
Mar 12, 2006 19:20

Title: Unhappy Birthday
Author: Susan
Word Count: 146 (I am bad. And I'm not sorry either.)
Rating: G
Characters: Chris, D, Leon
Notes: Oh the ANGST! *headdesk* And you know what? I thought we were still on "Delivery" as a challenge. *headdesk again*

Leon had never bought Chris anything for his birthday. The first few years he’d been too raw, too hurt to get anything for the kid. Couldn’t even stand to look at him on that day - when he’d stayed at Auntie’s, he’d had to lock himself in his room, ignoring the patting at the door until Auntie shooed Chris away.

Now he was older, but he still didn’t buy Chris a present - the kid knew, dammit, and even Leon wasn’t that crass. But D had planned on having a special tea - not birthday tea, just special - so when Leon dropped Chris off without speaking, wearing something that could almost be classed as “dressy,” D followed him to the car with a face like thunder.

Leon just showed him the bunch of flowers on the front seat. Chris’ birthday present, he said with a forced smirk. Just delivering it to mom.

Title: And so I dub thee "Unclean"
Author: Susan
Word Count: 119 (I lose at life. And I'm still not sorry.)
Rating: G
Characters: D, Leon, Papa D
Notes: Let me get this off straight: SPOILERSLIEKWOAH! Kay? Kay. Seeing as I finally twigged that I was working off last week's challenge instead of this week's, I scrawled this out as an apology. It's crack. I haven't written crack in ages. It's challenge-response-crack though, so forgive me?

Somehow, seeing D’s father made him feel... Unclean. Probably because of the way the man moved his eyes over him, like he was a specimen in a lab.

Or a cut of meat he was going to buy.

Or a joke.

The look on his face when Leon walked out of the “garden” was probably the most satisfying thing he’d seen in his life. In fact, he hadn’t even realised D was there until he yelled.

He still felt dirty, even after D had a shot at cleaning him up. Still a piece of meat, if not the joke he’d been at first.

In fact, he didn’t really feel clean until he put a bullet between the man’s eyes.

Title: Bloody Handed
Author: Susan
Word Count: 171
Rating: G
Characters: Leon, D
Notes: Would you believe that I intended this to be leaning towards the path of smut? No? Well it was. *headdesk* Lets face it, angry!Leon does not seem to want sex until he can't have it. Although you're more than welcome to point out where I went off the path if you want to.

D had always acted like he was so pure. So virtuous. So far above all the lowly mortals around him that they didn’t even matter. A whole family could vanish because of something he sold them. A girl who loved him could die in a plane crash. So what? They were only humans. Only lowly, sin-stained humans.

How he could pretend he didn‘t have blood on his hands, Leon didn’t know.

He asked him once, when he was drunk. Well, he didn’t ask. He said a really stupid thing and he shoved D against the nearest wall, repeating that stupid thing, and D shoved him away and clawed him up accidentally for good measure.

D brought his hands to his face, leaning against the wall like it was the only thing holding him up, eyes so wide, breathing so hard, expression so scared.

Leon brought a hand up to the long scratches across his chest. His fingers came away bloody.

“So, D, how’re you gonna say your hands are clean now?”
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