(no subject)

Nov 17, 2004 12:41

Title: Agreeable Subject
Author: Ria
Rating: PG
Word count: 151
Pairings or characters involved: Tet-chan; implied Tet-chan/Chris
Notes: Um, it started out as a response to the weekly challenge, but quickly grew. Then I liked it so much that I decided to keep it that way, so it's not really a response, but still is... if that makes sense. Besides, who can pass up Tet-chan/Chris? *g*

Chris had always eaten everything Tet-chan had put in front of him, without complaint.

The boy, quiet and weak though he was, had always been in favour of change, sampling new dishes and experiments enthusiastically. He’d always thanked him, even when that new sauce he’d invented had caused tears to run down Chris’ face from sheer pain.

Chris was gone, now. He probably wouldn’t see him anymore, and cooking had lost most of its pleasure.

Tet-chan had always been loyal to D, without question. But somewhere along the line, his loyalty had blurred and shifted onto a blond, blue-eyed innocent who didn't like hurting people, who needed to be protected with fang and claw.

Tet-chan had once hidden in the guise of a man, with all a man’s… appetites.

He had been loyal to D, but Chris was his master in every way that mattered, in every way that was essential.

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