Title: Pride Word Count: 146 words Rating: PG-13 (it's a battle so...) Characters involved: Tom Pullings, Jack Aubrey Warning: Spoilers for the Dark-Wine Sea Author's Notes: First written for the seven sins challenge at
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Merci...tout ça c'est des relants de mon trip de angst avec Norrington. Mais la j'en ai marre d'écrire des trucs déprimants, alors je vais me remettre a des trucs plus joyeux...si le plotbunny qui mord ma jambe peut me foutre la paix...
Yes, it has a lot of strong moments in it....Stephen fleeing for his life in the Andes, and poor Tom nearly being crushed by falling ice. I also loved the interactions of Dutourd with the Sethians, of how more democratic ideas and human rights could crash with the naval life.
But enough rambling, thank you again :)
And yay! Kennedy love! Can't get enough of that...!
Comments 7
Comme tu es cruelle envers ce pauvre Pullings T_T.
...et comme d'habitude, belle finale ♥.
Well, I can't remember when, which should say something.
Lovely Tom, and very inspiring in terms of a mental picture.
*showers with love and excuses incoherency by means of hypoglycemia*
I have slight hypoglycemia myself, and I know how it feels. *hugs*
Yes, it has a lot of strong moments in it....Stephen fleeing for his life in the Andes, and poor Tom nearly being crushed by falling ice. I also loved the interactions of Dutourd with the Sethians, of how more democratic ideas and human rights could crash with the naval life.
But enough rambling, thank you again :)
And yay! Kennedy love! Can't get enough of that...!
And yay! Kennedy love! Can't get enough of that...!
Like so many of us!
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