Edit - Star Trek/NCIS

Dec 02, 2022 18:02

Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: NCIS
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandoms: Star Trek (reboot) AU / NCIS
Star Trek Timeline: Main AOS
Characters: All major characters and almost everyone who was a recurring character in NCIS between Season 1 and Season 13.
Rating: G
Tagline: NCIS in space.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs ( masterpost)
About the edit: This edit is set in a stardate post Beyond but ignores the uniform change.
Original publishing date: September 23, 2016.
Notes: I didn't have any idea how to call a NCIS related ship. After a quick surf through Memory Alpha I decided that Eagle was the perfect choice, given the presence of the eagle in the NCIS logo.
The USS Eagle is canon as per Star Trek VI, where it's given the registry number of NCC-956, but I decided to keep the number and type as per the half-canon Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual (excerpt here).
Notes 2: Some recurring characters were purposely left out:
- some "smaller" recurring, one-time NCIS agents, recurring that weren't part of the Washington NCIS or not part of the NCIS (some FBI agents, JAG characters)
- antagonists or morally dubious characters (besides Michelle Lee)
- characters who are family or related to one of the main characters (Mossad people most of all - but those are Section 31 anyway)
- characters whose jobs couldn't be translated in a starship assignment (see a lawyer like Hallison Hart).
Notes 3: While this edit technically goes as far as Season 13, is mostly focused on older seasons, as you might notice on the "time setting" and hints at the characters lives (my hate for Season 13 runs deep in this edit).
Notes 4: I deliberately didn't specify any pair besides the canon so to everyone can enjoy this "AU". DiNozzo's were purposely excluded because I reject the canon on this one. I'm in favor of a Tony/Jeanne: I always loved them together, and I was really sad that everything fell out as it did. At every rewatch the pain is bigger, and I wish they could've had the chance to start from scratch in Season 5 (or gave themselves the chance to try in Season 13). And I hated Ziva for her advice to Tony regarding Jeanne: I know where Ziva came from, and she wasn't wrong, but still...
Notes 5: Liaison Officer, Computer Officer, Armory Officer and Security Chief don't exist in either canon or non-canon Star Trek and were made up by me. See more at this post.
About assignments, ranks and other changes: Since the post is already a very long textwall, these have been collected at this additional post.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart (edit, text), Tumblr (old version). Text also on AO3 and SquidgeWorld.

Click to see fullsize (774 x 1950)

SF:\Starfleet\Starships\USS Eagle>NCC_1719>_
“Semper Fi”

Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Eagle
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1719
Command History:
Captain Leroy Jethro Gibbs (2256-2261)
Commander DiNozzo (2261-2261)
Captain Leroy Jethro Gibbs (2261-PRESENT)
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser
Ship's Assignment Patch: << click to open file >>
Ship’s Overview: One of the so-called "Big Sisters", the twelve Constitution-class ships currently designed as the premier frontline Starfleet vessels, the Eagle is the one employed in any mission relating counterintelligence, counterterrorism and cyberwarfare that requires the fire-power and durability of an advanced ship such a Constitution.
Ship’s Service History, abridged: _
Constructed at the Washington Shipyard and launched on December 2257, it was the first Constitution-class to get its maiden voyage. During the Battle of Vulcan it was two days from the planet and unable to return in time to assist.
Succeeds to the decommissioned Navy-class U.S.S. NCIS, from which it inherited some of the old crew.
<< access complete service history >>
Status: Active (2262.75)
Crew complement: 1,047 (1,100)
Crew manifest: _

Liaison officer: Admiral Leon J. Vance
The only one who's able to handle a stubborn man like Gibbs, nobody at the 'Fleet HQ messes with him for the fear of getting tasked with the USS Eagle in his place. He never served on a starship and comes from Starfleet Intelligence that recruited him when he was still a cadet at the Starfleet Command School - for this reason, little is know about his career before his promotion to the office.
His main job is to make sure the Eagle is never sent on planets where the situation is tense and diplomacy would be required to handle things, for captain Gibbs - despite what his role would require - he's an abysmal diplomat. And when, despite all preventative measures taken, Gibbs eventually ruffles some feather, it's Leon's duty to do damage control.
In his youth Leon trained to be a boxer, a sport he still practices when he's given the chance.
His wife Jackie is a very patient woman with a stern attitude and has no qualms in affectionately bossing him around: as soon as he's in their house, Vance relinquishes command to her - but he doesn't complain at all because he adores her.
They're very smitten with each other and they have two children together.

Commanding officer: Captain Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Skilled Scout Sniper, after the killing of both his wife and their daughter, Gibbs pursued vengeance toward the man responsible for their death. Left without a purpose, Captain Franks offered him a new life of service on a starship to right the wrongs on other worlds. Embarked on the USS NIS, a small vessel part of the invisible fleet necessary to maintain security and order in space, he grew from the simple former soldier who exchanged the uniform for a red shirt to an experienced officer whose "gut instinct" leads to many successes and criminals put on penal colonies and also won him the fame of one of the best interrogators in Starfleet.
With the retirement of the old vessel, and Frank about to hang his stripes and move to a house on a quiet beach, he was reassigned to covert operations for some years where he worked with commander Shepard, before he returned to ship's duty on the Washington, where he raised through the ranks until becoming its captain.
He has little patience for the politics and bureaucracy that the position entails so, as soon as a reliable first officers is found, he dumps on them all of the administrative duties that come with captainship.
A very competent captain but probably one of the grumpiest of the whole fleet, he inspires loyalty in his crew as much as headaches in the admirals above him. He's like a dog with a bone and will always carry a mission to the end, no matter the cost. He's a champion in holding grudges, especially if someone touches what he perceives his family, namely his crew.
Demanding, impatient and easily angered, he's an intimidating commanding officer that often literally scared new crew members away from the Eagle. Man of few words and functionally mute, he doesn't have to speak to get any officer to scramble to work and communicates his displeasure with a single look. He expects from his senor crew to anticipate what he wants and doesn't react well if he's asked to wait for info to be collected. He might have the habit to slap his officers in the back of the head when displeased with their performance or needs them focused back on the current mission, although he does so only with the so-called "Major Case Response Team".
He has the uncanny ability to pop up behind someone's back undetected, especially when they are talking about him.
He lives by a list of rules he made up and that he teaches to his closest officers.
Although highly decorated, he dislikes being awarded and always manages to avoid any commendation ceremony - first officer DiNozzo usually shows up on his behalf, all the medals and awards are locked in the safe at DiNozzo's quarters.
His hobby is woodworking. In the sporadic leaves on Earth, he builds sailboats in his basement; how he removes the boats from the basement once completed is still a mystery.
Married for times, divorced three, he has a preference for red heads in which he unconsciously searches for his first wife, Shannon.

First officer and Chief communications officer: Commander Anthony D. DiNozzo
A brief career at Starfleet Security, Tony's life changed when he decided to leave the agency in order to get a ship assignment and he rotated through ships before landing himself a post as security officer on the USS Washington, where he impressed then-security chief Gibbs so much that, under Gibbs's captanship, he was promoted to replace him as promoted security chief.
Waiting for the Eagle to launch, with the first officer position secured and the security chief position gone to Lieutenant Commander Blackadder, he decided to fill his time by returning to the Academy to get a specialization in communications and Captain Gibbs then entrusted him the communications department.
Clownish on the outside, competent and reliable to a fault on the inside, Tony is the only one who's allowed to randomly chat of everything and nothing in presence of Captain Gibbs who, despite slapping him at every moment, trusts him with his own life.
He could make you go insane with his talking, but he's a skilled fighter as well - he lacks finesse, maybe, but he's usually the one last standing. Despite his duty should be on the bridge, he follows his captain everywhere like a loyal dog to always be at his six and be sure nothing happens to the boss-man.
While formally the head of the communications department, with Gibbs complaining that he must concentrate more on his first officer role, he delegates most of his duties to his assistant, Lieutenant Jardine.
As first officer and second in command, he's the so-called Senior Special Agent of the "Major Case Response Team", the name of the team made of officers who are always included in the captain's party for any planetside mission.
He has been offered the promotion to captain and his own ship, USS Rota; he turned it down in order to stay on the Eagle and assist Captain Gibbs, recently reinstated on the chair after a mission gone wrong (in which he was left partially amnesiac and pessimist about Starfleet's ways) led to a temporary retirement.
He's a cinephile and regularly spouts movie trivia.

Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Donald H. Mallard
Caring and patient, with a quiet temperament and an impeccable English accent, Doctor Mallard is a true gentleman but, behind his kindness, hides a man of steel. Always ready to lend a hand, sometimes he acts like a mother goose, tiptoeing in his friends' lives when he deems they need help with their inner burdens. He looks like one of those gentle grandpas but everyone on the Eagle will explain you that challenge him will be your biggest mistake and in his sickbay his rule is supreme. A man with a wast knowledge, he has the quirk of recounting old tales and sharing anecdotes whenever a word or an episode reminds him of something that happened to him in the past.
Despite not having a Masters Degree in psychology, he often acts as a counselor for the senior crew.
He's the only guy in the 'Fleet who can say he managed to boss Gibbs around.
His friends call him "Ducky", but only Gibbs is allowed to call him "Duck".

Security chief and Third officer: Lieutenant Commander Caitlin Todd
Officer assigned to the security of the UFP President, Kate's life took a turn when she clashed with the pair Gibbs-DiNozzo during an investigation that ended with herself resigning from Starfleet Security. Her jobless status lasted few minutes, since she was immediately offered a position on the Eagle by Gibbs, who was still looking for a reliable security chief officer after Lieutenant Vivian Blackadder blew a sensitive operation and Gibbs had her demoted and kicked out of his ship.
Kate might not be the most lethal of the red shirts on the ship when he's on the training mat, but she runs security on - and off - the ship like a tyrant. She's best specialized in organizing and overseeing, leaving to her more imposing subordinates the duty to do the actual security job on the field. While she used to take part to every landing party to make sure captain and first officer didn't get themselves killed, since the arrival of Lieutenant David she can stay on the ship, knowing the commanding duo is in safe - lethal - hands.
She's best friend with Lieutenant Sciuto, who talked her into getting a discreet tattoo, and has a sibling relationship with commander DiNozzo.
A rogue Section 31 agent, Ari Haswari, shot her from a long rage and almost killed her: it took Kate few months of medical leave to recover and return to his post.
She's a Special Agent in the "Major Case Response Team".

Chief science officer: Lieutenant Abigail Sciuto
Captain Gibbs's favorite, Abby is the only one who's allowed a bit of leeway with her outfit and its shows, as she's always wearing studded cuffs and has a colorful arrays of leather collars to reflect her like for "goth" dressing style. Always holed up in her own lab, she works more hours than physically allowed and gets easily obsessed by her job - both Gibbs and DiNozzo look the other way and pretend to not know about her habit to pull all-nighters. Jealous of her space, she never accepted to get the help of an assistant (that time when second officer Shepard pulled her rank and imposed that "Chip" guy doesn't count and must never be mentioned again) until her old college friend Carol Wilson decided to leave her job at a research outpost to move on the Eagle.
Abby is well know on the ship as a cheerful person and easily makes friends; very tactile, she's prone to hug people she likes; she's also very emotional and gets very worried whenever her favorite people get involved in danger - although she's learning to become zen on that, claiming that if he panicked any time one of them got hurt she would have to be dragged away to an asylum facility.
She has a caffeine addiction and the captain had the engineering department provide her lab with a Caf-Pow! replicator for her needs; scuttlebutt calls her "Energizer Abby".

Senior helmsman: Lieutenant Ziva David
Operative David was sent to the Eagle as acting chief security officer on order of some unspecified higher-up at HQ with the covert mission to intercept rogue agent Haswari who had almost killed Lieutenant Commander Todd. Captain Gibbs immediately doubted of her, doubts proven well-founded when Ziva's true bond with the terrorist was discovered. Forced to reveal her Section 31 membership, she was asked to choose between her allegiance to the intelligence service and the Eagle. After relinquishing her position back to officer Todd, Gibbs assigned her to communication department under commander DiNozzo's watch. Ziva worked as assistant communication officer, a position for which she was qualified, and was almost considered to replace the commander as chief, when Ziva's personal bonds with intelligence agent Rivkin (who was using her for his own agenda) forced Gibbs to ask her to make a choice once and for all, Section 31 or Starfleet. Ziva, after a personal and painfully journey that included a confrontation with her father, Section 31 deputy director, resigned from the intelligence service to swear loyalty to Captain Gibbs. Since then she makes sure the captain never has a reason to doubt her allegiances again.
To start anew, Ziva was ordered to trash her red uniform and put on a gold skirt and report to the bridge as helmsman, in an effort to both keep a check on her and put her superb, if not bold, pilot skills to good use.
She's a pro at evasive maneuvers and she gives her best when the ship is under attack, although DiNozzo insists one day she'll kill them all by sending the Eagle at warp 10 right into a planet. (the first time they underwent fire with Ziva at the helm, DiNozzo stated her piloting is an acquired taste, like regurgitated lunch).
On top of being a talented pilot, she's a skilled fighter and knows most weapons (including some non-Federation ones) like the back of her hand. She's also proficient in many languages, including Romulan and Klingon. As a well rounded and complete officer, despite her current position she pairs with first officer DiNozzo for every on-planet mission. Lieutenant commander Todd is relieved, knowing Ziva is a good addition to any landing party and acts like a further, albeit unofficial, security officer - you never have enough security officers in an away team, that's what Todd's experience says, especially if captain and first officer insist on both beam down on a planet.
She learned to pilot a shuttle from her mother when she was a teen.
She's very attached to her secular Jewish heritage, and she always wears a Star of David pendant under her uniform.
Despite her deep knowledge of languages, she has an issue with figures of speech, idioms and slang in Standard.
She's been recently included in the "Major Case Response Team" with the title of Probationary Agent.

Chief computer systems officer: Lieutenant Timothy McGee
Brought up in a strict household, Timothy always suffered for his father's lack of affection and harsh judgments, always a failure, never enough for his old man, a Starfleet officer. After studying biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University and graduating top of his class at MIT, he was invited to Starfleet Advanced Technologies Division.
As part of a further training, he ended up working at a small shipyard, the only officer in charge of a whole department, where he crossed paths with then-Lieutenant Commander DiNozzo for the first time. It was during such instance that he had a brief affair with future crewmate Lieutenant Sciuto.
Assigned to the team working on the Eagle computer calibration as temporary replacement, he was acting chief computer officer during the last trial run before the official launch and, somehow, found himself permanently assigned to the position on board.
A nerd masked as officer, poor Tim is always getting the brunt of Captain Gibbs's rage when a computer does something that the Captain dislikes (usually daring to exist).
The head of what DiNozzo jokingly calls "Cyberville", his subordinates call him "boss" because he's the only officer of the whole department who is allowed to take part to missions planetside and carries a phaser.
He's an avid gamer, especially online role playing games, although since his transfer to the Eagle this hobby of his has been drastically impacted by the lack of stable connection available to the crew for private use while traveling in deep space.
Under a penname that is the anagram of his name, he's a published writer of the mystery crime genre whose characters are heavily inspired by his crewmates from the Eagle senior crew.
He's currently dating Lieutenant Fielding.
After seven years of silence, his father, now-Admiral John McGee, has reached out and admitted his failures; sadly, he passed away not much later.
He's the Junior agent in the "Major Case Response Team".

Assistant chief engineer and Second officer: Commander Jennifer Shepard
Fully committed to advance her career and driven by the need for vengeance, Jenny spent more than a decade rising through the ranks within Starfleet Intelligence so to exact revenge on the arms dealer she thought killed her father.
One year after her promotion to Director of Intelligence Evaluation division head, Captain Shepard's bright career is put in jeopardy when an error from her past returns to threaten everything she built so far. The suspicious death of former Starfleet Intelligence operative Decker forces her to face consequences for an operation she botched ten years prior, when she still was partner with then-Starfleet Intelligence officer Gibbs. She's dragged into a hunting that ends into a phaser shooting - she barely survives but, even with the help of former Captain Franks, she's unable to cover everything up, and her illegal actions have her charged with plenty of crimes. She's offered pardon in exchange of voluntary resignation from the agency.
Now demoted to commander, and being forbidden from taking any commanding post for the time being, Jenny had to start from scratch in Starfleet. Having graduated at the Academy as operations officer she applies for a starship position with no specific specialization, and is transferred on the Eagle, where she meets her former partner Gibbs.
Despite her recent failures and the awkwardness of serving under a man she'd been lover of (and over whom she picked her own career), Jenny reveals herself friendly and quickly settles in, striking an understanding with Commander DiNozzo.
Revealing an unexpected talent for engineering, she's soon picked by Captain Morrow to fill the vacant position of assistant chief engineer. The whole crew prefers to deal with her rather than her stern department superior, and Marrow allows her to act like a buffer between him and the senior crew, sending her in his place when the captain calls for a meeting or having her speak on intercom. She's the officer usually sitting at the engineering console on the bridge, from where she can properly headbutt with Captain Gibbs if necessary.
After the mission that caused the death of army dealer Benoit, Gibbs' personal investigations were unable to prove any involvement of hers in the actual death, that was officially ruled a suicide.
Pulling some strings with some old friends, she managed to get her former personal secretary (who lost her job at Starfleet Intelligence after her resignation) assigned to the Eagle. Petty Officer Summer was initially considered to replace Lieutenant Burley as captain's yeoman but she lasted three days before she came begging Jenny to have her moved elsewhere. Cynthia is now serving under her in engineering.

Tactical and Weapons officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleanor Bishop
Bishop graduated from the Academy as top of her class and, before she could even express her wish to be assigned to a ship, she was claimed by Starfleet Tactical, where she became a superb analyst called by her boss a "reclusive data freak" and met her husband.
A joint duty assignment with the Eagle ended with Gibbs offering her a transfer on the ship in a position where she can put her computer and tactical skills to good use. An offer she gladly accepted, both to finally serve on a ship and leave a marriage that was already ended.
She has an uncanny memory that works by associating specific memories with the food she was eating at the time. Her favorite position to think is sitting cross-legged on the floor and, during a crisis, she's the only one who gets permission from the captain to leave her standing position at the auxiliary operations station in order to sit on the bridge white floor.
She's also the only one who ever brought snacks to her station - she made the mistake out of error and, while everyone on the bridge looked terrified, Captain Gibbs didn't comment, thus allowing her to keep an habit she picked up at Tactical.
As the newest addition to the bridge family, Ellie is currently the owner of the nickname "probie", bestowed on her by the captain in person.

Security area chief: Commander Tobias C. Fornell
Veteran red shirt, Fornell's brilliant career left him with an uncertain future ahead after the USS Hoover, where he served as security chief for too many years to count, was decommissioned. With HQ trying to rejuvenate the image of Starfleet by making the crews always younger and his spot on the Hoover's replacement given to someone else, Fornell was either left aiming for a promotion to an outpost in the middle of nowhere or assignment to desk-work, with confinement behind a chair, a stack of padds in front of him and the (embarrassing) duty to "coordinate the flow information".
Feeling too old and tired to get another shot at field duty but too qualified for any captain to feel at ease to pick him for any subordinate role, he turned to his only friend, Captain Gibbs, who offered him the security area of the Eagle, a quiet position where he's his own boss and won't senselessly risk his life.
He's divorced (from Gibb's ex wife) and has a daughter, Emily.
He has a peculiar relationship with commander DiNozzo, whose surname he likes to mispronounce, since that time of that turf war between Eagle and Hoover on Wichita Outpost and DiNozzo, on Gibbs's orders, ridiculed him and his security team.

USS Eagle mainframe conduit: Lieutenant Delilah Fielding
An analysts working at Starfleet HQ, she becomes involved with Lieutenant McGee during his prolonged leave on Earth while waiting for the Eagle to launch and she eventually gets picked for a post on the brand-new ship.
While attending to an event with McGee on a new discovered planet, an attack leaves her permanently paralyzed due to shrapnel embedded in her spine.
She's currently bound on a maglev chair, although she's working with the onboard technicians for an exoskeleton that will grant her further autonomy.
She's considering to leave the Eagle to accept an offered senior intelligence analyst that will require her to return planetside, but she doesn't know how to tell Lieutenant McGee.

Head nurse: Master Chief Petty Officer James Palmer
Doctor Mallard's assistant, Jimmy came to the Eagle when CPO Gerald, the doctor's former assistant, was injured by a terrorist Haswari and had to take some time off the ship to recover, and eventually took his place as head nurse. He doesn't know when to keep his mouth closed and, more than usually, he makes disturbing comments in the worst of times, especially in front of his patients. At times he appears socially awkward and unfitting to head the nurse department, but he's very competent at his job. He and Doctor Mallard have stricken a close relationship based on mutual respect and Jimmy shows from the starts that he's eager to both learn from the doctor's tales and even listen to his anecdotal accounts.
Surprisingly, he's the closest friend of commander DiNozzo, the one who invented his nickname of "Sickbay Gremlin"; their friendship started when DiNozzo, burdened by the weight of keeping the crew together as acting captain after Gibbs took medical leave after a mission gone wrong that left him with memory losses, found in Palmer a loyal, wise and especially discrete counselor.
Despite serving on a starship takes a burden on any romantic relationship with anyone who isn't stationed on the same ship, he recently got engaged with a mortician, Breena Slater, and they are planning the date for their marriage.

Medical officer: Ensign Jeanne Benoit
Coming from a wealthy family, Jeanne followed her mother's steps in the medical field. She was an intern when a Starfleet mission gone wrong involving the USS Eagle uncovered her father's job as arm dealer and eventually caused his demise.
Dealing with the realization that her beloved father was a merchant of death, she struggled to shake off her father's legacy as traitor and eventually decided to enlist to Starfleet, her mind set on working her way to get on the Eagle, whose First Officer DiNozzo she blamed for her father's death.
Once assigned to the Eagle, she had to eventually put aside her wish for revenge when she discovered that her father was a Section 31 asset and was killed by one of the agency's operatives. Deprived of her reason to be on that ship, she considered resigning but DiNozzo - with whom she's become close - convinced her to give the Eagle family a chance. She's long since changed her mind and now loves her job on the ship and cherishes her place in the crew.

Captain of engineering: Captain Thomas Morrow
Morrow is the officer that knows the ship the most, as he was part of the engineering team assigned to oversee the construction of the Eagle at the Washington shipyard, officially part of her crew even before Gibbs was chosen to be her captain. Nothing goes past his control and scuttlebutt says that he doesn't sleep but spends all of his time monitoring engineering.
With a deeply serious, almost stern demeanor, despite being technically his subordinate, Captain Gibbs refers to him as "sir".

Chief navigator and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Commander Abigail Borin
Graduated in operations, Borin served in the first line during some skirmishes with the Klingon on the Federation borders, before retiring from ship's duty. For years she worked at Earth spacedock in Starfleet Shipyards Operations, raising through ranks until getting her own team of engineers to lead.
She and Captain Gibbs worked together in a couple of instances, earning Gibbs's respect with her pragmatism and strong sense of duty.
When putting together the crew for the Eagle, Gibbs personally requested to have her, in any capacity; she rotated between some position before landing on the navigation console as chief navigator and tactical and ordered into a gold shirt.
A heavy coffee drinker, Borin is the only one allowed to use Gibbs's personal replicator, for they like the same brand - they also like to drink it in the same way, so much that when a yeoman brings the captain a coffee usually brings a second cup to Borin as well.
Workaholic and woman of few words, she's jokingly considered the female Gibbs of the ship; unlike the captain she returns Commander DiNozzo wisecracks and plays along with the senior crew jokes - going as far as indulging the Major Case Response Team attempts to matchmake her with the captain. When a crisis is happening, though, nobody wants to boss with her, and even the first officer has some trouble in pulling rank on her.

Deputy security officer: Lieutenant Commander Hollis Mann
Mann meets Gibbs when the Eagle docks at the starbase Mann is the chief security officer in charge of, and she and the captain clash on who will lead investigations on an explosion that killed Eagle guest, Captain Cooper. Sparkles fly: they're immediately attracted to each other - as the Eagle senior crew doesn't miss to notice, with Lieutenant David stating that Gibbs just found his fourth ex-wife.
Investigations lead to Starfleet Intelligence officer Sharif and, in a co-joint operation, Mann's team and the Eagle are ordered to stop the rogue officer from carrying out a terrorist attack. After succeeding, Gibbs and Mann give in to the mutual attraction. The affair is brief, lasts as much as the Eagle is granted leave, but they agree to keep in touch.
After 22 years in Starfleet Security, all spent serving on starbases, as the end of the active duty period approaches, Mann is faced with a dilemma every veteran eventually has to face: renew her commitment or retire? She's not sure she's ready to return to a civilian life and settle down yet, but she also craves for a change, to get out of the uniform and spend more time for herself to enjoy sport and activities, perhaps on a island like the Hawaii.
She's still toying with the idea of retirement when, after two months of finding each other's video company pleasing, Gibbs proposes her to apply for ship duty and transfer to the Eagle to see if their story can really work in the flesh; Mann went "why not?" and made the jump.
She didn't get the position out of favoritism (she would never settle for that even if Gibbs offered, which he didn't - something she appreciated): she proved herself on the field, and conquered Lieutenant Commander Todd with her brisk manners and competence.
She might think that Gibbs is the man she'd like to settle with one day, sailing out on that boat he's building in his house basement, but for now she wants to just enjoy the luxury of doing a job she likes (and she's trained to do) under of a man she likes to hang with.
According to Commander DiNozzo, she speaks Gibbs's monosyllabic language and she earned the secret nickname of "Gibbs whisperer".

Navigator and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Commander Paula Cassidy
Terrorist expert specialized in criminal profiling, Paula served on the Cuba Delta Penal Colony as interrogator. Despite being the only officer trained to serve on ships working in a prison managed by Starfleet Security, she quickly settled in, fully enjoying the perks of the only penal colony established on a tropical planet (hence the name of the planet, Cuba, from Earth's famous Caribbean island).
When the USS Eagle enters orbit around the planet and three of her senior officers are beamed down, she comes to greet them, ignoring that those officers are there to investigate on her: her assigned translator died in mysterious circumstances during a shuttle ride to Earth with evidences of bribe found on his body, and she's suspected of treason as well. She doesn't make an impression on Captain Gibbs, but she makes a very good impression on his second DiNozzo, with whom she engages in a playful flirting that hasn't any chance nor time to lead to something.
After the ending of the ground assignment on Cuba, she's moved back to ship duty and sent to the USS Kennedy as security chief. She and the Eagle cross paths again when both the ships dock at Norfolk Outpost. This time the flirting does lead somewhere (they both are on shore leave after all) but Gibbs gets in their way (apparently he still doesn't like her).
Months later, a position on the Eagle is open and Cassidy is picked for it. It's Commander DiNozzo who signs her transfer to the Eagle, going behind Gibbs' back (to DiNozzo's defense, Gibbs hands him mundane tasks such as overseeing transfers and crew additions).
Assigned to security, she's given her own team to lead (security chief Todd has reshuffled the security department by splitting security members into small teams, so they might train to work as one and be ready to serve on planetside mission. She believes this method improves performances and increases chances to wrap up a mission with zero casualties - she's been proven right).
During a planetside mission locals lure the away party she was leading into a trap, and Paula's red team is killed in an explosion. DiNozzo has her immediately removed from security, orders her to put on a gold shirt and reassigns her to command. Paula is put on rotation and shifts from a post to another but, traumatized, crippled by survivor's guilt and feeling responsible for the death of her people, she wants to give up and fills up her resignation from Starfleet, that is intercepted by DiNozzo and kept on hold.
Lieutenant David, understanding what she's going through and wishing to help her work through the ordeal, antagonize her and allows herself to become the target of Paula's anger. Her and Ziva's feud reveals itself when Paula ends up on navigation rotation duty and serves side by side with Ziva. During a stressful long shift Paula physically lashes out at Ziva, who quickly incapacitates her; after Ziva reveals him the reason of Paula's hate for her, Acting Captain DiNozzo decides to break protocol and not write up the assault.
Arguing with Captain Gibbs, DiNozzo manages to get Paula another chance at navigation, pairing her with helmsman Barrett: noticing that the two immediately get along, DiNozzo decides to make the assignment permanent as the second helm team navigator.
She and Ziva have long since reconciled.

Nurse: Chief Petty Officer Gerald Jackson
Former assistant to Doctor Mallard, incapacitated after sustaining serious injuries during a terrorist attack perpetrated by former Section 31 agent gone rogue Ari Haswari, his long recovery forced him to leave the ship for some months. When he was ready to return, his place as head nurse wasn't available anymore, and he accepted to work under his replacement.
He isn't much fan of Doctor Mallard's habit to delve into anecdotes.

Helmsman: Lieutenant Commander Erica J. Barrett
Assigned to the commanding of the USS Rota, the same ship offered and turned down by Commander DiNozzo, E.J. finds herself involved in a spree of deaths caused by a serial killer known as the "Port-to-Port Killer" and she's assigned to the task of tracking them.
Her path crosses the one of Gibbs when one of the killer's victim is an officer stationed on a planet where the Eagle is stationed for resupplying. On Admiral Vance's orders, the two are to work as a task force with Barrett on the lead, but Captain Gibbs distrusts her thus complicating their collaboration, although they eventually manage to find the killer.
An year later she's the sole survivor of an ambush planned by one of her agents, who sold top-secret information on the black market, and she's on the run under the threat of an unknown assassin; alone and hopeless, she turns to DiNozzo (who is on leave) for help and they are involved in a shooting that leaves the both of them injured, thus getting Gibbs involved.
After the assassin is apprehended, when she's toying with the idea of resigning, she's offered a place on the Eagle.
Despite having warmed on her, Gibbs stills looks at her sideways when he starts to suspect she and DiNozzo have resumed their secret relationship.

Chief armory officer and Weapons specialist: Lieutenant Zoe Keates
Graduated as security officer, after serving on the USS Philadelphia for two three-years ship duties she returned to the academy to specialize in weapons, and was then assigned to the Starfleet Bureau of Weapons.
Former patrol partner of Commander DiNozzo on the USS Philadelphia, back when they were both green ensigns, the two also shared a romantic, though brief, relationship that was abruptly ended when DiNozzo, all of a sudden, left the ship without even a goodbye.
She unexpectedly stumbled upon her former partner when the Eagle "Major Case Response Team" got involved in Zoe's team covert mission and almost arrested the Bureau agent posing as a decoy. Starfleet then ordered her and her team to the Eagle to work in conjunction with Gibbs for the investigations of a domestic terrorist group. During the tenure of the co-joint operation, DiNozzo and Zoe rekindled their relationship although DiNozzo elected it to keep it a secret to not become the first topic of the Eagle's scuttlebutt.
When the Eagle chief armory officer, Lieutenant Commander Watkins, is killed in the thick of a mission and Gibbs needs a weapon specialist for his away team, Gibbs orders Zoe to take Watkins's place, trusting that her extensive knowledge of hand-held weapons would make her the perfect choice to temporarily fill the vacant post. When the mission is completed, and Zoe should return to the Bureau, Gibbs offers her the choice to make her assignment permanent.
Zoe is promoted to chief armory officer and entrusted the heavy loaded Eagle armory.
The secret of her and DiNozzo dating is eventually discovered and, as DiNozzo warned, they become gossip number one topic for a while. The thing doesn't last but they manage to part ways as friends and occasional buddies; she still calls DiNozzo "Spider", an old nickname that annoys him, but it's out of affection.
Excessive use of the force is her style (not that her romantic or sexual buddies ever complained - DiNozzo included).

Psychologist: Lieutenant Commander Samantha Ryan
Psychologist and criminal profiler, Doctor Ryan was the brilliant director of PsyOps Division, a department within Starfleet that deals with psychological warfare. When the Eagle investigates on the suspicious death of a prominent psychologist, Doctor Banks, who happens to be part of PsyOps, Ryan is forced to leave San Francisco for the Eagle, in order to protect the secrecy of the division against Gibbs's attempts to meddle. Her stay on the ship lasted longer than expected, when a larger scheme by a vengeful man is revealed and PsyOps provides assistance to the hunt.
When her abusive former husband was released by justice out of a technicality, she decided to flee by requesting a ship assignment, and Gibbs was happy to provide her a safe place to stay.
She has a son although the info is classified and his whereabouts are know only to her and selected people.

Assistant communications officer: Lieutenant Nikki Jardine
Graduated as intel analyst with outstanding scores, after two years at Starfleet Intelligence as low-level officer monitoring the Romulan Empire, Nikki got her first ship assignment with the Eagle for a covert investigation to uncover a suspected mole leaking info from that ship. Embedded among the crew as an ordinary operation officer, with only second officer Shepard knowing about her identity, she blended in, just one red shirt among many in the vast communications relay room.
A mission that required her expertise had her temporary removed from her sanitized station to assist the "Major Case Response Team" on the bridge, where she had to face her phobia on top of not getting too much on the captain's bad side.
When the leak investigation was solved, and she was about to return to Starfleet Intelligence headquarters, she made the unexplained choice to volunteer for a delicate mission planet-side in team with Commander DiNozzo; her fluency in Klingonese and the bravery she showed during their stay in what turned out a war zone, made an impression on the first officer, who vouched for her with the captain, and thus Nikki was offered a promotion to assistant communications officer, and she's long since become a reliable and precious second-in-command to DiNozzo, who entrusted her the heading of the department: in the Communications room she's the boss.
Not fan of field-work, she's germaphobic: she doesn't touch any surface unless she's wiped it clean, nor she shakes hands, but she bravely faces her phobia if a mission requires her.

Counselor: Lieutenant Rachel Cranston
After the Eagle's senior crew successfully dodges any suggested counseling by on-board psychiatrists, HQ sends a psychologist to conduct psych evaluations on the senior crew members who had just come out of a series of hard missions, one of which had almost killed security chief Todd.
Doctor Cranston is welcomed with diffidence and an expected reticence, but she isn't discouraged. Very experienced and with a natural talent to easily discover secrets and those little things people don't want to reveal about themselves, she manages to uncover what she's looking for and soon she has everything she needs to complete a full psych evaluation that certifies the disaster that is the Eagle senior crew but also how that dysfunction is how they work and the reason why Eagle is as successful as it is.
When Starfleet decides to create the position of counselor, the Eagle is picked as the ship where to first test it, and Rachel, as someone with previous experience with that ship's crew, is chosen. There's much expectation placed on her shoulders, as, if her experience should prove beneficial to both the well-being and efficiency of the crew, Starfleet plans to appoint a counselor on each Constitution-class first, and then roll out the position to every deep-space ship undertaking a long-term mission in deep space.
She keeps bullet-point description of every crew member, and she might have given nicknames to some.
Although both Captain Gibbs and Commander DiNozzo realize it on their own, Rachel's identity as Lieutenant Commander Todd's sister is revealed only after two weeks into her assignment.

Transporter chief: Lieutenant Susan Grady
Security officer and polygraph scan specialist with the duty to admin the test to every new transfers, as per manual, Susan is really good at reading people with her computers as much as inept without them. Her lack of people-reading skills led her to abuse of her role by having Lieutenant McGee to retake the test just to find out if he were romantically involved with someone. Roasted by Captain Gibbs for the serious breach of protocol and properly mortified, she eventually redeemed herself when, working side by side with Lieutenant McGee, she helped uncover the head of a secret group devoted to execute any criminal that, by testifying against bigger criminals, managed to walk away.
Susan's position on the ship was brought into question when, not much later, Starfleet phased-out the polygraph scan for the introduction of the accuracy scan, in which the ship's computer would analyze the sensors readings, making her own specialization outdated and useless.
Rotating between departments with no real permanent post, she found herself liking the shifts at the transporter room. Her skills and specific aptitude with computers allowed her to quickly get a grasp on the transporter's workings and become a reliable operator. Her quickness to manually calibrate the systems during an emergency beam out, saving the lives of all the away party, earned her a permanent assignment to transporter operator and eventually a promotion to transporter chief.

Medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Cyril Taft
Taft was serving on the medical vessel USS Daniel Webster as surgeon when a Gibbs in critical conditions was entrusted to his cares. After saving his life, Taft asked a temporary transfer to the Eagle to personally follow Gibbs's recovery. After finding his own place on the Eagle and forming a strong bond with Gibbs, he decided to apply for a permanent assignment on the ship.

Security officer and Archive vault officer: Ensign Ned Dorneget
Any cadet eventually dreams to serve on the Enterprise or any of the other Big Sisters. Dorneget wasn't different. Yet, it was with dread that he welcomed the assignment to the Eagle, with her infamous Captain Gibbs.
Security officer wishing to get picked for landing parties, Dorney keeps getting assigned to the archive vault instead: he's much vocal about this, but he makes sure to not let Gibbs ear him - he might be a bit terrified by the captain.
During the Academy he showed an aptitude for computers and Lieutenant McGee is considering to have Dorneget moved into his subdepartment.
His mother is a Starfleet Intelligence officer.

Science officer (Immunologist): Chief Petty Officer Carol Wilson
Researcher at Starfleet's Center for Disease Control, Carol was never meant to serve on a ship exploring uncharted space. Arrived on the Eagle during a health emergency that threatened the life of hundreds of people, she never left.
As the head of the nearest bio-hazard response team, Carol was picked up from the medical research station where she was assigned to work on a mysterious outbreak on the Washington Gen II colony that was putting under heavy stress the local medical facilities. At the same time, as the assigned medical team was unable to identify the pathogen, and with the number of people sick raising at an alarming speed, the Eagle was ordered to reach the colony and provide any help. Carol, as the coordinator on field for the mission, was offered one of the ship's advanced labs with a full team of specialized researchers and complete collaboration from the medical department, under the coordination of chief science officer Sciuto, Carol's former college colleague and old friend back at the academy.
Once the disease is identified as a very old strain of meningococcal thought vanished three centuries before, proper treatments are administrated, and with orders for chief petty Wilson to return to her post, Lieutenant Sciuto surprised her with a proposal: a transfer on the Eagle. New pathogens to discover, endless biological hazards and deadly matters to study, and the promise to work side to side with her and a future promotion to new assistant science officer, plus living on a cool starship that will bring them to places where no one has been before under the fearless leadership of Captain Leroy Grumpy Gibbs; Carol couldn't say no.

Records officer: Lieutenant Michelle Lee
Promoted to bridge as communication officer during the infamous "DiNozzo Reign", when Commander DiNozzo was promoted acting captain in lieu of Gibbs attempted retirement, to then suddenly left with no position to cover when Gibbs unceremoniously showed up again and status quo was reestablished, she found herself rotating in operations until landing a role of her liking as records officer.
Unknowing to anyone, during her time on the bridge she became a mole - the mole behind the security breach that Starfleet Operations pinpointed to someone on the Eagle. When she feels suspicion is falling on her, her partner, computer systems officer Vargo, manages to get evidence pointing at Lieutenant Langer. After Langer is court-martialed and sent to a penal colony, she attempts to lay low, unwilling to tempt fate again.
But when Lieutenant Vargo tells her he's feeling remorse for Langer, that he's tired of living with the fear of being discovered and that he's ready to go and confess everything to the captain and face the consequences, she's forced to kill him to protect herself. She claims that she's unadwertedly discovered that Vargo was using his position to access to classified material and, before she could call help, he produced an unregistered phaser and pointed it on her, and that by sheer luck she managed to steal the weapon during the struggle, and that she fired in self-defense.
Despite her successful explanation that apparently convinces everyone, she decides that it's too dangerous to continue, that she can't keep doing alone a job that was meant to be done by a team of two. But the person behind her doesn't agree and, to get her cooperation, sends her picture where he threatens to kill her daughter.
At her wits's ends, Michelle decides it's time to search for help. She goes to the captain with a story about some mysterious person having contacted her after Vargo's death with the offer of replacing the dead lieutenant, using her daughter Amanda to blackmail her, that she's been able to buy time to send him some fake material so far.
The Eagle is given the mission to catch the blackmailer by using her as bait.
Ready to face justice and pay for her crimes as long as someone managed to save her secret sister, luck plays out for her: when the investigation reveals Starfleet Tactical Bankston as the mastermind behind the treason plot, a daring pursuit follows and Bankston is killed before he can reveal Lee's involvement, so she comes out of this completely clean.
Amanda, whom she claimed her daughter, is actually a young adopted sister she raised as her child since when their parents died.

Senior medical officer: Lieutenant Jordan Hampton
Dr. Jordan Hampton was the only doctor on duty on a small outpost, too overloaded with work to even pick up communications, when her path clashed with CMO Mallard, eager to "give a piece of his mind" to a fellow doctor who made a grievous oversight he couldn't tolerate. Ducky was immediately placated when the doctor he assumed was male turned out to be a woman instead, and elected to keep in touch with his colleague, with whom he started a long-distance friendship based on mutual interests and similar attitudes.
When an incident revealed a past Mallard wished to keep buried and lead the doctor to a court martial, Gibbs contacted Lieutenant Hampton in hopes that she would help Mallard to open up and defend himself. After Ducky was cleared and returned to his sickbay, with Hampton ready to be sent back to her lonely job on the outpost, Gibbs made the lieutenant an offer for a transfer on the Eagle - a surprise both for her and for the CMO. An offer both of them welcomed, glad to be finally able to live their friendship in the flesh.
Since then, Lieutenant Hampton has proven her abilities. Having worked mostly alone, she's proficient in thinking on her feet and face the unexpected, and her approach to work makes it almost natural for her to settle in in the neat sickbay overseen by Ducky.
The two share a romantic friendship, but their feelings for each other have nothing to do with the choice of promoting her senior doctor, a decision that was taken by Gibbs after she filled in for Ducky when the CMO was injured and was forced to take a small medical leave.

Security officer: Lieutenant Brent Langer
Mentored by Gibbs, who took him under his wing for his first long assignment after graduation and then proceed to crush him so much that he felt asking for a transfer, Brent mostly spent his carrer on the USS Hoover.
After the ending of another cycle on the Hoover approached, and his stay was on the line, he was headed to a earth-bound post on a starbase; that's when he managed to convince Gibbs to recommend him with Starfleet Operations for a transfer on the Eagle.
Accused of being a mole and selling information about Starfleet classified material, he spent three weeks in a penal colony for treason but, luckily, his innocence was then proven when the real spy and mastermind of a blackmailing plot was revealed to be Starfleet Tactical Bankston, and he's recently returned on the ship, his reputation cleared.

Assistant computer systems officer: Lieutenant Daniel T. Keating
A major expert on computers, Keating joined Starfleet more for the chance to work on the most advanced systems of the Federation than for the thrill of space and discovery. His skills are equal to his clumsiness when faced with any situation that doesn't involve sitting in front of a console and tame long strings of codes.
Those weeks when Admiral Vance had the "Major Case Response Trio" reassigned to a long covert mission planetside and he was temporarily promoted to chief computer systems officer were the longest of Keating's career. He almost cried when McGee returned and he could step down from his role as acting chief and return to the department, between people who think like him and, especially, understand him. He definitely doesn't miss the computer station on the bridge and Gibbs's stares - the less Gibbs has to do with him, the more the both of them are relieved.
He doesn't know to pilot shuttles.

Captain's yeoman: Lieutenant Stan Burley
Tired of the mundane tasks that went behind politics, when his job as aide to a Federation councilor ended, Stan enlisted in the hopes to find a place somewhere that would make him feel more useful than pushing papers in San Francisco.
His first post-graduation assignment placed him under then-commander Gibbs. For five years Stan served as Gibbs partner in the security department on the USS Washington and, when Gibbs was promoted captain for the mission's last leg, the new captain picked him as his first officer.
With the reshuffle of the Washington crew, and Gibbs headed to the new Eagle, Stan was temporarily sent on the USS Benjamin Franklin as security chief and then assigned to the flagship Enterprise where, despite wearing a red shirt, he managed to survive enough to decide he wanted off before it would be his turn. So that's why, when a security post on the Eagle was open, he asked Gibbs to get him back - Gibbs still scared him at that point, but he liked his chances with Gibbs better than keep serving on Captain Kirk's crazy ship.
Out of pity, and wanting to take a break from all the incidents and tragedies that come with serving in security, he accepted to step in as Gibbs's yeoman when the man scared away the last one.
He's talented in sports, and there aren't many games he can't excel with - according to doctor Mallard, cricket ball is one of those.
It took Gibbs three years to call him by name, four to learn it - as conditioned reflex, he still replies to "Steve".

Assistant counselor: Lieutenant Miles Wolf
His name was picked by doctor Cranston when HQ ordered mandatory psych evaluations on the crewmembers involved in the terrorist attack that resulted in sever damage of the Eagle and Cranston was unavailable for the job.
His biggest feat during his brief assignment as external counselor was to corner Captain Gibbs into sitting through the evaluation. For two minutes. It's still Eagle's record.
When doctor Cranston was sent to the Eagle to cover the experimental position of counselor, she asked HQ to assign her Wolf as assistant.
Behind his cheerfulness lies strong determination to dig as long as necessary. One of his shortcomings is neglecting to check the temperature of the room before speaking, something that might lead to embarrassing situations.

Security officer: Lieutenant Cassie Yates
After serving on it for a full cycle, she transferred from USS Washington, where she trained and grew into a full, reliable officer under the mentorship of security chief Pacci, who personally vouched for her when Gibbs asked if he had some names to suggest to cover some vacant positions in the Eagle security department.
Quick on her feet and resourceful but also curt and authoritative when needed, she's mostly used to work alone but, when the circumstances require it, she can fit into any team her superior assigns her to, and Commander Todd uses her as some kind of wildcard, placing her in any security team that as a vacancy or that would benefit from her attitude.

Long-term special envoy: Margaret Allison Hart
With a background in intergalactic law, Hart left a career as attorney when she found herself involved with ruthless drugs criminals and the president of a bounty hunting firm, and she joined the diplomatic ranks in the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps.
When the Eagle, relegated to an impromptu diplomatic role, failed in the assigned mission to help diffuse hostilities between two planets on the brick of war, Hart was sent to the Eagle to take over the task, and Gibbs ordered to offer complete support; Captain Gibbs did nothing to hide his hostility and animosity between the two ensued.
The mission eventually failed, with the need of an emergency evacuation from the unsuccessful talks, and Hart is set to leave, but Admiral Vance asks the Corps to extend Hart's assignment on the Eagle, in the hopes that her presence will rub some diplomatic skill on Gibbs. Or, at least, aid him when Gibbs is forced to serve as diplomat.

2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, ++ fandom: ncis, series: fandoms in trek au, + edits

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