013, 17:32:07 UTC
Omg I can't imagine Koki and Massu rapping together XD The mental image lol.

Oh, what interesting personality test they have over there. I tried it and mine is left thumb, just like Tegoshi <3

Aww, that was so sweet of Tamiya to name their newly release mini 4WD after Massu =3 He must have been so proud (and embarrass) =P So Massu is not only that slow in real-life, but also in 4WD tournament? Is his 4WD telepathically link with him?

I don't see anything wrong with calling their parents 'papa' and 'mama'. I still call them that now, and I doubt I would change the way I call them in the future. For me, those terms show just how affectionate you are towards your parents. Oh yeah, I call my papa 'papi' =P

Ah, so you do heard about Tegoshin being invited to SDK? Considering their new format, there is a possibility that one of the guest requested for Tegoshi's appearance on SDK. I wonder who? Anyway, it will be interesting to watch KinKi Kids + Tegoshi's performance on SDK =) I wonder if KinKi will bully him XD


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 00:43:54 UTC
A 'hip-hop' Massu would be cute though, I want to see! x)

Ahahaha, seriously Massu I feel bad imagining his face after loosing in every 'tournament' they had. Yup, they said he haven't won yet, idk whether it's related with his 'slow-easy-going' habit or the opponents are more pro than him lmao.

Yup, I do too and I agree with you on that affection point. But imo it's a cultural thing, since those words are only used by babies/kids. They tend to call their parents by 'otousan' and 'okasan' when they gets older to show respect and their maturity.

Papi is cute <3 Papipupepo~ Just kidding! :)

I'm looking fwd for Tegoshi on SDK! (And this week's too since it has Okada lol) I'm sure they'll tease him a lot. Oh and there's a Golden Member too as their new regular, I wonder if Tegoshi will do some monomane of them lmao.


yuminews April 13 2013, 18:44:59 UTC
arigatou ne~ You're really the best ^^

Tegoshi and Massu as fathers?! That's really really cute in my imagination^^ I also think they would be great papa's >___<
I've tried that "when you cross your hands..."-thing too and didn't get it at all xDD I was like: "Ehhh?! How can the left thumb be on top...That's impossible, right?...The right one is always on top...right?? Ehh..?" >__< I really didn't get it, haha. ><'
But now, I finally get it (^_^)/~ And it's also my right thumb and I also think, it's just intuition ^^
I want to see at what Massu was pointing, Hehe ><
Well, I'm really curious about the goods :) And I'm soooo happy about the new single. <3 I've really really missed Tegomass and now, they're back again, Yaaay~♥ That's really great! Well, actually, I miss NEWS too but I'm sure they planing something...maybe for their 10th anniversary?! I'll surely wait~ ♥
I hope that Massu's not tooooo busy in next time during his stage play :)


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 00:50:10 UTC
You're welcome! Thanks for the nice words (*^^*)
Glad you finally got it, sorry if my explanation is kinda hard to get! Yup, they're gonna be super playful papa, making their children to play soccer and mini 4WD together lmao.
I'm curious too. A sticker is a classic goods, so maybe something else? A radio mascot? Something that Tegoshi drew by himself? Hmmm.
We'll surely gonna wait for NEWS, I believe they're understand that everybody's waiting for them already ♥


yuminews April 14 2013, 01:03:11 UTC
No no, your explanation was good but...sometimes I'm a bit clumsy at this kind of things >__<
Tegoshi's drawing would be the best, don't you think!? >__< Haha ^^


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 01:12:08 UTC
Ahahaha totally. After some years, now I kinda think that his drawing skill is actually outstanding and quirky xD


aoibuta April 13 2013, 19:29:04 UTC
Hi domo~ xD

KAT-TUN there was random. LMAO the class room would be noisy then. XDDD


you know, we have that test here too. It's different though. If right thumb is on top, you love with your brains first then with your heart, if left, vice versa. XD mine was right thumb. XD

wait... Can I ask something. Did Massu greeted Pi Happy Birthday on his radio show?


How's Bali now? Everything okay?


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 00:58:17 UTC
DOMOOO oh you're so early! I always forget that you're working on weekend (are you now??)

"Taka wa neee.." with those chubby cheeks nyaaaaaa.. Can I just kidnap that little Taka home with me?

Ah really. Wow, it's really the opposite then. I guess my result matches the Philippine's!

About Yamapi, I only heard Massu recommended his song Ke Sera Sera on his Masterpiece corner, saying that it's a cool song and 'very Yamapi-ish'. Not sure about the birthday greeting, maybe I have to listen once again!

Ahahahaha, it would be funny if Koyama become a guest on their PV with Nyanta xD And yes, everything seems under control over there now (currently living faraway), thanks for your concern dear <3


aoibuta April 14 2013, 20:20:01 UTC
I just woke up cho early. HAHAHA! It's really hot in here. XD

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Taka wa kawaii ne~ hontou~ I'll give Taka gyoza and candies, will Taka go home with me? CHO KAWAII~ *dies*

oh, you don't have to listen to it though, I trust you. XD even if Massu didn't greet Pi, THE LOVE IS STILL THERE. *incoherent words* MASSU AND KEI-CHAN ARE THE SWEETEST THING ON EARTH!

I WANNA SEE KEI-CHAN IN TM'S PV! BWAHAHAHA! *evil laugh* I want to see certain reactions... XD


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 01:53:56 UTC
It's me again x)
Anyway this is so embarrassing but I made an error on my translation..*cries* The right thumb is the logical one, you're right! Fixed them now! Gomennasai.


katrinasacay April 13 2013, 22:35:03 UTC
massu's explanation in the end. aw, although maybe i was just overthinking, but he might be really concerned of what fans will think of having two releases in a year as tegomass. D:
but he still promoted the bluray utsucon so, i love you massshu, xD
can't wait for the single though. :3

tegoshi appearing alone on SDK. i'm not used to it. ;___;

and about the radio trans... uwaaaaa. hahahahaha! massu's obviously referring to his partner. blonde guy with vibrated voice huh. xD
and i read about that laser thingy issue before, i can't believe soccer fans can be that rude. o_o

somehow, when i crossed my hands, my left finger was on top. i think having the right thumb is weird? xD but their interpretation is correct. i always think a lot before reacting to something. heeee.

massu must be such a verrrry cute kid calling himself taka. xD

thanks for this ami-chan~~~^^


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 01:04:58 UTC
Kat-chan, you're always welcome. Not only you, I feel the same way. He's a deep thinker and I think he tried his best to announce it without dissappointing anyone :')

"Blonde guy with vibrated voice..and legs muscles!" LOL so obvious. Such a dork, and Tegoshi didn't complaine but joined him for a little dramatic moments ahahahahaha.

Taka is super cute! And I've read that until now he calls his grandmother 'babachan' xD Masssshuuuuu...


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 01:57:14 UTC
Awawawa.. Kat-chan I made a mistake on that part..
So actually: right thumb on top means a left brained person, who thinks logically, while left thumb on top means a right-brained person who's following their intuition.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused! I should have listened to the audio more carefully next time >.


bunny_alice April 14 2013, 01:40:21 UTC
first: of course i tried the crossing fingers thing and i got my left thumb up too. i'm not a rational person (and i actually don't think yuya is so rational too... it doesn't fit the things he usually says by himself like being a straight foward guy) but i have a story about using my both hands. i broke my right arm 4 times so i ended up being able to do many things with my left hand too but i don't consider myself ambidexterous! xD
but i always though it was cute that yuya used his left hand to hold chopsticks! even though he doesn't seem to do it nowadays...

second: goods??? *-* and i have no money at all?? that's not fair!! :(

third: i don't know if i'm happy or not with the new single... i'm obviously happy for them!! but... i have no money at all!!² and i miss NEWS already... but i'll hope for the same as you!! a summer album for NEWS!!! ♥
and... why cats and not bunnies?? D:


pumpkinsh April 14 2013, 02:12:17 UTC
Okay, first: a confession, I made an error while translating that part (was so sleepy last night huhu). So the right explanation will be: "right thumb on top means a left brained person, who thinks logically, while left thumb on top means a right-brained person who's following their intuition." Sorry it confused you, I should listen to the audio more carefully next time ( ... )


bunny_alice April 15 2013, 00:16:51 UTC
first: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! now everything makes sense!! :D

second: humm... i guess you're right! xD so i probably won't have any chance to win... -_-'

third: I REALLY HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT!! i'm going to japan in july so i'll be very happy to be able to see all the promotion there! *-* and and... the annyversary concert in september is a must!!

fourth: hahaahah!! keii!!! >.< i demand a bunny+piggy song!! :P


pumpkinsh April 15 2013, 02:53:44 UTC
First: hohoho ow yeah x)

Second: but we don't know yet! Hopefully they'll sell it so everybody have a chance to get the goods. Me want so much!

Third: aaawww I envy you so much right now! Are you going for a vacation? Have fuuun, and take lots of pics okay! xD I miss Japan, I hope I can visit again this year or hopefully next year.

Fourth: It's gonna be adorable xDDD


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