Fiction: Dormitory Boys (Chapter 11)

Jul 27, 2006 17:31

Guess what? I'm... not leaving the community. Jesus. How hard is it to play nice? If I can manage it, surely you can.

With that. More D-boys.

Title: Dormitory Boys
Author: breakmouth/psychoticpony
Pairing: Ville Valo/Bam Margera. Others.
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on chapter.
Summary: At the Kiski Private Boys Boarding School, there's a new transfer student. When he shares a dorm room with Bam, however, anything could happen.
Notes: This is an on-going series. Updates will be whenever. violetdollie is MIA. This is an AU, and Fiction. And not original, I'm sorry. Actually, no I'm not. Because I know how to make a story my own.

Chapters 1-5
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

"So... you guys are like... dating?"


"But you're together?"

"No, we're not that either."

"You're just friends?"

"I wish. No."

"Then what the fuck are you two?"

Bam paused, halfway through popping his gum, and thought about the question. It was a good one; he really didn't know what he and Ville were. Officially, they were friends that fucked around when they were horny. "Friends with benefits", if you wanted to get technical. But that implied that it was just sex, and nothing more, which definately wasn't true. Bam knew Ville wasn't ever going to admit it, but he liked Bam. He liked Bam more then he should, and Bam could see it.

"We're... you know, I really don't know, Ryan." Bam said, popping his gum slowly.

"You don't know what you guys are?"


"Well, what do you want to be?"

Bam paused again. He thought it over for a second, before he said, "Exclusive."

"You want him to be your boyfriend?"

"No, that's lame."

"Oh, yeah. 'Hi, Bammie...'," Ryan said, putting on a falsetto voice to somehow mimick Ville. "'Will you be my boyfriend? We can walk down the street holding hands.'"

"I don't speak like that, Ryan." Ville's smooth voice said, causing Bam to jump and Ryan to flush slightly. Ville sat down, and gave Bam a look. Bam wondered briefly how much of the conversation Ville had heard, and hoped it wasn't too much. That was the last thing he needed.



"I don't want you to be my boyfriend, Ville." Bam said, figeting in his seat. This was awkward.

"I'm certainly not going to be your girlfriend, if that's what you're thinking." Ville said, a smile playing over his lips.

"No, it's not... I just..." He paused, and shot Ryan a look.

"Yeah, yeah. I get the hint." Ryan said, getting to his feet and grabbing his bag. "I'll see you in class, Bam. Catch you later, Ville."

Bam nodded, then turned back to Ville, who had a slightly expectant look on his face. "What?"

"You just?" Ville said, leaning on his hand and watching Bam squirm in his seat. It was amusing, to say the least.

Bam murmured to himself, before sighing and looking up as he said, "I want you to myself."

"Selfish much, Bam?"

"If that's what you want to call it. I mean, I'm not asking you to come out, or anything." Bam said, looking around the dining room and lowering his voice. Just incase. "I just... you know, in our room. Or along those lines. I don't want to just be fuck buddies, or friends with benefits. I want you, and I want only you."

"You know," Ville mused, his lips quirking up in a smile. "If you want to ask me out, you should just get around to it."

"Dammit, Ville. I'm being serious." Bam said, frowning a little. "I know you're all like 'Eww, boyfried', but I mean it. I want to be."

"My dear Bammie, I do believe you're blushing."

"Shut up." Bam muttered, indeed feeling his cheeks going a little red. This was beginning to be much harder then he expected. He began to think he should've rehersed it infront of the mirror. "I'm just saying I want to be--"

"Exclusive?" Ville said, cutting him off.

Bam nodded and said, "Yeah. Exclusive. I want you to myself, because I'm selfish and I like the fact that I might be able to call you my boyfriend, and.."

"Bammie, dear," Ville said, pressing a cool hand over Bam's mouth to silence him. "You're rambling."

"Sorry." Bam mumbled from behind Ville's hand.

"You want to be my boyfriend? Is that it?" He said, raising an eyebrow. Bam nodded again, and Ville sighed. "I suppose I wouldn't mind being exclusive. Not too much. I mean, I'm not exactly fucking around with anyone else, am I? So there's no point not being exclusive."

Bam grinned, then clarified, "But I'm not asking you to come out or anything, dude. Behind closed doors, you know? I'm not asking you to kiss me in public."

"Bammie," Ville sighed. "Do you really think I care about that? Honestly? I don't exactly try to hide the fact that I like boys."

"You never kiss anyone in public." Bam said.

There was a brief shifting down and Bam felt the front of his shirt being grabbed as he was pulled over the table between he and Ville. Suddenly there was a pair of lips on his, and it didn't take much guessing as to who they belonged to. Bam melted into Ville's kiss effortlessly, bracing one hand against the table and threading the other through his roommate's hair. The dining room around him began to fade out, although he did hear the muttered conversations falter as they became the centre of attention. Bam sighed, parting his lips and letting his tongue brush over Ville's, thier kiss deepening. Ville's hands still clutched at his shirt, and Bam's mind finally registered that Ville was kissing him, another boy, in the middle of the dining room. Although, judging by the varing jeers and catcalls Bam could hear throughout the room, he wasn't the only one to realise it.

"Jesus, look at them go."

"Fucking fags."

"Isn't that Bam?"

"Isn't it that freaky foreign exchange student?"

"Are they allowed to do that?"

"They're kissing. Gross."

Bam felt his collar grabbed as he and Ville were pulled apart. He looked up and swallowed a little at the sight of the Dean.

"My office, boys. Now." He said, face giving no indication of whether this was going to turn out good or bad. Bam looked down at Ville, who shrugged and let himself be marched out of the dining room. Bam stumbled along behind, trying to get the Dean to let go of his collar.

This wasn't going to be good.


Ps. I like comments the way I love chocolate and Ville Valo.
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