Ep. 77: the ambidextrous man and future daughters

Apr 13, 2013 21:59

Air date: 2013.04.11

At the beginning of the show, Tegoshi and Massu expressed their supports for everyone who's experiencing new class and new school.
Tegoshi: Isn't this the most exciting season? You might be in the same class with the person you like, and it will make one amazing year.
Massu: That's true, it's a big thing. I mean, it won't happens to us again right now.
Tegoshi: For example like having KAT-TUN members as our classmates?
Massu: If Koki-kun sits besides me, then we'll start rapping!
Tegoshi: Yeah yeah yeah (lol)
(everybody laughs)

The first mail is from Riho-san in Tokyo, she's enrolling in a nursing school, and everytime she feel unsure about her future profession, she'll listen to Bokura no Sora by Tegomass. Their gentle voices and the lyrics always cheer her up, so she requested for that song. Tegoshi and Massu commented that having a dream is a cool thing, and hope that Riho-san keep believing in her passion. The radio then played Bokura no Sora by Tegomass.

[call me papa!]OTAYORI NO CORNER

Miumiu-chan from Hyogo-ken asked them: "when you cross your hands, which of the thumb is on the top? The right thumb, or the left thumb?" Apparently the answer will reveal their personality.
Tegoshi: The answer is written here, but let's see it after we try crossing our hands! Which one is on the top?
Massu: The right thumb..
Tegoshi: Mine is the left.. Aracchi?
Aracchi: The right thumb..
Tegoshi: Okay okay. The people with right thumb on the top is a left-brained type, generally will think with their logic and based on reasons, while  people with left thumb on the top like me is right-brained type, they like to think by their intuition.
Tegomass (esp Tegoshi lol) seems to be quite impressed and said that the result matches their personality and way of thinking.

But something makes Massu curious..
Massu: Isn't that because I'm right-handed? No? Is that okay?
Tegoshi: But I'm right handed too. I'm ambidextrous* though.
Massu: Is that so? The way you said that, get on my nerves actually (lol)
Tegoshi: Hahahaha! I'm ambidextrous! (apparently strikes a pose)
Massu: It's like you're saying: "wanted!"
Tegoshi: (laughs) It's a little zombie-ish though..

*means 'able to use both hands'. From what I've read, Tegoshi was used to be left-handed, but his father told him to use his right hand too. So now, he holds chopstick in his left hand and pencil on his right hand, CMIIW though!

The next mail is from Yuri-chan. She feels sorry that Tegoshi received more fanmails on previous episodes (lol), so she wanted to ask something to Massu: "What's the meaning of 'yonku' in the word 'miniyonku' (mini 4WD)?

Tegoshi: (in a funny tone, you have to listen xD) "Woooow, such a simple question!"
(everybody laughs)
Massu then explained that the term means 'four wheel drive' and rambled about mini 4WD for a while (he talks really fast and sounds so excited.)

Tegoshi: How is the 4WD tournament going on lately? (refers to a mini tournament holds by Massu and some staffs)
Massu: We've been doing it for 11-12 times now..but I haven't won yet!
Tegoshi: I've heard about that, they said: Massu didn't win!
Massu: Everybody is starting to concern about me (laughs)
Tegoshi: They'll probably use slow motor next time to make you win.
(everybody laughs)

Aracchi: (laughs) Are you okay with that?
Massu: There's one person who is really really fast..
Aracchi: That's why you can't win?
Massu: Well actually maybe I'm not fast enough..
(everybody laughs)
They then talked about how Tamiya released a mini 4WD named Masudanpa (Mass Damper) and Massu joked that the mini 4WD is actually inspired by him xD Lastly, Massu thanked Yuri-chan for sending him a mail.

The next mail is from Chiakipaana from Kobe.

Aracchi: (reading the mail) "I want to asked something related with soccer to Tegoshi."
Massu: Oi, it came so quickly huh!?
(everybody laughs)
Apparently, Chiakipaana watched the soccer game when the Blue Samurai loss to Jordan in the World cup qualifier. She's surprised seeing some players had laser beams shone directly in their faces by some people in the crowd, and think that it's not a good thing at all. She asked Tegoshi, whether this happens too on futsal game?

Massu seems to be very surprised about it and kept saying: "heeee...", while Tegoshi explained that laser incident happens a lot in some international leagues, like in La Liga (Real Madrid or Barcelona). Actually it's forbidden, and according to Tegoshi, this happens because soccer has home-away match system, and the supporters will do anything to support their fave clubs.

Tegoshi: I don't think it happens on futsal game though. The stadium is not that big..
Massu: You'll get exposed! (laughs)
Tegoshi: Yes they'll get exposed! Hahahaha..

The next mail is from Anko-chan in Hokkaido. She's a 15 years old girl, and lately she feels embarrassed to call her father 'papa', so every time she wants to speak to him, she'll say, "Nee nee..". She wants to know, if someday Tegoshi, Massu and Aracchi has a daughter, what do they want to be called?

Tegoshi: I want her to call me 'Papa'!
Massu: Isn't she going to call you Tegoshi?
Tegoshi: That would be strange. Then I'll tell her, "Omae.. You're Tegoshi too!"
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Anko-chan you're still 15 years old right? If my daughter were on the 9th grade, I want her to call me Papa!
Aracchi: Heee..
Tegoshi: How about you?
Massu: I think I want her to call me 'Papa' too..

They then talked about a certain phase when a child stop calling papa and mama and switch into 'otousan' and 'okaasan'.
Tegoshi: I called my mom 'Mama' too.
Massu: And there will be a time when someone calls her mother 'okaasan' at school, but at home they'll switch into 'Mama'.
Tegoshi: Aaaahh.. I understand! I did that I did that!
Massu: When I was little, I call myself "Taka', end even though I started to use 'ore' (means 'I") at home, sometimes I slipped and said "Taka wa ne.." at school. That was dangerous!

Tegoshi: Aracchi, if you have a son in the future, what do you want him to call you?
Aracchi: 'Mama' would be great, though. But if he still young, I want him to call me by my nickname. Isn't that cute?
Massu: Ahhh..
Tegoshi: That's cute..
Aracchi: If he gets older, he definitely won't call me like that anymore. He'll call me baba* (laughs). It's a no-no, I will be very shocked.
Tegoshi: That's just... If my daughter call me kusojiji, my soul will come out from my body.
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Maji de!! If it was my son, maybe it's okay because he's just being a little naughty.. But if it were my daughter..
Massu: Then there will be a super blonde man with a vibrated voice come to you, and ask for your permission: "Please let me date your daughter!" Or he'll say, "Please do that "tegoshi desu!' pose"!
Tegoshi: And he'll like: "He did it, he did it! Fuuu fuuuu!" Those gives me goosebumps already!
Massu: (keep teasing Tegoshi) How if he say: "Please show me your legs muscles!"
Tegoshi: He's such a noisy guy huh, but I'll show them to him! "What do you think of my legs, huh?"
(everybody laughs)
Aracchi: You're so nice!

*baba means 'old woman' and has a derogatory sense
*a disrespectful way to call a father, means 'old c*nt'.

(LOOOL Massu who are you refering to?)

And they kept worrying about their future children lmao xD
Massu: At some point she'll say: "Don't mix my laundry with Dad's pants"
Tegoshi: Or she'll stop taking a bath with us, I'll be shocked!
Aracchi: I don't think it will happen to both of you. They'll proud of their fathers.
Massu: (proud) Well if you say so..
Tegoshi: Hahahahahaha!
Massu: Ufufufufu...

Lastly, they said that calling 'papa' is a cute thing for a 15 years old, so they encouraged Anko-san to keep calling him Papa for now.


Nakahara Toshiaki sensei is on the studio. Erinyaso-san from Ibaraki is a 15 years old girl, she's having a problem and needs some legal advises. Three years ago, her parents divorced, and right now she's using her father surname. Her mother is a foreigner and has a foreign surname. When Erinyaso-san becomes a high school students next year, she wants to have a new surname, because she doesn't like her current one, and doesn't want to change it into her mother's either. Is it possible to have a new one?

Nakahara-sensei explained to Erinyaso-san that it's seems impossible to have a new family name, because there's no principle/fundamental rule that manage that, especially in Japan. And basically changing a surname is a big thing, so he advised her to think about that again. But he also emphasized that there are some laws that make people can have more than one name, for example an author can have a pen-name apart from his/her real name.

Tegoshi: I do love haafu's (names), it's okay for me. I admire them. I think it's kakkoii. But well, it depends on people.
Massu: I think it's okay to change your surname with your mother's.
Tegoshi: We do understand that it's a big thing for you, you must be very confused right now.
Massu: But as a woman, one day you'll get married..and there's a possibility that you'll change your surname again..
Nakahara-sensei: Well in Japan, a married couple can choose whether they'll use the surname of the husband or wife.
Tegoshi: Then is it okay not to change their surname at all?
Nakahara-sensei: If we see it from legal point of view, then it means that they're not a married couple.
Tegoshi: Is that so?! (kinda scream here lol)
Massu: HEEE!?
Nakahara then explained that there's also married couple who use one surname on legal paper, but keep their original surname for the work-related purpose. Tegomass then said that they learned a lot in this episode, thanks to Nakahara-sensei.

Massu promoted Strange Fruit and Resident DVD. Lastly, Tegomass also announced that they're making special goods for their radio show.
Tegoshi: We actually thought about this!
Massu: This is super good!
Tegoshi: We'll announce it next week!
Massu: Next week? But I actually know about it!
Tegoshi: Please don't say anything (laughs) We have to keep them being excited for a week!

And when Aracchi was reading the fanmail address, Massu suddenly said: "This is Aracchi." making Tegoshi laughed (not sure what he pointed at though xD) Of course Aracchi complained and told them to stop laughing but Tegoshi claimed that this is become an interesting corner lmao.

Tegoshi surely will be a nice, strict Papa. And the image of Massu calling himself Taka is super cute. Anyway, sorry I messed up the right-left thumb part, I've fixed them now!

[more about neko chuudoku]
❤ As you might already now, Tegomass is releasing a new single, Neko Chuudoku on May 22nd. And here's a loose translation of what Massu said on his Masterhits last Friday:

"I'm going to announce something here. On May 22nd, Tegomass will be releasing our 7th single. Thank you very much. It's only two month since our latest single Sayonara ni Sayonara, means that we're releasing it on high speed. The title is Neko Chuudoku*. It's a 'ska-cat-pop' song about cat, which we dedicate to all cats, cat lovers, and to make more people love cats. I believe that the cat lovers will get the song meaning once they listen to the song. Actually this song has been prepared a while ago, and we've talked to our staffs about when will be the right time to release it and we decided to do it now. We're so happy. I'm gonna play the song on Masterhits so please look forward for that. And there's another announcement, the Blue Ray for Utsukushii Koi wo Suru Tour will be released on the same day. Of course it will have awesome sound and picture, so please check on that too!" (Massu).

*Neko Chuudoku: Cat Addiction?

[Tegoshi on SDK?]❤ Tegoshi also will be a guest on Shin Domoto Kyoudai (not sure about the date, but probably on 21th? Because they'll have Okada Junichi and Eikura Nana on 14th). I'm sure many of you are wondering why Tegoshi is alone. Some fans guess that Massu might be busy with his stageplay and couldn't make it. Well, I actually watched last week's ep, and realized that SDK kinda changed their format. Last week guest was Yoshitaka Yuriko and Moriyama Naotaro (weird combi right? xD). Both are having new dorama and album, and apparently Yuririn kinda requested to meet Moriyama-san because she loves his music since her student days. So my prediction is the other guest wants to meet Tegoshi, so that's why he got an invitation? Or the other way around? Lol, just my two cents, sorry for rambling. Kinda sad Massu isn't there, but can't wait to see some interaction between him and Dots :)

(Just because this image represents my feeling right now very well. Yay for a new single~! There must be a reason why they release it so quickly. Here's hoping for a summer album from NEWS!)

tegomass no radio

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