Ep. 78: hanami, young love and radio goods

Apr 19, 2013 16:01

Air date: 2013.04.18

Since it's spring and the sakura is blooming, the boys and Aracchi talked about hanami (flower/cherry blossom-viewing)
Tegoshi: Did you go for a hanami this year?
Massu: Well, the most beautiful part is when the petals are falling, right?
Tegoshi: What was that! I asked you whether you already went or not! (lol)
Massu: I haven't gone somewhere for a proper hanami yet, but I always enjoy watching the sakura. Few days ago while I walking on the street..it was the day after a rain, I think? And I saw a running car covered by sakura petals, that was so stylish.
Tegoshi: Here he goes again.. (with a hoarse voice) "A story with no punch line by Masuda.. thanks!"
[otoko matsuri]
While apparently Tegoshi went too see the sakura light-up (at night) to Meguro River with a male friend.
Massu: Did you do hanami then?
Tegoshi: Yes I did.
Massu: Ou!
Tegoshi: I went to Meguro river.
Massu: Ou!!
Tegoshi: (suddenly in a loud voice) I'VE SEEN THE SAKURA!!! Hahahaha.. I'm sorry.
Massu: Fufufu..

Massu said he loves it when it's raining on spring because it gives a nice/warm vibe, and Tegoshi said sakura always gives him romantic feeling.

Aracchi: There are some of your songs with Sakura as its title, in this season, doesn't it makes you want to sing them?
Massu: Of course I'm walking around sakura while singing them.
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegoshi: We do, we do. (suddenly singing Ketsumeishi's Sakura) "Sakura maichiru naka ni..."
(everybody laughs)
Massu: You're singing someone else's song.. (suddenly sings) "Boku gaa.." (I have no idea whose song is that.. >.<)
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: This show became like Music Station show!

The first mail from Yoko in Nara, she's always excited listening to NEWS song. But when she's feeling down, she'll listen to Tegomass songs to get relax. Yoko loves Sayonara Boku no Machi and right now she's worried thinking about the new semester so she asked Tegomass to play the song for her.
Tegoshi: This is the first time someone requested for Sayonara Boku no Machi right? We sang it on our second tour right?
Massu: The (concert) flow was really great don't you think? From Kushami to Sayonara.. Ony four of us on stage, with two guitarists.
Tegoshi: Yes. I really like this song! The guitar sounds is super beautiful!

The radio played Sayonara Boku no Machi by Tegomass. Afer the song played, Tegomass asked the listener to stay tuned because they're going to have a big announcement in the end of this show.


Massu read the mail, it was from Ayuyu, a 11 years old girl. She's been dating a boy her age since last autumn and his birthday is coming up. She asked Tegomass, when they were on 6th grade, what kind of present that would make them happy? (while Massu reading the mail, Tegoshi was like: "Haaa?!" LOL)

And as soon as he finished reading the mail...
Massu: Boom!! (sounds like he's slamming the paper or desk? Lol, not sure though)
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: It caaaaame! He did it, Massu. An Iron Hammer Masuda! I'm so shocked now!!
Massu: So does it mean that they're dating for half a year now?
Tegoshi: Even the elementary students are dating now?
Both Tegomass are surprised and said that when they were elementary students, they did have someone they like but never went as far as dating. Tegoshi had his first crush when he was a 3rd grader and Massu was 4th grader.

Of course Tegoshi is curious about one thing.
Tegoshi: This is a weird question, but I wonder do those elementary students kiss their boyfriend/girlfriend?
Aracchi: Well, they maybe do a kiss in the cheek.
Tegoshi: Majikayoooooooo..
Aracchi: And they might kiss on the lips, no?
Tegoshi: Well,  the elementary students are in the same age like Hey Say Jump now, so..
Massu: But the members of HSJ is in their twenties now! (laughs)
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Ah, really? They sang that "showa muri" song right?
Massu: That would be Hey Say 7!
(Lol Tegonyan, please pay more attention to another J&A talents! x))

They then talked about how kind nowadays have different taste on fashion and looks more like adults.
Massu: Many high-schoolers now look more older than us!
Tegoshi: Yes they are! This is like a completely different era compared to our junior days.
Massu: And almost all of the HSJ members are taller than us right?
Tegoshi: They are taller indeed, taller!
Massu: When they ask me, "Massu...blah blah blah right?" And when I answer, "Oh yeah," I have to look up to see their face, I feel like being looked down (lol)
Tegoshi: I could never do a free kick if the opponent team is HSJ members!
(everybody laughs)

Tegoshi then advised Ayuyu to give her boyfriend a video game for a present.
Tegoshi: Or you can give him mini 4WD too.
Massu: But if she gives him stuffs like that, I'm afraid he'll pay more attention to the game after that.
Tegoshi: Ah that's true.
Massu: Just like Tegoshi, he'll play it for 24 hours!
Tegoshi: Yup yup, I play both Dragon Quest and Puzzle Dragon at the same time with my two hands.

Aracchi: Also, she's an elementary students, sure we have to think about the price too.
Massu: That's right. Hmm isn't it nice to make something, like craft? She can go to zakkayasan (miscellaneous goods shop) and buy some DIY ring or necklace?

Aracchi: Ah, accessories would be nice!
Tegoshi: How about cup?
Massu: Cup is great!
Massu then shared a story when one of his friend on junior high made a ring for a girl he likes by scraping a nut (hardware, type of a fastener with a threaded hole) he got from an acquaintance who works in a construction site. Apparently he scraped the nut by using some metal.
Massu: He met the girl many times to make sure the size of her finger.
Aracchi: Kakkoi!
Massu: Well, he was rejected and I had to go there to comfort him.

And talking about cup, someone need to make an announcement..
Tegoshi: Someone took the cup I made during the school excursion.
Massu: Aaah..
Tegoshi: (suddenly screams with a formal speech lol) WHO'S KEEPING MY CUUP? PLEASE GIVE IT BACK TO ME! I'LL BE WAITING!!!
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Ore no koppu!!
Massu: Someone is using it huh, but as long as he/she use it well..(laughs)

The next mail is from Ayumu in Tokyo, she became a fan since watching their performance with The Gospellers in the latest FNS. She bought all of NEWS and Tegomass DVDs and watched them everyday. Ayumu has a boyfriend and he's more into rock music, while she's more into classic music, so he was annoyed when she kept playing their song, and said: "please let me enjoy the music I like at home!" But lately, his opinion changed. He started to say, "Wow, they're great singer," "This song is great," etc., and watches the DVD together with her. When they were watching the latest NEWS concert DVD, his boyfriend said: "They always give message to the female audience, even though there are male audience too. I want them to give me message too!" Ayumu said one day she wants to attend their concert with him.

Tegomass seems to be very happy and thanked Ayumu's boyfriend. They also said that their male audiences are growing on their live concert.
Tegoshi: Sometimes when we're doing MC, some of the male audience goes; "Massssuuuu!" right?
Massu: Yup.
Aracchi: Well you call your female fans 'konekochan', what would you call the male fans then?
Tegoshi: Menzu, menzu (the men). "Hey, the menzu over theeeere! Let's have fuuuun!!!"
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegoshi: Well, Momokuro does that thing right, onna matsuri and otoko matsuri. I want us to do an otoko matsuri too. A concert live dedicated only dedicated for men.
Aracchi: And hold a 'man talk session'.
Tegoshi: That's great!

Massu then asked the male fans to bring 100 friends to come and enjoy the concert lmao.

[being charai is a compliment!]
Chichan from Nara has a love problem. Her boyfriend is a popular guy and has many female friends, and she's worried because it seems like one of his friends had a crush on him. She haven't said anything to her boyfriend yet because she's afraid he'll get annoyed. She asked Tegomass, is it troublesome if their girlfriend is being jealous?

Massu: Naruhodo ne, well Tegoshi is that kind of type too, right?
Tegoshi: Aaah, me? Yes yes, ashita kara mata nichi getsu ka, sui moku mawatte kin dou, that's not true, BAKAYAROOOO!
(everybody laughs)
Massu: That's interesting, what you just said.
Tegoshi: Isn't that guy more like you?
Massu: That's not true, yo?! (lol)

Tegoshi: Well there are opinion from male and female perspectives, what do you think, Aracchi?
Aracchi: (excited) I really understand her feeling! I'm a type who can't say such thing. I can't say yada...
Massu: So your boyfriend is a type who likes to play around with other girl, like that?
Aracchi: Wait a minute!
(everybody laughs)

Tegoshi & Massu: Aaaaaaaaaahhhh...
Tegoshi: That's too bad.
Massu: Too bad..
Aracchi: (panic lol) Wait! No no, it's not like that!
(LOL poor Aracchi's boyfriend)

Tegoshi said he doesn't mind it if his girlfriend shows her jealously.
Tegoshi: I might do it on purpose, like telling her that I'll go out with female friends, because I want to see her like, "Eh again? Honestly I don't like that.." (in cute female voice).
Aracchi: Yadaaaa (laughs)
Tegoshi: And I'll say, "I was lying yoooo!" Hahahahaha, I'm such a baka, huh!? Hahaha!
Massu said he doesn't mind too, but actually he'll feel jealous too if his girlfriend going out with another male friend.
Massu: I don't want to have a guilty feeling by going out without telling her, because having female friends is a normal thing. But if it was her who's going to go out, maybe I'll say "yadaaaa' but I'll try to understand too.

They then talked about the term of 'popular man', and Tegoshi told her that it's a great thing she has a popular guy as a boyfriend. Apparently, Tegoshi sometimes overheard some 'girls talk' when he went to have a meal alone in a restaurant.
Tegoshi: I really hate it when I heard they talk about a man and say thing like, "that guy, he's so charai* and disgusting!" Majide!
Aracchi: (laughs)
Massu: Because they're using words like 'charai' and 'kimoi' (disgusting)?
Tegoshi: Well I hate the way they put minus image in the word 'charai'. Because I think 'charai' is a compliment. Being 'charai' means that you're popular with girls. They don't force the girls to hang out with them, that's why an unpopular guy can never be a 'charai'. Listening to those girls, it seems like they hate the guy just because they're popular.
Massu: But I always use that word for Koyama! I don't use it for a compliment!
(everybody laughs)
Massu: Well lately since being a newscaster he looks diligent and kakkoi though.
Tegoshi: He really changed!
Massu: Because once he had a long blonde hair wrapping his neckline and shoulder! Well, that was what I can see from the outside, I didn't really know his inner side though!
Aracchi: (laughs)
*charai means flashy, talkative person, look like a playboy, etc., it actually has a lot of definitions, you can check them here

Lastly Tegoshi told her that being jealous is okay, because if she doesn't show her true feeling her boyfriend will feel lonely.
Aracchi: Then what should she say to him?
Tegoshi: "I'm okay but..actually I'm worried..", like that..
Massu told her that since she has a great relationship, she needs to talk about it and no need to worry.


They finally announced that the radio is having their official goods, it's Tegomass no Radio's ballpoint pen! Tegoshi said it's really cute and they designed it carefully.

Tegoshi: We were so careful and detailed, just like making a concert goods!
Aracchi: It's moving right?
Tegoshi: Yes, it has a moving logo..

Apparently, they are going to give one ballpoint for one lucky mail-sender (who had their mail read out) every week, but...
Tegoshi: And today, as a special celebration for our goods, we will give the ballpoint as a present to 10 lucky listeners!
(everyone claps)

First of all, they picked a lucky listener this week, and she's Ayumu-san from Tokyo (the one who has a boyfriend who slowly turns into their fans x))

Tegoshi: Yay yay yay!
Aracchi: Congratulations!
Massu: We only give one ballpoint pen for both of you!
Tegoshi: Please don't fight okay!

And about the free ballpoint giveaways, Aracchi explained that we can send a postcard to their radio address and they'll wait for them until the end of April.
Tegoshi: We have to think about an 'ai-kotoba'/password. They have to write it on the postcard. Massu, please pick one word!
Massu: "ARACCHI"!
Tegoshi: Yes yes!
Aracchi: No no, that's okay!
Tegoshi: Isn't it good?
Note: Aracchi later explained in her blog, that the password is 'Aracchi' (whether in hiragana or katakana, both are fine). That listeners also should write their name, address and their mobile phone number. It's okay to add a personal message for Tegomass. If you're interested, here's the mail address (I'm not sure whether the international fans can join this giveaway lottery, but let's try! ^^/)
MBSラジオ  「テゴマスのらじお」
Note: that number is a private postal code for Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc (MBS), their radio company. If you can't write hiagana/katakana, change the second line into: MBS Rajio (Tegomassu no Rajio)

Massu also promoted Resident DVD and their upcoming stageplay Strange Fruits.
Massu: And Tegoshi, please come to Osaka too.
Tegoshi: I think I'll go the to Tokyo show!
(which one Tegonyaaaaann ^^;)

And of course they're announcing the new single, Neko Chuudoku!
Tegoshi: We're releasing our 7th single, Neko Chuudoku on May 22nd!
(everyone claps)
Massu: Isn't the title a little weird?
Tegoshi: I think everybody will love this song!
Massu: It's a song for cat, and for cat lovers.
Tegoshi said the single has a new color for their discography and super catchy, we'll remember it instantly after listening to it once. And it will be super exciting to sing it on a live concert.

In the end, Aracchi told them that she's going to read the mail address and it's an important part because they're having a giveaway quiz and Tegomass agreed.  But as soon as she read it, Tegoshi made a funny crying (?) voice lmao and both of these dorks giggled and made some weird noises as always.

It must be very pretty in Japan right now, I once went for hanami in Chidorigafuchi, and it's one of the prettiest scenery I've ever seen. But Hanami with Massu might end up to be a 'hana yori dango' since he's more interested on food than flowers lol. Was surprised to know that a 11 years old girl has a boyfriend, but I think it's really cute.

Some updates! (sorry if you know already about these random stuffs :P)  
❤ That picture above was tweeted by Kawaoka Daijiro, another cast on Strange Fruit stageplay when they were enjoying the catering at their play rehearsal. He call them 'an extravagant catering' and apparently he and Massu are doing some muscle training to be on their better shape on stage. (that melon pan looks yummy!)
❤ Massu will be on Hiru Nan Desu on April 22nd, Tegoshi on Shin Domoto Kyoudai on May 5th, and Tegomass will be on Shounen Club Premium Show (NHK) on 15 May.
❤ Do you know why Tegomass are releasing their new single on May 22nd? Some Japanese fans said because 22nd is a  special date for cats! Japanese celebrates Cat Days on February 22nd (2-22, also read as ni-ni-ni, and that's close enough with nyan-nyan-nyan, the sound of mewing cat in Japanese) There's no official explanation til now, but if it's true, then it would be so cute.  

tegomass no radio

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