on basic human decency, or: how the fuck is this all news, again?

Apr 05, 2010 12:09

I don't have much to add to what my girlfriend already said, but goddamn.

I have never, ever been so ashamed to be part of a fandom, and may every single dumbfuck who performed the Nazi salute in Germany cosplay at a convention photoshoot be visited by the face of Jewish vengeance, because words fail to express how deeply NOT OKAY that is ( Read more... )

fandom: axis powers hetalia, convention: anime boston, socially relevant!, grr argh

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Comments 172

thewaterbandit April 5 2010, 16:20:01 UTC
The whole issue of accountability is, I think, one that needs to be driven home in this case. I'm astonished that the cosplayers in question thought that their actions would be acceptable and it would make them look like anything other than complete and utter tools.

Please don't let these idiots stop you cosplaying for the series, though! Your amazing hetalia cosplay is one of the things that got me into this fandom in the first place, and it'd be a shame to see a small group of morons drive away people with actual talent and brains.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:24:27 UTC
Oh, I doubt I'm going to stop cosplaying from the series entirely -- still have too many skits and photoshoots planned, and I love cosplaying England -- but I'm not going to any more photoshoots, that's for sure. This incident does, however, make me really glad that Mith and Linden and I cosplay the Allies.

I'm flabbergasted, too. Apparently a lot of people at the shoot were shocked and it was only for a few seconds, but to whoever started that in hte first place: what the actual fuck. How is that ever a good idea, EVER, under ANY circumstances.


pinstripesuit April 5 2010, 16:23:39 UTC
Looking at the photo, it looks like the staff member cosplaying Prussia (who, as you know, was a co-panelist at "Why It's Not Cool to Cosplay as a Nazi") didn't even realize what was happening. I'll ask her about it, but yeah, there will be punching. And I'm sure some kind of discussion among the staff about this.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:26:22 UTC
It looks like the cosplayers, quite literally, went over her head -- she seemed like a really cool person, and I'm sure that had she known what happened, she'd have put a stop to it immediately and kicked those assholes the fuck out of the con.

Do what you guys need to do. *hugs* I'm so sorry this happened; the rest of the con was truly a fantastic and well-organized experience, and I wanted to get the WHAT THE HELL NO out of the way first so I could make the rest of my con writeup a lot more positive.


pinstripesuit April 5 2010, 16:30:45 UTC
Well, the most that could have probably happened was getting some security people over there, but yeah. It really sucks.

I mean, there's only so much we can do to control attendee behavior (AB security staff are not allowed to touch attendees except in the case of a medical emergency), but I'm sure this will be brought up among staffers. Because this is NOT COOL and it's really bad PR for the con, and it does not give the impression of us having a safe, fun convention environment.

Seriously, stuff like this makes me really scared that the Hynes will not wish to continue hosting us because we look like a Nazi con.


byzantienne April 5 2010, 16:33:45 UTC
I am honestly wondering if, considering the blanket ban on Nazi paraphernalia at AB (I am right in thinking you guys actually banned it, yes, not just strongly discouraged?), those particular cosplayers could be identified and refused entry at further Anime Bostons.

Because there should be direct repercussions to this sort of asshattery.


fegie April 5 2010, 16:24:36 UTC
What the fuck. Oh my god. What the fuck? How can people be so ridiculous as to get that carried away? How can people not realize that it's not okay, it's not funny, it's not cute, & it makes them look like insensitive imbecils & then colors everyone's perceptions towards anyone else in the fandom?

I honestly don't understand. Here is something that contains intelligent people, but then to think that there are people like this in it as well... It's even worse than being looked upon by outsiders as "guilt by association;" it makes you feel that way yourself. It brings everything to a grinding halt, & just, what the hell. I mean, people, there is a reason why the more serious parts of history are not explicitly mentioned, & it's not because of political correctness; it's because there are things that will never be funny. It's a question of respect, & i am so sick of people who have none.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:29:31 UTC
In my experience, most of the HELL NO moments generated by Hetalia fandom seem to come from cosplayers who don't get that while conventions might be private events, they're in very public spaces with lots of other people. There's a certain social permissiveness to the con atmosphere, yes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, BUT THERE ARE STILL BOUNDARIES. Especially, especially, when it comes to gestures and words and images that you know damn well are offensive.


fegie April 5 2010, 16:38:46 UTC
Well see, that's what i don't get. Or maybe it says something about these people who do these things, that they think it's such an "anything goes" environment (which, you're right, isn't a bad thing, or we'd never make any friends at cons) that they can do things like this; furthermore, it just brings into themselves into question as individuals. If they think that this is okay, what else do they think is "okay"?

Just, fuck. This makes me want to cry.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:49:21 UTC
It does. I mean, for god's sake, the AB staffers HOSTED A PANEL called Why It's Not Cool to Cosplay a Nazi after what happened at Katsu earlier this year. I just. WHY DOES THIS EVEN NEED TO BE A MESSAGE. WHY DO PEOPLE NOT GET THIS.


deadums April 5 2010, 16:29:50 UTC
As someone only marginally interested/knowledgeable in Hetalia fandom, I will admit that this validates all of what I don't like about it.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:43:58 UTC
I will say that there are a lot of sane and fun Hetalia fans, myself (hopefully) among them, but it only takes a few asshats to spoil everyone's fun, and well, these are ours. *sigh* And it does get hairier with Hetalia, because this isn't just a matter of shipwars and character-bashing, this is ACTUAL HISTORY.

At least pretty much everyone in the fandom who's heard about this has gone OH HELL NO. Small comforts.


alliterations April 5 2010, 16:40:26 UTC
I don't even know what to say about this anymore, without flying into another rage or repeating what others have already said, except to say if I were there, I would have joined you and Mith in extracting vengeance on the douchebags.

You. Just. Don't. Do. This.


puella_nerdii April 5 2010, 16:45:35 UTC

Fucking hell, this is Human Decency 101. Unfortunately, I'm not sure you can fail out of the human race, but oh god if only.


alliterations April 5 2010, 16:48:32 UTC
People like this shouldn't be allowed in the gene pool.


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