Teen Wolf big bang - Art post 2

Jan 17, 2013 17:03

Here's my second entry for the Teen Wolf reverse big bang. c: The fics will be linked under here as soon as I have the links. Finally both drawings are public! It's a bit weird showing them now since I drew them last summer (the anatomy makes me cringe a bit but I really like the atmosphere of this drawing), but I'm excited ahah! I haven't read all ( Read more... )

teen wolf, reverse big bang, art, fanfiction, magic stiles

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Comments 5

sparkysparky January 18 2013, 05:00:01 UTC
This is still as gorgeous as the first time I saw it!!

I posted the first half of the fic here. Slightly against the rules, but even procrastinators have to sleep. The 2nd half will go up tomorrow! Thanks for all your patience, and YOU'RE AWESOME!

i'll make a post on tumblr when it's all finished, and send you that link too. <3

(And here's the master list on the comm)


puckboum January 18 2013, 19:46:26 UTC
Aw thanks!

The beginning is so aaaaweeesoooome aaaaaaah I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT ;;
I can't wait to read the rest of the fic, but yes sleep is important and I can wait some more!

I added the links to my post. I hope everyone will love your fic as much as I do! c:


sparkysparky January 18 2013, 19:47:01 UTC
You're so sweet!!!!!!!!!!! <3


thrace_adams January 18 2013, 21:56:04 UTC
THis is really good.


puckboum January 20 2013, 16:15:49 UTC
Thank you!


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