That monster list? Definitely. C'mon, a demi-lich eats souls as easily as you would a cookie, and has disgusting spell power to boot. And the brain in a jar is a mad necromancer's equivalent to an emplaced cannon. It will destroy your own brain if it gets the chance.
I figure the brain-in-the-jar is good for low level Lovecraft-type fun. An ancient mad scientist wizard's cache of research supplies gets adequately jostled (perhaps by Our Heroes' antics?) and begins affecting the populace in strange and uncomfortable ways. Illusions, madness, semi-possession, unexplained outbreaks of neurotic and manic behavior... Heck, I could have a lot of fun with a good brain-in-the-jar.
It's usually a question of execution and application that makes a monster worth it's salt. Heck, those walking brooms from The Sorcerer's Apprentice could be positively devastating used properly. Call 'em "Regenerating Wood Golems", give them basic intelligence (simple commands only) and make 'em like the Junkions (easy to knock down, but it's keeping them down that's the hard part) and you got a monster that looks idiotic but would probably haunt nightmares for years to come.
Yeah. The brains can also be devastating psions, if you add a few levels on to them. Give them a concealed position by which they can observe an open area... And bam, they're going to be wreaking havoc upon anyone who comes in.
YAY on the new trade! can't wait for it, since I have been buying the trades, I am loathe to buy individual issues, I guess I am kind of OCD about my story collections matching.
On the game front, I don't know if you have a PS3 or not, but have you checked out inFamous? Just picked it up, and it definately has a comic feel to it. My single gripe with it is the lack of a stats screen. There are 350 of these little collectible things hiding all over this massive area, and I have 349. That single collectible is driving me INSANE, and I won't beable to sit still playing it until I find that dang thing. otherwise, it has a pretty interesting story, and is a good game. And zapping the tar out of people with electrical blasts is always fun.
Dungeons and dragons monster article.
June 13 2009, 23:51:20 UTC
the man read the stuff and just railroaded it for the response. better chance of getting a new article subject passed his way. kind of wishy/washy, thought the unborn god "metal", but still lame. so he read the stuff. Hence the way he worded his take on the demi-lich. took the time to get the pics from 3.5 books and left some stuff out of what he read.
Comments 25
It's usually a question of execution and application that makes a monster worth it's salt. Heck, those walking brooms from The Sorcerer's Apprentice could be positively devastating used properly. Call 'em "Regenerating Wood Golems", give them basic intelligence (simple commands only) and make 'em like the Junkions (easy to knock down, but it's keeping them down that's the hard part) and you got a monster that looks idiotic but would probably haunt nightmares for years to come.
Tony Steele
On the game front, I don't know if you have a PS3 or not, but have you checked out inFamous? Just picked it up, and it definately has a comic feel to it. My single gripe with it is the lack of a stats screen. There are 350 of these little collectible things hiding all over this massive area, and I have 349. That single collectible is driving me INSANE, and I won't beable to sit still playing it until I find that dang thing. otherwise, it has a pretty interesting story, and is a good game. And zapping the tar out of people with electrical blasts is always fun.
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