(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 09:27

Title: Gettin' Clean
Rating: PG-13
Charas: D, Leon, Chris (and a smidgen of Tetchan)
Wordcount: 165. Oh, well. It started as a challenge response..?
Summary: Leon's been stinky for a week...

“Now, you know what to do?” the Count glanced down at Chris, sharing a conspiratorial smile. The little boy nodded emphatically, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet between stealing glances at the petshop’s heavy, ornate front door. It wasn’t mean, D had explained. Leon had been needing it for a while.

“Hey!” that was Leon now, “got anythi---“ And that was Tetchan, pouncing him, and D, grabbing him, and Chris patting his head and telling him it would all be okay.

“I can take it from here,” the Count said, though he looked a little flushed and breathless as they shoved Leon into the shower (with surprisingly little protest). Chris wasn’t sure, but nodded. D could take care of himself and Leon. Generally.

The door hadn’t been closed for long before the kami was enveloped by a possessive embrace, a mouth at his throat.

“You know, D, if you wanted to play in the shower, all you had to do was ask.”

((I need to write more drabbles. T.T; So...out...of...practice...

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