I don't have much to add to what my girlfriend already said, but goddamn. I have never, ever been so ashamed to be part of a fandom, and may every single dumbfuck who performed the Nazi salute in Germany cosplay at a convention photoshoot be visited by the face of Jewish vengeance, because words fail to express how deeply NOT OKAY that is
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Do what you guys need to do. *hugs* I'm so sorry this happened; the rest of the con was truly a fantastic and well-organized experience, and I wanted to get the WHAT THE HELL NO out of the way first so I could make the rest of my con writeup a lot more positive.
I mean, there's only so much we can do to control attendee behavior (AB security staff are not allowed to touch attendees except in the case of a medical emergency), but I'm sure this will be brought up among staffers. Because this is NOT COOL and it's really bad PR for the con, and it does not give the impression of us having a safe, fun convention environment.
Seriously, stuff like this makes me really scared that the Hynes will not wish to continue hosting us because we look like a Nazi con.
Because there should be direct repercussions to this sort of asshattery.
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