Ep. 72: jealous cupids and prince Tegoshi

Mar 10, 2013 10:24

Air date: 2013.03.07

Tegoshi and Massu were super excited since Sayonara is Sayonara is on sale now, and Tegoshi went a bit hyper.
Tegoshi: (This day finally) CAAAAME!!
Aracchi: (laughs) You're so excited!
Tegoshi: Yes, we've always talked about that before, finally it's today!
Massu: I'm really happy..you know, we've talked about that before...
Tegoshi: (cuts Massu's sentence) I've said that I've said that I'VE SAID THAAAAT!! CHORIIISU!
Massu: (acts annoyed) Can you lower your voice please, it's around midnight now and many of our listeners are listening by earphone..
Tegoshi: Ah I understand!
Aracchi: (laughs)

[i'm jealous! ]Tegomass talked again that Sayonara ni Sayonara is a new single after two years.

Tegoshi: Actually we want to release one song each day..
Massu: That would be too fast..
Tegoshi: How about two songs a day then?
Massu: But we wouldn't make it!
(lol persistent Tegoshi is persistent)

Apparently they've received some fanmails about their new single.
Tegoshi: I've read them all!
Massu: Of course you have, we've only have around 5 fanmails now.. (lol)
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Ahahahaha! But we also received some mails regarding our performance on Music Fair. We're very happy.
Massu: Yes we are. We hope the songs will reach many people and they'll listen to them.

They then talked about the PV filming.
Aracchi: How was it?
Tegoshi: It was super cool!
Massu: The CG is awesome, like fuwaaaaa!
Aracchi: Ah yeah, you guys are flying right?
Massu: We're not flying.
Tegoshi: We're not flying.
Aracchi: (laughs) I'm sorry.
(Poor Aracchi, Tegomass's first tsukkomi in this ep! xD)

They then explained that the PV has a "Tegomass atmosphere" where they were looking out the window to see a girl's love story. They also said that the filming staffs were really focus on the color and the lighting.
Aracchi: So are you imagining about that (the love story) while filming?
Tegoshi: It was a wild fantasy! (shouts and apparently does some funny gesture)
Aracchi: (laughs so hard)
Massu: What are you doing, you're just like a panda?!
Aracchi: (laughs) Suddenly you've got some (panda) ears.
Tegoshi: (laughs) I don't get it too. Actually I live my everyday life by being delusional about that (romance)
Aracchi: That's suspicious!

The first mail from Yurin-san in Aichi. He never had any boyfriend before, but a few days ago, a boy confessed to her. She was confused and couldn't give any answer right away. Later that day she listened to Sayonara ni Sayonara on the radio, and realized that she wants to have a relationship like in the song lyrics. In the end, she confessed to that boy and he became her first boyfriend.

The boys seem to be very happy to know about that and they clapped.
Aracchi: You guys are the cupids!
Tegoshi: Arama! It can't be helped! Then guess I'll hand over her to that boy.. I'll give you to him!
Aracchi: (laughs) Did you regret it?
Tegoshi: I think we've lost to that boy.
Massu: Maybe we're the cupids after all, it's like "You've hit me with an arrow".
Tegoshi: That's true.. I'm so jealous! This is a good season now, you can do hanami together! It's okay, it's okay! I've handed over you to that boy!

But after being all jealous and noisy, Tegoshi's tenshion suddenly changed..
Tegoshi: Well after knowing this, Sayonara ni Sayonara is a great song indeed, it created a couple.
Massu: You suddenly talked seriously just now..
Tegoshi: Ahahahahaha. If I get carried away, this show is gonna be a disaster!!
Aracchi: Since the opening.. (laughs)
Tegoshi: What have I done since the opening.. I was so loud and all.
The boys then congratulated Yurin-san and hope that the song will create more couples!

The radio played Sayonara ni Sayonara by Tegomass.

[oooooooiiiiiiii!]OTAYORI NO CORNER

Usually, one of the boys will introduce this corner purpose (which is to read the fanmails with various topic). But this week, Massu trolled Tegoshi so they ended up reading the introduction together xD
Tegoshi: Why did you do that?
Massu: Fufu.. I was just curious whether I could do it or not.
Tegoshi: Well, you did! Congratulation!
Massu: Fufufufu..
Tegoshi: Are you satisfied now, Masuda-kun?
Massu: Fufufufu..
(everybody laughs and I think I heard Aracchi said that Massu was cute when he laughs xD)

And the boys got distracted..
Tegoshi: Your front hair, they're black now.. You've changed it again!
Massu: Yeah, Tegoshi, you have those pink highlights right? It's super hard to keep it isn't it?
Tegoshi: Yup, it's hard, it keep changing day by day.
Massu: Actually you're just impersonating my hair style during Utsukushii Koi wo Suru concert aren't you?
Tegoshi: I'm not! I'm not!
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: I completely leave it to up the hairdresser.
Massu: Oh, so then the hairdresser impersonate my style..
Aracchi: (laughs) Ano.. this is actually Otayori no Corner.
Tegoshi: Eh, isn't it free talk session now?
Aracchi: (laughs)
Tegomass then apologized and moved on to read the fainmails lmao.

It was Tegonyan who read the next mail.
Tegoshi: It's from Riisan. "Prince Tegoshi, Masuda-san, Arai-san, good evening!"
Massu: (annoyed) OOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIII!!!!
(everybody laughs)
Riisan is a 14 years old who loves NEWS and Tegomass. Her English teacher encouraged her to listen more to English songs and played some songs from The Beatles and The Carpenters on the class. She wants to know if Tegomass and Aracchi have any recommendation.

But someone was not in a good mood.

Aracchi: (Masuda-san) looks a little cranky.. (laughs)
Tegoshi: Oh stop sulking like that, she's only 14 years old!
Massu: Ah she is? (acts mad again) Then I should have to listened to that properly.. Ufufufufu
(everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Oh nooo he gets mad, he gets mad! (laughs)

Massu said he often listens to hip-hop and even though he doesn't really understand what the singer is saying xD And Aracchi shared her embarrassing experience with western musics.
Aracchi: When I was in college, some friends told me that Beyonce's music is great, so I went to the CD shop looking for Beyonce's CD (in kanji, because Aracchi thought Beyonce is a Japanese singer)
Tegoshi: That's terrible!! But after that did you find it?
Aracchi: The next day I consulted to a friend, and h/she told me that I was wrong..
Tegoshi: Okay now, do a Beyonce impersonation!
Aracchi: (panic) Eh? Wait! What should I do.. Wait!?
Tegoshi: One, two..!
Aracchi: "This is it!" (I don't really get it xD)
Tegoshi: (laughs) What was that? What were you doing?

Tegoshi said that he first learned about western songs when he was in the 2nd grade of junior high school.
Tegoshi: It was Backstreet Boys.
Massu & Aracchi: Aaaah!
Tegoshi: (sings) "Tell me why~"
Massu: Okay now do a Backstreet Boys one, two...!
Tegoshi: (apparently strikes a pose) "Backstreet Boys!!!"
(everybody laughs)

Massu said he listens to compilation album and DJ version' album too.
Tegoshi: Two weeks ago when we talked to Matsuo-san, you do listen to Bruno Mars, right?
Massu: Ah that's true, lately I'm listening to Bruno Mars.
Tegoshi: It's really popular now, he's cool.
Massu said the Bruno Mars concert was really fun.

And the boys then talk about that duo from Sweden x)
Massu: Those boys, they called Tegomassu.
Tegoshi: Ah they're from Sweden right?
Massu: Well sometimes they come to Japan.
Tegoshi: Yes the do, they do.
Aracchi: (laughs)
Massu: Those boys are good too, and basically they sing in Japanese.
Tegoshi: I was like, "Ah they're studying Japanese".
Massu: Their latest single is released on March 6, please listen to it!
Tegoshi: Haaai, this is the end!

The next mail is from Sana-chan from Aichi. She couldn't drink black coffee even though she's 21 years old already. How about Tegomass? Since when they found out that black coffee is delicious?

Tegoshi said he first drink black coffee when he was 15 years old.
Tegoshi: I wanted to look cool and like an adult, just like when the first time I drank wine.
But apparently, Tegoshi couldn't handle its taste, so he prefers cappuccino or espresso. He even bought espresso machine. While Massu said he can drink black coffee and never put any milk on his coffee.
Massu: I put tonyuu (soy milk) instead, so it doesn't become sweet.
Massu said when he was younger he thought that he couldn't drink iced coffee, but when he drank it for the first time, he found it really delicious. Lastly, Tegomass said that drinking milk or milk tea is very girly and cute indeed, so Sanachan doesn't have to force herself to drink black coffee.
Massu: You don't have to drink something that you can't drink. That's okay!

The last mail is from Miho-san from Kanagawa. He asked the boys: would they make another original song like Chicken Boy? And she has an idea: how about making an original theme for the radio?

Tegoshi: A theme song for the radio? Isn't it good? In my head the image song is like "juuun jiiin juun jiiin juuun juuun jiiin!" xD
But Massu seem like not interested at all lmao. And Tegomass also said that they'll make another original song.
Massu: If there's any composition from Tegoshi, then I will write the lyrics.
Tegoshi: Me?
Massu: And why we haven't make another one yet, that's because Tegoshi didn't make anything yet.
Tegoshi: Ah really? ARAMA!  (lol)
Tegoshi and Massu said they'll make another one! As for the radio theme, Massu said that it's better if Aracchi sing it by herself and Tegomass will harmonize lmao. They finally made Aracchi promise to write a theme song by herself.
Aracchi: But I don't have any song-writing experience..
Massu: Just one line is okay, like (sings): "Tegomass no Rajio~"
Aracchi: (laughs) Okay, I'll try to write it.

The boys also asked the listeners to give them any recommendation for their next original song, including the atmosphere and the tempo (you can send your opinion and ideas via mail)
Massu: Don't forget to write something good about me.
Tegoshi: (laughs) What was that, that's for your own self-satisfaction!
Massu: Things you like about me, three points.
Aracchi: Only for Masuda-kun?
Massu: Yes, it's okay if it's only for me.
Tegoshi: Then write things you like about me, five points!
(Everybody laughs)

They promoted their Sayonara ni Sayonara single, and Massu also promoted his new stageplay: Strange Fruits (he didn't talk anything about the storyline though, only the stageplay dates) and the Tegomass talk and collaboration special on Music Fair.
In the end, Massu made some weird snorting (not sure though, but apparently he was sucking into some popcorn xD) noise, Tegoshi did it too after Massu, and together they forced Aracchi to do it.
Aracchi: Please stop it.
Tegoshi: Forgive us!
Aracchi: Your face is not saying sorry at all! (laughs)
(everybody laughs)
Massu: Today, I think we can convey what we just did. We're having stress here (lol)

As usual it was a chaotic ending xD

Love their talk and performance on the latest Music Fair <3 And I hope they'll include the song they'll write together on the next album~

ps. On the other news, I just found out a fanpage on FB that re-posted my translations without crediting me at all.. They even changed some parts of the summary. I wonder is it too much to ask for a permission and type the name of the original translator.. oh well :(

tegomass no radio

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