Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing - 2/?

Dec 18, 2009 16:23

Title: Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing
Pairing: Gen....almost definitely going to stay gen...I'll let you know otherwise.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This exists in the same land as the Clangers. Only difference is I wish they were real whereas this....definitely do not wish it was real.
Warning: Violence, swearing, homophobia, and just nastiness.
Authors Note: Okay, I've been thinking about it and just so you all know, this is going to dot about time wise. Think of the Firelfy episode 'Out of Gas' and you're kinda there. So hopefully, not too complicated but a bit. And this feels really strange having it posted in such small parts.

Summery: One event can change the life of everyone involved. It's an idea that everyone knows but it's not something anyone actually understands until it happens to them.

Part 1

Monday 9:00am

“So Vegas huh?”
"Morning Adam.”

Adam was sat on his couch dressed in jogging bottoms and an old and faded Zeppelin T-Shirt. The morning newspaper was opened on his lap and he was skimming it for anything interesting. He turned the pages with one hand while the other held the phone up to his ear.

“Vegas Kris.”
“Yes I’m going to Vegas.”
"And you didn’t invite me.”
“It’s a work thing. We’re only staying the night because it’s easier to get back to LA in the morning than after the gig.”
“And you didn’t invite me.”
“We’re not here to party Adam.”
“So you’ll go straight to bed after playing?”
“Well as I’m here…but that isn’t why I’m here.”
“So it’s not your only plan but it’s still one of your plans.”
“You have one day off in…what…three months and you think flying to Vegas for one night is how you want to spend it.”
“You’re right, one night in Vegas sounds like an awful idea.”
“It’s not even the whole band. It’s just me and Cale playing a very small acoustic set. You’d be bored.”
“If the scenery’s that good it’s never going to be boring.”
“Cale’s straight.”
“And not my type but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the view.”

Giving up on even pretending to read it Adam closed the newspaper and placed it to one side.

“So Katy tells me you have Lil staying for a while?”
“You’ve been talking to Katy?”
“How do you think I knew you were going to Vegas!”
“I tweeted it.”
“Unlike some people I am not obsessed with twitter.”
“Oh come on, you’re a little obsessed.”
“Only when I’m drunk.”
“And here was I believing your claims that you were sober that night.”
“Moving on Kristopher…so Lil?”
“Yeah, she’s got some recording time in LA and she doesn’t have a place here and it seemed silly for her to stay in a hotel when we have all those spare rooms.”
“And you left her and Katy alone for the night?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Women talk.”
“So Lil toured with you, Lil knows things.”
“I didn’t do anything on tour that Katy doesn’t already know.”
“What about that time in New England with the toilet…”
“She wouldn’t!”
“She might.”
“Oh come on it was funny.”
“For you it might have been.”
“Honey, for everyone.”
“Not for me.”
“A little for you.”
“Maybe after but not at the time.”

Adam couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of Kris getting trapped in the toilet in the venue.

“You made it on stage in time.”
“Only just. I thought I was going to have to perform from that stall.”
“I would have loved to have seen the reviews of that.”
“Moving on Adam. You got any plans tonight for your one evening off?”
“Well I’ve got nothing till the afternoon tomorrow when I have a radio interview so I thought I might go out.”
“With who?”
“Alisan might be around but I’m not sure, I think Cass is as well. But if they’re busy I’ll probably just go by myself. There are several places where I’m sure I’ll meet someone I know.”

There was a noise at the other end of the phone and Adam paused.

“They just called my flight, I’ve got to go.”
“Well enjoy Vegas. And think on the fact that I’m not there and therefore your night is going to be considerably less exciting.”
“I’m sure I’ll manage.”
“Stay safe Kris. Don’t take candy from strange boys.”
“I should probably be warning you of the same thing.”
“I happen to like strange boys.”
“Just try to not end up on the front cover of every newspaper tomorrow okay.”
“Yes Mom.”
“Your mother might object to that comparison.”
“Well she is taller than you.”
“I’m hanging up on you now.”
“You’re a hard man Kristopher Allen.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
“Speak soon.”

Adam heard the dial tone and hung up the phone. Grabbing his cell phone he searched through the contacts and started calling his friends to see who was up for a night out.

Part 3


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