Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing - 1/?

Dec 18, 2009 00:57

Title: Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing
Pairing: Gen....almost definitely going to stay gen...I'll let you know otherwise.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This exists in the same land as the Clangers. Only difference is I wish they were real whereas this....definitely do not wish it was real.
Warning: Violence, homophobia, and just nastiness.
Authors Note: This is the first time that I am posting a fic that is unfinished. I really truly plan on finishing it, it's something that has been going round my head for ages and is the kind of thing that I would post anonymously first but this is my own idea and not someone else's prompt so for once I am going to trust myself enough to believe that I will NOT just leave it hanging. Oh, and it's form is influenced by many many things including Irreversible, Memento, Rashimon and the book 'The Time Traveler's'. thank you to dreamsofspike for her encouragement.

Summery: One event can change the life of everyone involved. It's an idea that everyone knows but it's not something anyone actually understands until it happens to them.

“Good afternoon. I'm Ryan Seacrest and this is E! News. Fears are growing today for Adam Lambert after footage appeared on youtube showing a brutal and violent attack on him. E! News has been unable to reach anyone for a comment. The video, quickly removed by youtube and handed over to the police, shows Lambert being attacked by five masked men in what appears to be a hate crime. Experts have studied the video and are saying that it appears to be genuine. They are currently examining the footage to try and find a lead on the perpetrators of the attack. We are unable to show the video while it is being examined but ask that anyone with any information come forward as soon as possible.

No one has seen or heard from Lambert since Monday night, the estimated date of the attack, and worries about his whereabouts are increasing. Lambert’s immediate family have been unreachable for comment as has Lambert’s former American Idol rival and friend Kris Allen. Hopefully this means that he is in their care and healing from the attack. We at E! wish to send our prayers out to Adam and his family and friends at this time.

On a personal note, throughout American Idol I got to know Adam quite well and I want to say that any attack of this nature on him was definitely unprovoked and disgusting in its nature. I hope and pray that he turns up safe and in the company of those who care for and love him.”

Part 2


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