Ep. 79: golden week and neko chuudoku

Apr 30, 2013 13:07

"Onaka suitara nyanyanyanyanya,
kigen warukerya shashashashasha..
Itsumo jiyuuna neko ni muchuuuu..." ♫
(when hungry he goes nyanyanyanyanya,
and when he's on a bad mood he goes shashashashasha
Always get hooked on this free-spirited cat..)
Air date: 2013.04.25

They started the show by talking abut their Golden Week plan.
Tegoshi: What's your plan for Golden Week? I heard that the company workers and students have 10 day holidays!*
Massu: (suddenly sings) Ouh. "Memeshikute memeshikute memeshikute...!"
Tegoshi & Massu: (Tegoshi decided to join singing lol)) "Tsuraiyoooooo!"
Tegoshi: Why? Why did you do that? Is it because of the Golden Week? Majikayooo, thank you though.
*note: Golden Week 2013 is started from April 27-May 6.

[show it to me!]Massu said he wants to go traveling somewhere (though he sounds unsure lol)
Tegoshi: So what will you do?
Massu: I'll definitely clean up my house.
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: But you can do it in just one day!
Massu: Maybe I'll go travelling..
Tegoshi: Traveling is a must right!? (suddenly screams) WHEN WILL YOU GO!? IT'S NOW RIGHT?!
Aracchi: I'm shocked now! (laughs)
Tegoshi: Ahahaha, sumimasen...

Apparently Tegoshi wants to go to Guam.
Tegoshi: I've never been there.. It's near right? Or to Taiwan, since we only went there for a concert..
Massu: And to eat some xiao lon bao right? Well I want to go to that place..you know, the building with a pool?
Tegoshi & Aracchi: Aaaaah Singapore?! (I think they refer to Marina Bay Sands Hotel?)
Tegoshi: Ah me too, it looks great!
Aracchi: That's a nice place.
Massu: Well, I just want to go to a nice hotel/resort somewhere.

Massu: Aracchi, what's your plan?
Aracchi: Hmmmm..
Massu: Ah that's okay, you don't have to answer that.
Aracchi: Eeeh?
(everybody laughs)
Massu: Fufufufu..
Tegoshi: Ahahahahaha
Massu: I'm sorry please let us know..
Aracchi: Well..
Tegoshi: (surprised) Eeeeh?!
Aracchi: (laughs) Please let me say it!
(Everybody laughs)
Aracchi: I want to go to Hawaii.
Tegoshi: That's a standard answer!
Aracchi: But still it's a great place, please apologize to Hawaii!
Tegoshi: Gomen ne, gomen neeeee! (laughs) Hahaha I'm sorry.
Aracchi: What should I do.. The next 30 minutes is scary.. (laughs)

And they discussed further about the Golden Week term.
Tegoshi: Actually I just knew that NHK doesn't use this term, Massu you don't know too right?
Massu: I knew, I knew.
Massu said that he actually knew about this a long time ago.
note: NHK and some newspapers don't use this term, and refer it as the original Japanese: Oogata Renkyuu (long consecutive holiday). Apparently in 1951, a movie company named the week as "Golden Week" because their box-office record was very good. Other media don't use this term because it will end up being a movie promotion.

The boys then decided to play Neko Chuudoku for the first time in their radio.
Massu: Please look forward for this single!
Tegoshi: I believe this is a kind of song that you've never heard before.
The radio played Neko Chuudoku by Tegomass.


Nyansan from Osaka sent a mail, and she asked them about their fave quotes.
Tegoshi: I have one! I might have said this before, but I think it's really cool. It's a quote from Yazawa Eikichi. Once he was listened to his fans' problems, just like what we do on this radio.. He listened to a lot of problems, like 10 problems, but he didn't say anything at all and was just like "naruhodo, naruhodo.." And after some time, he said "Wait a minute, you guys! All of your problems are nothing compared to mine." And he continued, "Do you know what's mine? I can never watch a Yazawa Eikichi live concert, yo!" And when I heard that, I was like "KAKKEEE.." **
(everybody laughs)
Aracchi: That's so passionate!

** kakke: is a manly and informal way to say kakkoii.

Tegoshi said that only someone with a full confident who can say such words.

Tegoshi: Can you say something like that easily?!
Massu: Well I often say it though. Fufufu
Tegoshi: Reaaaally?? This is the first time I heard that.
Massu: Like, when fans said that they're feeling down, I tell them. "just go to our concert!'
Tegoshi: That's completely different!!!
Massu: Eh different?
Aracchi: (laughs)
(Massu what did you want to say, really x))
The boys then said that they actually really wants to see their own concert, even though it's impossible. Massu also added that he'll look bigger than he looks on the television.

Massu said that his fave quote is from Elvis Presley.
Massu: I've said this before too, though. He once said: "Never deny other's people opinion. Because you'll never be in their position." When I heard that on the television I was like, "Ah that's true!" When we heard someone's voicing his views, sometimes we will "that's not true" or "impossible!" right? I really think that's true.
Tegoshi: Naruhodo ne.
Massu: So I think the ideal one is when we talk, and the other person answer: 'ah I understand.' I want to be a person like that.
Tegoshi: Naruhodo.
Massu: Because I'm a type who loves to deny other's opinion.
Tegoshi: Arerererere? You're not learning anything, are you?

They then went a little dramatic when it was Aracchi's turn to say her fave quote.
Aracchi: "Words can be erased by an eraser."
Tegoshi: Ah is that so?
Aracchi: Eh wait a minute! That's an important quote!
Massu: Fufufu what's the meaning?
Aracchi: Since we can't erase words by an eraser, we have to be responsible for every words we spoke. I learned this from the announcer training back then.
Massu: That's good.
Tegoshi then conclude that words can impress but also hurt people.

And the boys teased Aracchi, saying that she actually has some words she will never erase, lol.
Aracchi: (confused) Words I will never erase?
Tegoshi: (singings) "Tegonyan, Massu Aracchi no Tegomassu no Rajio!"
(and you can hear that the staff played the Aracchi version of the theme)
Aracchi: Noooooo..don't do that! I forgot about that already! Nooooooo!!
Tegoshi: Ahahahahahaha!
Aracchi: Wait a minute, why??!
Massu: Ahahahaha zeee! Yeah!
Aracchi: This is too long, you'll get bored won't you?
Massu: Do you want to erase this?
Aracchi: I want to erase this!
Massu: Eraser pleeeaaase!

The next mail is from Tomone from Chiba (he called Massu as Masshi and Massu was like: "Masshi? Like Masi Oka?" Not sure but he might refer to that Heroes actor?) She wants to tell Tegomass something related with their underwear and swimsuit talk before. According to Tomone, she's not embarrased at all being seen in swimsuit or even underwear. Instead she'll be happy to show it. But she's too shy to go bathing with other people, so she doesn't really go to hot springs (onsen)

Tegoshi seems to be so amused by this confession.
Tegoshi: So she's not embarrassed. Please show it to meeeeeeee!!!!
(everybody laughs)
Massu said Tegoshi was too close to the microphone x)

Tegoshi: So she's embarrassed to go to hot springs. Even though with some fellow women? Well konyoku (mixed onsen) has became uncommon these days right?
Aracchi: Yes, it's rare now..
Massu: But there's some place, if you know where to go.
Aracchi: I think there's some in Aomori.
Tegoshi: Oh is that so? What should a woman do in that situation?
Massu: Even though the entrance (for male and female) is separated, but once they get inside, they'll be together. That's why it's cloudy* inside, and I think most of mixed onsen are like that.
Tegoshi: So you won't see other's underwear.
Massu: Yup. So if you go there with a friend, you won't really worried about other people surrounds you.

*Massu used the word 濁ってる (nigotteru: cloudy) so I think he wants to say that since it's a hot springs, it's steamy and you can't see other's clearly so you won't be embarrassed. I'm not familiar with this kanji, so cmiiw though!

And apparently Tegoshi still has other thing to say lol.
Tegoshi: We've talked about 'point I don't understand from a woman' before right? I remember one thing lately. Why do women diet until they become really skinny? I don't understand! And they'll like, "I'm sorry I'm on diet.. "
Massu: I wonder if it became their fave phrase..
Tegoshi said most of boys don't like gari-gari (skinny) woman, and the boys said they actually wants to see the girls to eat and exercise normally.
Massu: So they can show the underwear and swimsuit too.
Tegoshi: That's true. Quick, shake it up baby!! (in English lol)
Aracchi: (laughs)

[you took my money?]The next mail is from Momoga in Niigata. She asked Tegomass, when is it the right time to read a concert pamphlet: before or after the show?
Tegoshi and Massu both agreed that concert pamphlet should be read before the show. But they're confused about stageplay/movie pamphlet. Massu said he'll buy and read them at home after watching the play/movie. But it's important to know the characters' name before watching, so actually it's case by case.

Tegoshi also said that he wants fans to come without searching for the set list beforehand.
Tegoshi: But a lot of people who came to the concert knew about it before, because they read reports on the internet, or from other sources.
Massu: Aaah..
Aracchi: That's true.
Tegoshi: I want them to come, and not knowing the set list!
According to the boys, it will be more exciting if we know nothing about the set list.

The last mail in this corner is from Marireo in Aichi. She had quarrel with a friend over small thing. But in the end, her friend came to her and said: "I said to much. I'm sorry". She asked Tegomass, which one do they prefer when they quarrel with a friend: to apologize or being apologized?
Massu: Asking for a forgiveness is hard, isn't it? It takes a lot of courage.
Tegoshi: But I'd prefer to apologize.
Massu: You're a nice person.
Aracchi: You're a nice person.
Tegoshi: Eh? But really, seriously!
Massu said apologize first makes someone looks cool, but there's also some situation that makes a person doesn't want to do it. According to Tegoshi, if he thinks that he doesn't make any mistake, he won't apologize. If both of them did wrong things, then he'll apologize first. Lastly they said that Marireo and her friends has a good relationship so they should cherish their friendship.

Nacchan from Chiba has a problem. She lost his money when he went out with some friends, but she actually knows who stole it, because she accidentaly saw a friend took the money from her wallet, but she couldn't say anything at that time. Now she's confused and think about their future friendship, what should she do?

Massu: Whoaaa..
Tegoshi: Naruhodo..this is a difficult question.
Massu: For example, I took some money from Tegoshi's wallet in our green room...
Tegoshi: And I see it when you do it..
Massu: Will you say it, in our MC session. "You took my money, right?!!"
(everybody laughs)
Massu: It will be awkward!
Tegoshi: And we won't harmonize well!
(everybody laughs)

Tegoshi said it's actually a crime and there's a tendency that she'll do it again. So if Nacchan wants to stay as friends with her, she should say to her that she knew about it. Massu also said that even though Nacchan thinks they're friends, but her friends clearly doesn't think so because she stole the money. Both of Tegomass encourage Nacchan to talk to her friend, even though it will be difficult.

Massu promoted his upcoming stageplay and Resident DVD on this April 26th. And they also promoted their new single Neko Chuudoku which will be released on May 22nd.
Massu: it's on Nyannyan no Hi (Cat's Day)
Tegoshi: It's Nyanyan No Hi!
They want us to look forward for the live performance too, and Tegoshi said it will be incredible xD And as usual they giggled and Tegoshi (??) made some funny groaning voice when Aracchi was reading the fanmail address.
Tegoshi: I'm tired! I always use a lot of calories in this ending part! I will be gari-gari if I keep doing this! (lol)

Adorable cats indeed. Lol those faces xD My other fave part is when Massu sings 'goro-goro'. And TOKIO's Yamaguchi-kun jokingly said that the costume suits them, especially Tegoshi since he acts like that in real life ahaha.
Neko Chuudoku is super addictive. "Incredible live performance"? Oh gawd, will they wear those cat costumes on stage? Anyway, sorry for the long break. Rough week, and got overwhelmed by the fandom these past few days. Thanks for reading as always :)  

tegomass no radio

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