Ep. 80: soccer manager and angry papa

May 05, 2013 09:57

Air date: 2013.05.02

Since it's May already, Tegomass promoted their new single, Neko Chuudoku.
Tegoshi: I wonder what would everyone say?
Massu: Some fans already told me, "That's great Massu!" "Massu you look okay!".
Tegoshi: (laughs) That's too quick!
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegoshi: And the coupling songs this time are so great aren't they? Sprechchor and Hana ni Omoi wo.
Massu: Komorebi Memories.
Tegoshi: But that's the song on our previous single! It's from Sayonara ni Sayonara. If we give fans the same song again, they'll go mad!
Massu: We'll recycle.. (laughs)
Tegoshi: They'll be like, "Eh they recycle the song?" It's okay for a song from 2 years ago, but it's from 2 months ago! They'll complain to Johnny's Entertainment!
Massu: They'll create some sprechchor!* (laughs) I'm so smart! Yo!
Tegoshi: (praised Massu) That's smart! Yo, Masuda!
*I'm not familiar with this term, but some sources say that it's a term use by Japanese and derived  from German language, means choral speaking or yelling in chorus. cmiiw! ^^

[super idol passport]
The boys said that Sprechchor is a great song, and created by the team who wrote Mahou no Melody, while Hana no Omoi wo is an up-tempo song with country feeling and using some rustic folk instruments. Massu then shared a story how he was still on "Chiba-mood' while recording and it was hard to relate to the song.

Massu: We recorded Hana no Omoi wo at night just after I did theStrange Fruit rehearsal. I was like, "Why do they send a flower bouquet? Why?"*
Tegoshi: So it went through your head? It became sutorenji (strange)?
Massu: I was like, "A bouquet?!" So I took a quick rest and talked some gentle topics with staffs, and re-recorded the song again.
Tegoshi: So you haven't switched from the stageplay-Masuda to Tegomass -Masuda?!
Massu: I jumped into recording booth without switching the character and was like, "Hana no Omoi wo"?!
(everybody laughs)
Massu: When I switched it later, it turned out to be a good one. I sang it properly as Masuda from Tegomass!
As you might already know, there would be Massu-kara and Tego-kara in these single so they encouraged us to practice by listening to them.
*Not sure, but I think he's talking about the song lyrics.

A fan named Naochin from Aichi sent a mail, and congratulated them for the new release. She's actually not good with cats and more into dogs. But since Tegomass have a 'cat single', she hopes that she'll love cat too, eventually. She requested for Neko Chuudoku.

Tegoshi: I'm a dog person too, so before we have this single, I can't understand people who love cats. This animal seems unfamiliar and has no good image, but when I tried to search more about them, I was like, "meccha kawaii!' My friend told me that cat is a good pet if you live alone. They don't smell and they put a good space or distance with their owners.
Massu: If we talk about Tegoshi, I think you're more into cat-person rather than dog-person.
Tegoshi: That's true. And Massu, you're dog person right?
Massu: I love cats, but our producer is a real cat person, he specially wrote this song for us.
Tegoshi: And the cats meowing "nyaaaa" in the intro, it's actually the producer's cat!
Aracchi: Heeeee so it's not your voices?
Massu: But of course it doesn't sound like our voice at all, right?!
Aracchi: (laughs) Ah is that so..

The radio played Neko Chuudoku by Tegomass.


A fan named Kashiami from Gifu, she's a new 10th grader (Tegoshi reacted: "Congratulation! Yay, JK!" lol) She and her friend just became managers for a soccer club in her high school, and she asked "Yuu-kun" to give her some advises on what she should do because she's actually a little lost.
Tegoshi: Naruhodo. She's a soccer manager huh!?
Massu: (making a disappoint sound) Shun!!!
Tegoshi: Hmmm? Ah I see, is it because the question is for Yuu-kun? That's why you went like 'shuun!'?
Aracchi: (laughs) He read it in one go, though.
Massu: I stumbled a little, so I blame this letter. I'm not good at unfamiliar words.
(everybody laughs)

Apparently "Yuu-kun" is actually looking for a manager now.
Tegoshi: Actually I want you to be the manager for us, we haven't got one!
Aracchi: Eh you never had any manager before?
Tegoshi: No no, I was in all boys school.
Massu: .....Ah you talked about soccer? I'm shocked now, I thought you want to change our manager.
Tegoshi: Well, he's there outside our radio booth, reading a newspaper! (lol)
Massu: And there he goes like, "I'm here! I'm here!"
(everybody laughs)

Tegoshi: Actually I admire a manager job, it somehow becomes a status too.
Massu: Does the manager do everything by himself?
Tegoshi: One person is okay, but there are cases when the club like, "we have these many managers!"
Massu: I see...
Tegoshi: They'll do the laundry, and buy us some drink during the break..
Massu: And she'll buy one can of lemon juice 100%! (to shock one of the player)
Tegoshi: Why do you have to come up with a dokkiri (candid/surprise) idea? We don't need stuffs like that! (laughs) It will affect the quality for the next match! A manager can do things like cleaning up too. Honestly I want her to be a manager for our club now. Come come!
Massu: Well, please go then.
Aracchi: You sounded so cold! (laughs)
Tegoshi: You're so cold!
Massu: Fufufu..

The next mail from a fan named Maachan said that she wanted to ask something to Massu (Massu reacted: "it came!") and then she noticed it's morning already, but she still couldn't  found one. So, it's unrelated but, she often falls on street, so she asked Tegomass to put a spell on her that prevent her from stumble down on the street.
Massu: (acts like mad) How do I supposed to know!!!
(everybody laughs)
Massu: (spells the magic words) You won't stumble down!
Tegoshi: Are you okay? Maybe if you exercise especially your torso part, then you won't stumble down easily!
Massu: And also to have a little interest on me! (lol)

The next mail is from Sayaka in Gifu. She asked them, have they ever think that their face has changed now, compared to old photographs?
Tegoshi: Actually, I wonder why the picture on our ID card or driving license always look worse than the actual person?
Massu: Hmmm maybe because the camera is located a little under?
But Tegoshi said that his passport photo is super good lol.
Tegoshi: My picture was taken by a professional cameraman, it looks like super idol. So when I go overseas the immigrant officers always tell me, "Whoa nice photo!"
Massu said he was so excited when he had to take a picture for a driving license so he wore a super fashionable t-shirt, but in the end they only took his picture from head to neck xD  He also added that he feels his face has changed compared to when he was a boy, but lately it hasn't changed much. And Tegoshi said their face looks different because they often change their hairstyles too.


A fan named Harupaana sent a mail, saying that she can't understand man's feeling. Apparently a male friend kissed her, but he told her that he can only see her as a little sister. He's two year older than her and they're texting and talking on the phone a lot. What should she do?

Massu: Whoaaaaaa..
Tegoshi: Naruhodo. How old is she?
Aracchi: She's 18 years old.
Massu: Tegoshi, say it now!
Tegoshi: In this case...there's a possibility that he's playing on you!
Aracchi: Eeeehh
Massu: That's true..
Tegoshi: But it depends on where he kissed her, too.
Massu: Maybe it's on the lips yo!
Tegoshi: (frustrated) Was it on the liiiiipsss?!
Aracchi: Is it no-no if he kissed her on the lips?
Tegoshi: Of course he shouldn't do that!
Aracchi: What about on the cheek, then?
Tegoshi: Well this is not the USA, it's not a big problem there, so..
Massu: Just like hug too. Eh is she a Japanese?
Aracchi: I think so, her name is Harupaana.
Massu: Eh but there's a possibility that she's a foreigner.
Tegoshi: What are you talking about, she's a Japanese she just put 'paana' after her name!
Massu: Naru hodo. That's not good, I want him to respect you. If he sees you as a little sister, why would a man kiss his sister!?
Tegoshi: Bakayaro!!! Bakayaroooo! If I were her papa, I'll go mad! I won't forgive him!!
Aracchi: (laughs) Otousan?!
Massu: Please act as if you're an angry papa!
Tegoshi: Konoyaro! You kissed Harupaana, huh konoyaroooo!?!
Massu: You can only say ''konoyaro' huh? You're acting mad but lack of contents, I heard 'konoyaro' three times already!
Tegoshi: Hahahahahahahaha!
note: konoyaro means 'this/you basta*d' x)

Tegomass advised Harupaana to tell that man to stop kissing her and to start treating her like a sister. But since she's a 18 yo and she likes this man, they hope this experience could open her eyes that this kind of man exist in this world. Lastly they said they wants every girl to be respected and protected by men.

The last mail was from a fan who said that she's not good at handling compliment. Any advise from Tegomass?

Tegoshi: That's a rare thing..
Massu: Well, I guess she's happy being praised, but she just doesn't know how to react.
Tegoshi: Isn't it good enough if she says, "Sankyuuu deeesu!"
Massu: That's a charai version and it would be weird!

And they started praising each other xD
Massu: Aracchi, you're so cute today.
Aracchi: (sounds flustered lol) Arigatou gozaimasu.
Tegoshi: You're a weak type too!
Massu: You're not good at answering back!

Massu: Tegoshi, you look super kakkoi today. '
Tegoshi: Really? I'm happy to hear that. Thanks.
Aracchi: You're so used to it!

Tegoshi: Massu, you're so fashionable.
Massu: (small voice)...Yup.
Tegoshi: (laughs) You're not used to it, aren't you! Even though you always say that you love being praised!
Massu: But Isn't it good to be just yourself? Just be natural. But it's important to tell your friend that you're happy, like smiling even though you don't say anything.
Tegoshi: Ah that's cute. Rabusukyuuun! (from the intonation I guess he was mimicking comedian Tanoshingo? xD)
Massu: People who are listening to the radio by earphone, please unplugged them now.

The boys promoted Strange Fruit and Neko Chuudoku. They also announced a contest called Neko Jiman Contest, and asked the listeners to send them their cat's pictures which will be selected to be a part of their next album artwork! (You can check on the details on Johnny's net here, and check on Tegomass Shipper's page on Facebook for the details in English here Too bad I have no cat T^T Best of lucks for everyone who's going to challenge this contest!). In this episode, they decided to give the Tegomass ballpoint pen to Harupaana-san :)

Hey guys..
I'm going to go on an indefinite hiatus from translating the radio show. Currently, so much things going on in my RL and I need to focus more on that. Hopefully I'll be back, but I can't promise anything right now. If someone wants to replace me translating the radio show regularly, please go ahead, share the love! :) Thanks everyone for coming here and flail together here, you have no idea how your support encouraged me to keep translating xxx
❤ Ami

tegomass no radio

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