30 Day Anime Meme - Day 1

Feb 15, 2011 14:59

This looked fun, so I'm stealing it from tacuma811. Please feel free to self-tag!

Day 1: Your Very First Anime

Way, way back in high school... nearly half my lifetime ago ::sweatdrop:: I accepted a friend's invitation and offer of a ride to the local anime club -- being interested in all those cool sketches people drew at lunch of characters I later learned were Sailor Moon and Ranma. Alas, I could never go again after that day, as I didn't have a means to get there normally, but for that one afternoon I got to meet the fascinating thing that was anime fandom, complete with an AMV lip-synched to Queen's "Bicycle Race" using a two-VCR process.

And that first feature anime was?

Somebody's badly translated bootleg tape of the movie, End of Evangelion, which was new to the entire crowd. I thought my brain was going to melt. To be fair, so did everyone else. The regulars then proceeded to throw in a few dubbed episodes of Mahou Tsukai-tai, which I didn't actually watch because even back then I couldn't stand the sound of dubbing.

My anime career resumed in earnest 3 to 4 years later, when sumeria was the archon of the Anime Club at the college I had just begun to attend and was quite vexed that I had failed to notice her inviting me to come see Shoujo Kakumei Utena, since she was certain it was "right up my idiom". Thus, thanks to her intervention, Utena was the first anime I saw in its entirety.

"Ouji-sama" was also the first Japanese word I learned outside of standard imports like "sayonara" and "typhoon". Go figure.

Since this is a sharing exercise, I'll round out the list with the rest of my First Five in order:

3) Ai no Kusabi (that night also marked the first time I ever ate 'Spaghetti-os', not that this is relevant)
4) Legend of Basara
5) Trigun


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