Fairy tales

Nov 18, 2004 11:47

Title: Fairy Tale Endings
Author: Susan
Rating: G
Word count: 108
Pairings or characters involved: D, Leon (sort of)
Notes: I am tired, therefore this is probably abstract (God I hope not. I HATE abstract.) But I'll rework it sometime... *waves hand dismissively* Make more sense later...

D specialises in love, hope, and dreams. Or so he says.
Leon claims to know better. He just can’t prove it.
What D really specialises in is fairy-tales. Make-believe. The sort of thing you’d expect to find in a story book. But it’s real, with the crystal beauty that works at the heart of every fairy-tale heroine.
But his are the old fairy-tales - the ones that children always suspect, the originals. Before the happy endings were tacked on to please the adults. The ones filled with blood, gore, intrigue - the just and unjust getting the punishment they so richly deserved.
D sells fairytales. Happy endings not necessarily included.
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