Teen Wolf big bang - Art post 2

Jan 17, 2013 17:03

Here's my second entry for the Teen Wolf reverse big bang. c: The fics will be linked under here as soon as I have the links. Finally both drawings are public! It's a bit weird showing them now since I drew them last summer (the anatomy makes me cringe a bit but I really like the atmosphere of this drawing), but I'm excited ahah! I haven't read all the fics yet, so it's a surprise for me too (I like surprises OK), but I know the fics are going to be absolutely awesome! (edit : the fics are perfect as expected and it's been a pleasure to work with those lovely people. ♥ You are amazing! I'm really happy that my drawing inspired you those stories. Thank you!)

On tumblr


Fic : Spark

Masterpost on the comm


Fic : Now you see me

Masterpost on the comm

teen wolf, reverse big bang, art, fanfiction, magic stiles

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