Google tells me it is currently 22oC here in Melbourne, but Google is clearly a LIAR, because it is CLEARLY AT LEAST THIRTY DEGREES. how is it possible that it's hotter at 9pm now than it was for the whole of today? maybe my house is just one giant incubator. like, bricks keep in heat. right? >_
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Comments 47
see, over here, I am sweating and can't take off any more layers without, y'know, being indecent. and then sis would shout at me.
And then he makes the dying into a ten minute show of groaning and flailing and shit, and the boy is like, 'AWESOME!' and Gwen needs an advil and Merlin doesn't think this whole pretend-dying is FUNNY. AT. ALL.
haha YES THIS, HOW CUTE WOULD IT BE. lol what's the Gaius version of an advil? sheep's testicles, probably. but like, with mint. to take away the horrible taste. did 6th century Britain even have mint?
unleash a curse that was ~bound~ into a doll or w/eahahaha that brings me back to the old Goosebumps days! but yeah, this fandom needs more magical kid! ( ... )
your icon. SO VERY TRUE. ♥
That type of blending really does resemble Open Canva's, which is pure love. You've convinced me to try SAI.
The expression on Arthur's face and the way his hands span his son's head - you're killing me here. I have a sudden and inexplicable need for kidfic. Argh.
I love kidfic <333 one can never have enough of it, it's just.. SO CUTE. Gwen would be the best mother ever! and Arthur being all baffled and stressed and then finally GETTING IT, and HUGS ALL ROUND. man we need, like, another meme just for kids *_*
*dies of cuteness*
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