Manip - Star Trek/NCIS: ship's insignia

Apr 14, 2022 05:09

Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: NCIS - ship's seal and coin
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: NCIS AU / Star Trek (reboot)
Rating: G
Tagline: The seal and enamel coin for the USS Eagle.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs ( masterpost)
About the starship: The Constitution-class USS Eagle is canon as per Star Trek VI, where it's given the registry number of NCC-956, but I decided to keep the number and type as per the half-canon Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual (excerpt here).
About the motto: There isn't a specific motto or quote that marks this show. I was initially opting to find one of Gibbs's rules but a recent re-(nth)marathon got me thinking: despite being the motto of his former life as Marine, the "Semper Fi" basically defines Gibbs and his squad, as they're always putting loyalty toward each other over anything else, life, career, everything.
Behind the seal: Seal based on NCIS's official logo, as seen in the photo gallery of this article about NCIS 50th Anniversary at the Official U.S. Marine Corps website.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Not completely satisfied by the metallic version: I wanted it to look more realistic but, alas, I'm not that much good, so I'll guess I'll stick with how it turned out. It's just that the eagle shield looks very good, but I can't manage to make the letters and, especially, the ribbon, look the same. The ribbon was a headache on its own, it comes from the NCIS official logo and it's the only thing I couldn't tweak (as I did with the vertical elements under the eagle).
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart (seal, enamel coin), Tumblr (seal, enamel coin).

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

SF:\Starfleet\Starships\USS Eagle>NCC_1719>_
“Semper fi”

Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Eagle
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1719
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser

Enamel coinThe enameled coin bearing the ship's seal, that is given to any crew member who serves on that ship in any capacity or rank in the centuries-long tradition of service coins.

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, ++ fandom: ncis, + manips, series: fandoms in trek au

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