Jun 22, 2007 14:22
I just laughed so hard that I farted, no I didnt laugh because I farted but I laughed and it caused me to fart
Jun 20, 2007 12:56
ok, I guess that's that then
dani just broke up with me...the day after the one year anniversary of my fathers death and she breaks up with me....WTF??!!?!?. not even face to face she emailed me a break up.
Jun 18, 2007 13:16
tommorow is the one year of dad's leaving. still hurts. mom went to take the rest of his ashes to montana where he wanted to buy land and live.
I miss my dad.
Jun 07, 2007 11:22
who the fuck did I catch the plague from?
May 15, 2007 10:23
"Abe, we can't have you doing anymore overtime"
well that s fine I am going to have to find someone who pays better then because I cant afford to work for you if I cant make overtime.
yep time to start hunting again, no i'm not quiting til I get hired somewhere else
May 01, 2007 12:26
if you would promise to not be mean to me any more and did it with some true sincerity I would drop back down to one knee and put the ring back on your finger where it would stay the rest of our lives, just stop being mean to me, I love you but yah gotta stop bein mean
Apr 20, 2007 13:41
thank fucking god, my boss finally left for the day now I can actually get work done instead of listening to her bullshit stress that ends up stressing me out.
Apr 13, 2007 11:24
so that was fucked up, and to those that were the whiny little bitches, I know who you are and dont even come near me anymore if you do you wont like what happens to you