Title: Afraid
Author: Kai (
Fandom: Psych
Pairing: Shawn/Gus
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Notes: For the Ghosts challenge on
psych_flashfic. I don't know where they are or what they're doing.
It's not like Gus was afraid or anything. No definitely not.
Ghosts. Psh, whatever. He was a grown man, he wasn't afraid of ghosts.
There was a thump somewhere in the house and the grown man almost shrieked like a little girl.
"Muuuh... Gus, can you stop twitching? You're making that cot creak and it's not really conducive to a sleeping environment." Shawn was face down in a pillow so his words were muffled. Gus looked over at his friend, sprawled across the couch. His hair was all over the place, much worse than normal, Gus had the compulsive urge to smooth it down.
"I'm not twitching." He argued, looking up to the ceiling.
"You whimpered too."
"I did not!"
Shawn turned over, laying a hand on his stomach. "Aww Gussy... Are you afraid of the ghost?" His voice was mockingly concerned, it made Gus feel like a child.
"Of course not! Don't be stupid." He was pointedly avoiding eye contact.
After a few moments of silence, Shawn stood, picking up his blanket and throwing it out on the floor. He threw his pillow down at one end of it and snatched Gus' blanket. "Hey! What are you doing?!"
Shawn lay the blanket over the other, a makeshift bed. "Come on. Lay down here." Gus just glared at the fake psychic as he made himself comfortable on the floor. After a moment he gave in, crawling under the blanket alongside Shawn. He stayed stiffly on his side until a hand slid around his waist, rolling him over to face its owner before Shawn's whole arm curled around his waist, pulling him close.
"I'll keep you safe." He murmured softly, kissing him gently. "You know that."
Gus smiled. "Yeah. I know." He settled into Shawn's embrace, stroking down his hair until they both fell asleep.