Title: Leon Breaks Everything
Author: Susan
Rating: G (AGAIN!?!)
Word count: 60. I'm in shock. I CAN'T HAVE WRITTEN SOMETHING ONLY 60 WORDS LONG!
Pairings or characters involved: Leon
Notes: Again, I blame Ms. Pseudonymous. This is the one was I mentally writing when the other one bit me. Coming up with drabbles when you're half asleep shouldn't be allowed...
Leon’s broken bones.
He’s a cop. It’s expected.
Leon’s broken hearts.
He’s young, handsome, and popular with women. It’s not a surprise.
Leon’s broken furniture.
He’s got a bad temper and he drinks. It’s something people live with.
Leon’s broken off from the police.
He deserves a break. It’s all right.
Leon’s broken inside.
And there’s no explanation for it.