Day 1 -
Your Very First AnimeDay 2 -
Favorite Anime You've Watched So FarDay 3 -
Your Anime CrushDay 4 -
Anime You're Ashamed You EnjoyedDay 5 -
Anime character you are most like (or wish you were)Day 6 -
Most Annoying Anime CharacterDay 7 -
Favorite Anime CoupleDay 8 -
Most Epic Scene EverDay 9 -
Saddest Anime SceneDay 10 -
Favorite "Slice of Life" AnimeDay 11 -
Favorite Mecha SeriesDay 12 -
Favorite Anime Ending ThemeDay 13 -
Cosplay of your 'waifu' or 'husbando'Day 14 -
Current (or most recent) WallpaperDay 15 -
Post a cute Neko-GirlDay 16 -
Favorite Insert SongDay 17 -
Favorite TsundereDay 18 -
Something MoeDay 19 -
Mandatory Swimsuit PostDay 20 -
Favorite Shoujo AnimeDay 21 - Best Yandere Character
I had trouble with this one. First, I had to look up "Yandere", and then I had to get lists of example characters to be sure I'd understood the concept... and nearly all of them were from shows I'd never seen. The only one I knew was Asuka from Evangelion, so up until yesterday she was my default choice. Then! I remembered! I do know a character who is prone to violent outbursts towards the people she cares about most! And I even like her, as opposed to just being ambivalent. So, here you go -- another Sakura:
Obviously, she's the pink-haired one front-and-center. She gets her bouts of temper from her Inner Bitch, who begins as practically a separate character (separate enough to still be in Sakura's head during a mind-transfer technique so she can beat up the invader) and becomes more integrated into her personality as the story progresses. Personal expression through punching was also a trait encouraged by her personal ninja master, who engaged in similar behavior.
As you might guess, I don't have a shortlist for this one.