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Jan 07, 2020 01:54

A general Thank you! here since I don't do that on every comment. I only reply if I have something specific to say, but all your comments are appreciated! While I probably won't be able to stop creating as long as I play the game, your lovely comments are part of what makes the extra time for sharing worth. :)

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Comments 64

just_jasper September 16 2010, 00:21:20 UTC
I've got all EPs, but I think the AL inspired BG compat roof deco will be very popular!

Every single item on your lists makes me squee a little in joy for my post-apoc hood.


simmestadde September 16 2010, 02:54:16 UTC
I've seen at GOS that you're trying to create a game UI of your own but are having some trouble. I think I can help you, as since I've got Simpe my favourite thing is fiddling with the game files. And as I was considering doing a UI for my own themed game, there might be some useful information exchange.

I'm writing this here as I don't have a GOS account, I hope you don't mind.

The texture with a yellow/orange gradient and a blue triangle may be part of a bar which can be lowered or raised. I say this because there are similar textures for the mood and aspiration bar. My memory is poor so I can't say exactly which bar is that, but I'm going to check which bar is that.

I guess that tone of blue from the same image means transparency.I've noticed that some images work as masks over others.

Some of them which are repeated images slightly different are for different icon states (mouse over/clicked/unactive).

I'm doing some research for my own UI project, but if you're interested in some info sharing/exchange, tell me.


simmestadde September 16 2010, 03:04:59 UTC
Ha, the green-to-white and red-to-white bars may be the backgrounds of wants and fears - they light up when fulfilled, and each square is a frame of the animation. At least I'm guessing so.


psychosim September 16 2010, 10:49:09 UTC
Of course I don't mind. Thanks for the info! That makes sense that it's some animation background. I guess it shows that I haven't really played for a long time. I'm not sure how I could contribute to info sharing, since I'm either clueless or it's obvious. I'm a bit discouraged from this project because it's so big, and I have only two EPs so it would never be complete for most other players. :/

On another note, yes, your icon looks kind of nazi-ish. I was going to ask if you play a totalitarian game, too. :D It reminded me of this (totally not sims-related) movie:
If you have pictures or something about your hood posted somewhere I'd be interested to see them. :)


simmestadde September 16 2010, 21:18:23 UTC
You're welcome ( ... )


psychosim September 17 2010, 01:23:58 UTC
AlfredAskew on GoS would be interested in a group project. I'd rather do some other projects first and maybe tinker a bit with the UI before I make a real project out of it.
As you can see on my list I'm planning to do some big flags. If you have a decently sized version of your simmestade logo I could do recolors for your game right away. :) We could interweave our games a bit, your state could be an opponent of mine and vice versa. Every totalitarian regime needs a clear concept of the enemy. ;) Or they're allies, or it's a love-hate relationship like Germany-Russia.


simmestadde September 19 2010, 18:44:46 UTC
Nice to know that someone else would be interested in this group project. But let's see it when you feel ready to work on this, no pressure.:)

I would love to have flags for my Simmestadde! Thank you for offering it, it's much appreciated. Just tell me the size the image needs to be, and I'll send it your way.

Sounds fun this game interweaving :D Simmestadde is inspired in the Soviet Union, so I think it would be fun something like a love-hate relationship just as Germany-Russia.

Talking about Soviet Union, it came to my mind: I've read that it's possible to create fonts with CorelDRAW, and I'm considering the possibility of doing a soviet-inspired simlish font for propaganda purposes. If it's not insanely hard, that is. I do have some russian fonts, perhaps they can be used as a startpoint? Dunno.


psychosim September 19 2010, 22:38:30 UTC
1024x1024 wold be the biggest I could ever possibly need, but 512x512 would be just as fine. Even if you have it only in smaller size that wouldn't be much of a problem.

My game is rather inspired by the Soviet Union, too. But it could also be Eastern Germany, the DDR. Do you already have a leader figure (whose face could be put on anti-propaganda :P)?

A soviet simlish font would be uber-cool! :D I'm interested in fonts myself but I know how much work it is. Half a year of tinkering maybe, to get all the spacing right (don't know if you can even do that in Coreldraw). For this game purpose the requirements might be lower, though.


anonymous September 18 2010, 20:45:53 UTC
I would have thought someone would have made that already - or at least thought of it - but I've been looking all over for electricity pylons as neighborhood objects. I figure you'd be the one to ask for that kind of object. There are plenty of different shapes, sizes and models out there, but I figure any kind would be a perfect fit for an industrial, trailer park or post-apocalyptic neighborhood.

I hope you like that idea. Thanks and congratulations for the many awesome mods you've produced so far.


psychosim September 18 2010, 23:30:37 UTC
Ja at Garden of Shadows is working on some, and I know Criquette made some. Look at MTS, if he hasn't uploaded them officially maybe he posted a link in his journal.


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