Deer Santa

Dec 12, 2004 14:13

Title Deer Santa
Rating: G
Word Count;122.
Characters; Chris. Quite a few others mentioned.
Notes; Response to Challenge. How come no one thought of this before? Is everyone else to old to write to santa or do they just not have six year old neices?

Deer Santa

For Christmas this yeer I wud like

Some roller skates
To stay at Count D’s shop insted of going home.
T-chan to stop biting people

Cud you pleez stop Leon and the Count fighting? Pleez? I asked the Count and he said not to expect miracles.

And cud I hav sum chocolate for Count D and sum pretty things for Pon-chan and some cooking stuff for T-chan becaws Leon and the Count broke some of it when they were fiting.

From Chris Orcot

(Count D sez this bit’s a PS. Please cud you tell my mom I’m sorry for killing her and being bad. Sam said I’m evil so I wont get anything, but cud you just pleez tell her?)
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